Home > 5.3 Validity of the question > ARMENIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Referendum
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Paragraph 44

As noted above, it would be advisable to give the Constitutional Court an opportunity for a nuanced conclusion on the validity of the proposed draft, and an authority – for example, the CEC – must have the power to propose corrections to faulty drafting, in accordance with the Court’s ruling, for acceptance from the initiative group. The Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR recommend that the Constitutional Court be entitled to provide a nuanced ruling on the constitutionality of the proposed draft, indicating also where the draft could be changed to ensure its constitutionality, and to allow for the valid provisions to be submitted to the people’s vote without a new collection of signatures. This would avoid starting the burdensome procedure of collecting signatures from scratch; the initiative group should be asked whether it agrees with proceeding with a revised text.