In case village and neighborhood mukhtars have been emptied for any reasons, first member of board or council of alderman is obliged to inform Supreme Election Council or the highest administrative authority of the zone about the situation.
For emptied mukhtars, elections are undertaken on the first Sunday of January each year. Until the elections, duties of mukhtars are undertaken by deputy mukhtars assigned by the highest administrative authority of such region.
Before the end of electoral period, in case the numbers of board or council of alderman fall to half of complete members even after the reserve members are included, mukhtar is obliged to inform presidency of Districk Election Board and highest administrative authority of such region within a week.
Upon this information, within 48 hours, District Election Board announces the situation. The first Sunday following the 60th day of announcement is the election date.
In cases where elections of members of board or council of alderman are necessary, in case village and neighborhood mukhtars are also emptied, both elections are jointly undertaken without waiting for month June.