Home > 5.3 Validity of the question > KYRGYZ REPUBLIC- Joint Opinion on the Draft Law "On Introduction of Amendments and Changes to the Constitution"
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Paragraph 109

The last sentence of the new Article 41 par 2 has been deleted. It previously stated that in cases where international human rights bodies confirm violations of human rights and freedoms, the Kyrgyz Republic shall take measures to restore such rights/freedoms and compensate for damage. While this obligation merely reflects the general obligations set out in international treaties ratified by and binding for the Kyrgyz Republic, the deletion would still appear to be a significant step back and weaken the status of international treaties in Kyrgyzstan, similar to the newly introduced Article 6 par 3 (see pars 40-42 supra). The drafters should, therefore, retain the current wording of Article 41 par 2.