Article 10.12 (2) fourth sentence of the Election Law of BiH provides that “Each constituent people shall be allocated one seat in every canton”. Article 20.16A of this Law implements Article 10.12 of the Election Law of BiH on a provisional basis, based on the 1991 census, while Article 10.16 was also applicable during the transitional period. It clearly spells out that one representative of each constituent people from each canton is to sit in the House of Peoples. It is, however, important to underline that the Election Law of BiH, through the application of both Article 10.12 and 10.16, intends to render operational the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Federation regarding the allocation of seats to the House of Peoples of the Federation, through the holding of two rounds of elections. The first round, under Article 10.12, is to allocate one seat per constituent peoples or others per canton and the second round, under Article 10.16, is to reallocate those seats that could not be filled to those cantons that have the necessary number of constituent peoples or others to fill the remaining seat(s) (see Article 10.16(1)).