1. Votes cast by voters shall be counted openly and publicly, with the results of counting ballots and votes carried out by voting members of a precinct election commission being consecutively announced and entered in the oversize version of the protocol of voting results. The persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law shall be allowed to be present at and to observe vote counting.
2. After the end of voting, the chairman of a precinct election commission shall announce that only those voters who are already inside the polling station may receive ballots and vote. Counting of votes shall begin immediately after the voting ends and shall be continued without interruption until the voting results are tabulated. These voting results shall be made known to all members of a precinct election commission and persons present at vote counting in accordance with this Federal Law.
3. After the end of voting, members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall, in the presence of persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law, count unused ballots and cancel them by cutting off the lower left corner, announce the number of cancelled ballots obtained by summing up the number of unused ballots and the number of ballots spoilt by voters in the course of voting and enter this data in line 6 of the protocol of voting results and in its oversize version. Thereafter, members of the precinct election commission shall count and announce the number of unused absentee ballots (in case a second round of voting is held, the number of cancelled unused absentee ballots specified in the report prepared in accordance with clause 16 of Article 68 of this Federal Law shall be announced) and shall enter this number in line 14 of the protocol of voting results and its oversize version. The cancelled ballots, cancelled detachable coupons and absentee ballots may be visually examined by persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law, who are present at vote counting, under the supervision of members of the precinct election commission having the right of casting vote.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005, No. 107-FZ dated July 12, 2006, No. 263-FZ dated October 4, 2010)
4. The chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of a precinct election commission shall announce the number of ballots received by the precinct election commission and enter it in line 2 of the protocol of voting result and its oversize version and announce the number of absentee ballots received by the precinct election commission and enter it in line 11 of the protocol of voting results and its oversize form.
5. Before the start of counting votes, members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall sum up the following data on each page of the voters list and mark the results of the summation on this page:
1) the number of voters included in the voters list as of the end of voting (minus the voters to whom absentee ballots were issued by the territorial and the precinct election commissions, and voters withdrawn for other reasons);
2) the number of ballots issued to voters at the polling station on voting day (to be determined on the basis of the number of voter signatures in the voters list);
3) the number of ballots issued to voters who voted outside the polling station (to be determined on the basis of the number of the relevant notes in the voters list);
4) the number of voters who voted early in accordance with clauses 2 to 9 of Article 70 of this Federal Law (to be determined on the basis of the number of the relevant notes in the voters list);
5) the number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to voters at the polling station before voting day;
6) the number of voters who voted at the polling station of the voting precinct on the basis of absentee ballots;
7) the number of absentee ballots issued to voters by the territorial election commission.
6. After entering the data mentioned in clause 5 of this Article a member of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote who entered this data shall sign each page of the voters list, sum up this data and announce the results of the summation to the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission and to persons present at vote counting. The chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission shall announce the summarized data determined in accordance with clause 5 of this Article, write the summarized data on the last page of the voters list, confirm this data by his signature and certify it with the seal of the precinct election commission. The announced data shall be entered in the relevant lines of the protocol of voting results and its oversize version:
1) in line 1: the number of voters in the voters list as of the end of voting;
2) in line 3: the number of ballots issued to voters who voted early in accordance with clauses 2 to 9 of Article 70 of this Federal Law;
3) in line 4: the number of ballots issued to voters by the precinct election commission at the polling station on voting day;
4) in line 5: the number of ballots issued to voters who voted outside the polling station on voting day;
5) in line 12: the number of absentee ballots issued to voters at the polling station by the precinct election commission before voting day;
6) in line 13: the number of voters who voted at the poling station on the basis of absentee ballots;
7) in line 15: the number of absentee ballots issued to voters by the territorial election commission.
6.1. After the actions mentioned in clause 6 of this Article have been carried out, the following control ratio shall be checked: the number of absentee ballots received by the precinct election commission shall be equal to the sum of the number of absentee ballots issued by the precinct election commission to voters in at the voting precinct before voting day and the number of unused absentee ballots (in case a second round of voting is held, the number of absentee ballots cancelled at the voting precinct). If the above control ratio is not complied with, the precinct election commission shall make a decision on additional counting of data entered into the voters list and unused (cancelled) absentee ballots. If after such additional counting the said control ratio is not complied with again, the precinct election commission shall make a relevant decision to be attached to the protocol of voting results and enter the data on discrepancy in line 16 of the protocol of voting results and its oversize version. If the said control ratio, “0” shall be marked in line 16.
