Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > CZECH REPUBLIC - Act on Elections to the Parliament
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Article 9

The Ministry of the Interior

(1) The Ministry of the Interior is the central public administration authority for the area of the elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate5d).

(2) The Ministry of the Interior

a) methodically supervises and controls all organisational and technical aspects of the preparation, progress and execution of the elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic, b) deals with all complaints concerning organisational and technical aspects of the elections on a district level, c) publishes lists of registered political parties and movements9) and forwards them to regional authorities and designated local authorities at the seat of election district for the purpose of registration of candidate lists and registration applications, d) provides information from the register of citizens for local authorities for the purpose of administration of permanent and special lists, e) operates a unified system of telecommunication links within the territory of the Czech Republic in collaboration with the Czech Statistical Office, f) organises the printing of electoral materials and ballot papers, g) verifies the qualification and the necessary knowledge of all employees of the City of Prague authorised by the Metropolitan Authority of the City of Prague to carry out election-related activities and all employees of individual districts of the City of Prague authorised by district authorities at the seat of an election district to carry out election-related activities, issuing certificates to each person meeting the aforementioned conditions; the certificates of qualification for election purposes are regarded as certificates of special professional qualification as defined by special legal regulations5j).

5d) Article 12, Section 1, Subsection l) of Act No. 2/1969 Coll. on establishment of ministries and other central public administration bodies of the Czech Republic, as amended by Act No. 130/2000 Coll.

5j) Articles 84 and 103 of Act No. 131/2000 Coll. on the City of Prague, as amended by Act No. 145/2001 Coll.

Edict No. 345/2000 Coll. on qualification verification of the employees of local authorities, regional authorities, the City of Prague, district authorities of the City of Prague and district authorities, the persons heading special bodies established in compliance with special legal regulations and the chairpersons of commissions appointed to carry out designated competencies (the Edict on Special Professional Qualification), as amended by Edict No. 427/2000 Coll.

9) Act No. 424/1991 Coll. on association in political parties and political movements, as amended (complete version of Act No. 118/1994 Coll.).