(Ballot papers)
- Voting shall be by single State ballot paper.
- Ballot papers shall be made of solid paper, of the same kind, and provided by the State Electoral Office according to the sample described in the annexes to this law. The Electoral Commission, keeping into account the number of lists and coalitions, can vary the size, format and the elements as necessary.
- Ballot papers shall bear the logos of lists as well as the name and logos (if any) of coalitions, as follows:
a) At the top, from left to right, there shall be the name and the logo (if any) of each coalition or list which is not part of a coalition, priority being given to coalitions over lists which are not part of a coalition, according to the numbering determined by the draw;
b) Beneath each coalition, from top to bottom, there shall be the logos of the lists belonging to the coalition, according to the numbering determined by the draw.
- If the number of coalitions and lists not part of a coalition is even, in the central part of the ballot paper there shall be a horizontal line where the voter may indicate the preferred candidate. The possible logo and name of the coalition, as well as the logos of the lists that belong to the coalition, shall be in separate boxes (Annex A1). If the number of coalitions and lists not part of a coalition is odd, in the lower central part of the ballot paper there shall be a horizontal line, where the voter may indicate the preferred candidate. The possible logo and name of the coalition, as well as the logos of lists that belong to the coalition, shall be in separate boxes (Annex A2).
- In case of a second round, and without prejudice to the provisions of this paragraph, the order on the ballot paper from left to right of coalitions and lists that are not part of a coalition shall be determined by a draw.
If two coalitions of lists obtain the first and second highest number of votes in the first round, the ballot papers for the second round, as provided for in Art. 40, shall show in two separate boxes the name and possible logo of the coalition, in the upper box, and the logos of lists belonging to the coalition, in the lower box (Annex B1). If a list that is not part of a coalition obtains in the first round the first and/or the second highest number of votes, the ballot paper shall show the logo of this list, framed in a separate box (Annexes B2, B3). The name and logo of the list or the name and possible logo of the coalition of lists that obtained the first and second highest number of votes in the first round, shall be displayed in the left and right part of the ballot paper, respectively.