(clause 6.1 introduced by Federal Law No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
7. After the actions mentioned in clauses 6 and 6.1 of this Article have been carried out, the persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law may examine the voters list and members of the precinct election commission having the right of consultative vote may make sure that the counting was carried out correctly. (as amended by Federal Law No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
8. No further work shall be carried out with the voters list until the control ratios of the data entered in the protocol of voting results are checked is accordance with clause 21 of this Article. In the meantime, the voters list shall be kept in a safe or at a place specially equipped for safekeeping of documents. The chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission shall make arrangements for safekeeping of the voters list so as to make it inaccessible to persons at the polling station.
9. Votes cast by voters shall be counted directly by members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote using the ballots in the ballot boxes.
10. Members of a precinct election commission having the right of consultative vote and other persons listed in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law shall be entitled to be present at vote counting.
11. Votes shall be counted at the polling station in special places accessible by members of a precinct election commission having the right of both casting and consultative vote. While counting votes, members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote, with the exception of the chairman (deputy chairman) and secretary of a precinct election commission shall not use any writing utensils, save as provided by clause 16 of this Article. At such time, all persons present at vote counting must be able freely to observe actions of members of the precinct election commission.
12. When sorting out ballots a precinct election commission shall separate ballots which do not conform to a standard format, i.e., which have not been printed officially or have not been certified by the election commission. Non-standard ballots shall be disregarded in the direct counting of votes. Such ballots shall be packed separately and sealed.
13. At the first place, ballots shall be counted in the mobile ballot boxes: first in the boxes containing ballots left by voters who voted early, then in the boxes containing ballots left by voters who voted outside the polling station on voting day. Before each mobile ballot box is opened, the number of voters who voted with the use of the given mobile ballot box shall be announced and the chairman of the precinct election commission shall offer the election commission members and other persons present at vote counting to check the integrity of the seals on the box. Ballots shall be counted in such a way as to avoid violating the secrecy of voting; non-standard ballots shall be separate. The number of standard ballots taken out of mobile boxes shall be announced and entered in line 7 of the protocol of voting results and in its oversize version. If the number of standard ballots in a mobile ballot box is found to be larger than the number of notes in the voters list indicating that the voters voted early or larger than the number of applications of voters marked to certify receipt of ballots, all ballots in the given mobile ballot box shall be invalidated by resolution of the precinct election commission of which a separate act shall be made and attached to the protocol of voting results. The act shall indicate surnames and initials of the members of the election commission who conducted early voting or voting outside the polling station using this mobile ballot box. The number of ballots so invalidated shall be announced and entered into said act and then summed up with the number of invalid ballots discovered when the ballots were sorted out. A note indicating the reason why the ballot was invalidated shall be made on the face of all such ballots, across the boxes located to the right of data of registered candidates. This note shall be signed by two members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote and certified with the seal of the commission. Such ballots shall be packed separately, sealed and shall not be reckoned in when vote counting is continued.
14. The stationary ballot boxes shall be opened after the seals thereon have been checked and found intact.
15. Members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall sort out the ballots taken out of the mobile and stationary ballot boxes into separate bundles according to the votes cast for each registered candidate and, in case provided by clause 5.1 of Article 67 of this Federal Law, also according to “Against” votes; at the same time, they shall separate ballots which do not conform to the standard format and invalid ballots. When sorting out the ballots, members of the precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall read aloud the notes made by voters on ballots and show ballots to all persons present at vote counting for visual inspection. The notes on two and more ballots shall not be read aloud simultaneously.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 107-FZ of July 12, 2006)
16. Invalid ballots shall be counted and summed up separately. Ballots shall be deemed invalid if they contain no marks inside the boxes located to the right of data of the registered candidates or of positions “For” and “Against” (in case provided by clause 5.1 of Article 67 of this Federal Law), or if a mark (marks) was (were) put in more than one box. If any doubts arise as to the expression of a voter’s will, the ballot shall be put apart in a separate bundle and, after the ballots are sorted out, a precinct election commission shall decide the question of the validity of each doubtful ballot by voting. A note explaining the reasons why the ballot was pronounced valid or invalid shall be made on the back of the ballot. This note shall be certified by signatures of not less than two members of the precinct election commission having the right of casting vote and the seal of the commission. The ballot pronounced valid or invalid shall be put in the corresponding bundle of ballots. The total number of invalid ballots (including the ballots invalidated on the basis of clause 13 of this Article) shall be announced and entered in line 9 of the protocol of voting results and its oversize version.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 107-FZ of July 12, 2006)
17. Thereafter, standard ballots that have been sorted out shall be counted (separately in each bundle), according to the votes cast for each registered candidate and, in case provided by clause 5.1 of Article 67 of this Federal Law, according to “Against” votes. Ballots shall be counted one by one so that the persons present at vote counting could see the mark made by the voter on each ballot. Ballots from different bundles may not be counted simultaneously. The data obtained shall be announced and entered in line 19 and subsequent lines of the protocol of voting results and its oversize version.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 107-FZ of July 12, 2006, No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
18. Members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall sum up the data of line 19 and the subsequent lines of the protocol of voting results, determine the number of valid ballots, announce this number and enter it in line 10 of the protocol of voting results and in its oversize version. (as amended by Federal Law No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
19. Members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote shall count the number of standard ballots in the stationary ballot boxes, announce this number and enter it in line 8 of the protocol of voting results and in its oversize version.
