Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Regulations for the 2016 Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 103

(1) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall carry out the following main powers:

a) it draws up proposals concerning the provision of the necessary logistics for the unfolding of the elections, that it sends to the Government and to local public administration authorities for implementation, and it monitors the effective implementation of these proposals;
b) it monitors the delimitation of polling stations, the establishment of the premises of polling stations and electoral bureaus;
c) it monitors the timely provision of the equipment necessary to the polling stations: standard ballot boxes and booths, stamps, stamp pads, recipients for the transportation of the ballot papers and others; it controls their storage from one electoral period to another;
d) it monitors the methods for ensuring the funds necessary for the timely staggered provision of the logistics necessary for the unfolding of the electoral process;
e) it monitors the security of polling stations, ballot papers and of the other documents and materials specifi c to the electoral period;
f) it monitors the drawing up and printing of the permanent electoral lists; it monitors and supervises the updates of the Electoral Register;
g) it administers the Electoral Register and the Register of polling stations in the country;
h) it supervises and monitors the fulfi lment of the tasks incumbent upon the public authorities and other bodies while preparing and organising the electoral processes;
i) it ensures, within the limits of its competences, the unitary implementation of the legal provisions concerning the organisation of elections and referendums;
j) it draws up studies and proposals for the improvement of the electoral system, that it publishes and presents to the public authorities, political parties, as well as to the non-governmental organisations concerned;
k) it presents to the Parliament, within three months, at the most, from the closing of the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, for the President of Romania, for the European Parliament and for the local public administration authorities, or from a national referendum, a report on the organisation and unfolding of the elections, respectively of the referendum, including mentions related to the electoral turnout, their unfolding, the irregularities and fl aws, including of legislative nature, found and the result of consulting; the report is published under the form of a white paper;
l) it implements programmes aimed at informing and educating the voters concerning the Romanian electoral system and concerning the observance of electoral ethics and it ensures their dissemination;
m) it organises specifi c professional training and education programmes in the electoral fi eld for the staff of authorities and institutions with powers in the organisation and unfolding of the elections, as well as for the persons likely to become members of the electoral bureaus and computer operators at the level of polling stations;
n) it draws up programmes and it establishes unitary procedures concerning the exercise of the right to vote by disabled persons and it ensures their dissemination;
o) it draws up its draft budget, approved by the law on the State budget;
p) it draws up the list of the specialised staff certifi ed by the National Institute of Statistics, taking part in the centralisation and processing of data and in the ascertaining of the results of the voting;
q) it coordinates the national electoral information system;
r) it acquires, under the law, the computer applications and/or services used by the Central Electoral Bureau for the centralisation of the results of the voting;
s) it draws up and submits to the Government for approval, together with the Ministry of Interior, the date of the elections and the calendar of the actions scheduled to take place during the electoral period;
ş) it draws up and submits to the Government, for approval, together with the Ministry of Interior, the draft decisions for the proper organisation and unfolding of the elections;
t) it draws up draft normative acts for the improvement and refi nement of the Romanian electoral system, that it submits to the Government for analysis and for exercising the right of legislative initiative;
ţ) it presents to the Government, for approval, together with the Ministry of Public Finances and the Ministry of Interior, the draft Government decision for the approval of the expenditure necessary for the organisation and unfolding of the elections;
u) it certifi es for proof of non-alteration, ten days before the date of the elections, the computer applications used by the Central Electoral Bureau for the centralisation of the results of the voting and it makes them available for the political parties and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities enlisted in the electoral competition, upon their written request;
v) it addresses proposals to the Government for the establishment of the date for the organisation and unfolding of the partial elections for the local public administration authorities and it supports their organisation; 
w) it sees to the observance of the law on the organisation and unfolding of local referendums;
x) it ensures the implementation of the legislation concerning the funding of the activity of political parties and of the electoral campaigns;
y) it organises national and international conferences, seminars and congresses in its fi eld of activity;
z) it ensures the transparency of the expenditure incurred for the organisation and unfolding of the elections and referendums.

(2) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall submit to the Parliament, on a yearly basis, a report concerning its activity, according to the law.

(3) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall fulfi l any other powers set by law.