(1) If the mandate of any senator is cancelled during his/her term of office for any reason, the president of the republic shall announce by-elections in his/her election district in a way ensuring that they take place no later than 90 days after the senator’s mandate is cancelled.
(2) The by-elections shall be governed by this act of law, with the time limits specified in Article 1, Section 3, Article 14c, Subsections c) and d), Article 14e, Sections 3 and 7, Article 14g, Section 1, Article 61, Section 2, Subsection e) and Article 62, Section 6 reduced by one third and the time limits specified in Article 60, Section 4 and Article 62, Sections 1, 3 and 6 reduced by 20 days.
(3) No by-elections shall take place in the last year of the term of office of the senator concerned.
(4) In by-elections each new senator is elected only for the rest of the term of office of the original senator whose mandate has been cancelled