20. Thereafter, observers, foreign (international) observers may examine the sorted out ballots under the supervision of members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote, and members of the precinct commission having the right of consultative vote may make sure that the counting was carried out correctly.
21. After non-voting members of a precinct election commission and observers examine the sorted out ballots the control ratios of the data entered in the protocols of voting results shall be checked in accordance with Annex 4 to this Federal Law in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. If these control ratios are not complied with, the precinct election commission shall make a decision to carry out additional vote counting for all or some of the lines of the protocol of voting results, including additional counting of ballots. If, after additional summation of the data in lines 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the protocol of voting results the control ratios are not complied with again, a precinct election commission shall execute an act to this effect to be attached to the protocol of voting results and shall enter the discrepancies in the special lines of the protocol of voting results: line 17 “Number of lost ballots” and line 18 “Number of ballots unrecorded upon receipt”. If the number indicated in line 2 of the protocol of voting results is larger than the sum of the numbers indicated in lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the protocol of voting results, the difference between the number in line 2 and the sum of the numbers in lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be entered in line 17 and “0” shall be put in line 18. If the sum of the numbers in lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the protocol of voting results is larger than the number indicated in line 2 of the protocol of voting results, the difference between the sum of the numbers in lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the number in line 2 shall be entered in line 18 and “0” shall be put in line 17. If changes have to be made in the protocol of voting results on the basis of additional counting, a new blank of the protocol shall be completed and appropriate alterations shall be made in the oversize version of the protocol. If the control ratios are complied with, “0” shall be put in lines 17 and 18. (as amended by Federal Laws No. 107-FZ of July 12, 2006, No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
22. After the counting has been completed, the ballots shall be packed in separate bundles according to the registered candidates for whom votes were cast in the ballots. Invalidated and cancelled ballots and ballots in which “Against” votes were cast in case provided by clause 5.1 of Article 67 of this Federal Law shall be packed in separate bundles. Each bundle shall be marked to specify the quantity of ballots in the bundle, the surname of the registered candidate marked in the ballots, or the relevant note shall be made: “Invalid ballots” or “Against”, etc. The ballots packed in the above manner and ballots packed in compliance with clauses 12 and 13 of this Article, packed detachable coupons or absentee ballots shall be placed in bags or boxes which shall be marked to indicate the number of the electoral precinct, the total number of all packed ballots, the total number of all packed detachable coupons or absentee ballots. The bags or boxes shall be sealed and may be opened only by resolution of a superior election commission or a court. Members of a precinct election commission having the right of both casting and consultative vote and other persons indicated in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law may put their signatures on these bags or boxes. (as amended by Federal Laws No. 107-FZ of July 12, 2006, No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
23. After all necessary actions have been made and required counting completed a precinct election commission must hold a final meeting at which it shall consider complaints and statements about violations in the conduct of voting and counting of votes and then sign the protocol of voting results of the precinct election commission. Copies of this protocol shall be issued to persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law. The protocol of voting results shall be made in duplicate and signed by all members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote and present at the meeting, with the indication of the date and time (hours and minutes) when it was signed. If voting results were obtained by means of technical vote counting facilities or electronic voting complex, the protocol of voting results shall come into force after it has been signed by the aforementioned persons. The protocol of voting results may not be filled out by a pencil and no alterations shall be made therein. Signing of such protocol in violation of these rules may serve as grounds for invalidation of this protocol and for vote recount. (as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
24. If some of the members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote are absent when the protocol of voting results is being prepared, a note to this effect shall be made in the protocol indicating the reason for their absence. The protocol shall be valid if it is signed by majority of the determined number of voting members of a precinct election commission. having the right of casting vote If, when a protocol of voting results is signed, the signature of any member of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote is put by another member of the precinct election commission or some other person, this shall provide grounds for invalidation of this protocol and for vote recount.
25. When signing the protocol of voting results members of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote who disagree with the contents of the protocol may attach their dissenting opinion to the protocol and this fact shall be noted in the protocol.
