Home > 4.7 European elections > MALTA - Act to Regulate the Formation, the Structures, Functioning and Financing of Political Parties and their Participation in Elections
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Article 52

The provisions of the European Parliament Elections (Maximum Expenses) Regulations shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be amended as follows by virtue of this Act:

for the words "eighteen thousand, six hundred and thirty-four euro and ninety-nine cents (€18,634.99)." in regulation 2 of the European Parliament Elections (Maximum Expenses) Regulations there shall be substituted the words "fifty thousand euro (€50,000): " and immediately thereafter there shall be added the following proviso:

"Provided further that in the computation of campaign expenditure as aforesaid, where a candidate charges a fee for participation in political activities or for any goods or services made available at such activities the amount of any such fees charged and properly accounted for shall be deducted from the total amount of campaign expenditure.".