26. Upon demand of any member of a precinct election commission and persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law, immediately after the protocol of voting results (including a reissued protocol) has been signed, the precinct election commission shall provide copies of the protocol of voting results to these persons. The issuance of such copies shall be recorded by a precinct election commission in a relevant register. The person who received a copy of the protocol of voting results shall sign for its receipt in the register. The responsibility for completeness and accuracy of the data contained in a copy of the protocol of voting results shall be borne by the person who certified this copy.
(clause 26 as amended by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 26, 2007)
27. After the first original copy of the protocol of voting results was signed by all present voting members of the precinct election commission and after its certified copies were issued to all persons entitled to receive them, it shall be immediately forwarded to the relevant territorial election commission and may not be returned to the precinct election commission. Precinct election commissions formed at voting precincts outside the territory of the Russian Federation shall forward the first original copy of the protocol of voting results together with attached documents directly to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and to the territorial election commission if such territorial election commission is formed in accordance with clause 3 of Article 14 of this
Federal Law. Attached to the first original copy of the protocol of voting results shall be dissenting opinions of members of the precinct election commission having the right of casting vote, complaints (statements) on violations of this Federal Law received by the precinct election commission on voting day and before the end of counting votes, resolutions passed by the precinct election commission on these complaints (statements) as well as the commission’s reports, records and registers. The certified copies of the above documents and resolutions of the precinct election commission shall be attached to the second original copy of the protocol. The first original copy of the protocol of voting results shall be delivered to a territorial election commission by the chairman or secretary of the precinct election commission or some other member of a precinct election commission having the right of casting vote directed by its chairman. Such delivery of the protocol may be witnessed by other members of a precinct election commission and by observers sent to this precinct election commission. All election documents of precinct election commissions formed outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including ballots but excluding the first original copy of the protocol of voting results and documents attached thereto forwarded to a superior election commission shall be kept at the premises of diplomatic and consular missions of the Russian Federation at least for one year after official publication of the general results of the election of the President of the Russian Federation and then the same shall be destroyed on the basis of an appropriate act in the procedure established by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
28. The second original copy of the protocol of voting results shall be provided to persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law for review and its certified copy shall be displayed to the public at large in a place designated by the precinct election commission. Thereafter, the second original copy of the protocol of voting results together with the election documents provided for by this Federal Law, including sealed ballots and lists of members of the precinct election commission having the right of consultative vote, persons mentioned in clause 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law who were present at the tabulation of voting results and preparation of the protocol, voters list and the seal of the precinct election commission shall be handed over for safekeeping to the relevant territorial commissions within five days after official publication of the general results of the election of the President of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
29. If necessary technical equipment is available, immediately after the protocol of voting results has been signed by members of a precinct election commission formed in electoral precincts on a ship at sea, at a polar station, in a remote or hard-to-reach area or outside the territory of the Russian Federation the data of the protocol of voting results shall be transmitted via technical communication channels to a superior election commission. Subsequently, the first original copy of the protocol of voting results and all electoral documents mentioned in clause 27 of this Article shall be, as soon as practicable, handed over to a superior election commission directly or through diplomatic and consular missions of the Russian Federation.
30. The procedure for using a technical system for transmission of information concerning the election, the manner and time of transmission, processing and utilization of this information, including the data of the protocols of voting results transmitted over technical communication channels, shall be approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
31. If, after the protocol of voting results has been signed and its first original has been delivered to a territorial election commission, a precinct election commission prepared the protocol finds inaccuracies in lines 1 to 18 of the protocol (mistake, misprint or error in data summation), or if such inaccuracy is found by a territorial election commission in the course of a preliminary verification of the protocols, the precinct election commission shall at its meeting consider the issue of making corrections to lines 1 to 18 of the protocol. In its announcement about this meeting to be made in accordance with clause 2 of Article 23 of this Federal Law, the precinct election commission shall state that it is planned to consider this matter at the meeting. The decision made by the precinct election commission shall be made known by the precinct election commission to its members having the right of consultative vote, observers and other persons who were present at the preparation of the previously approved protocol and to representatives of the mass media. In this case, the precinct election commission shall prepare a protocol of voting results marked with the word “Corrected”. This protocol shall be immediately forwarded to the territorial election commission. The protocol of voting results submitted to a territorial election commission earlier shall be attached to the corrected protocol. If it is necessary to make corrections to line 19 and subsequent lines of the protocol, recounting of votes shall be conducted in the manner set forth by clause 17 of Article 74 of this Federal Law. Any violations of the established procedure for making a corrected protocol shall be deemed grounds for
invalidation of this protocol. (as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005, No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010)
The provisions of Article 74 as amended by Federal Law No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010 shall apply to legal relations arising with respect to holding elections and referenda appointed after the said Federal Law (part 4 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 263-FZ of October 4, 2010) has come into force.