Presentation of Vote Counting Documents of MECs to the CEC and Establishment of Results of Presidential Election
1. The CEC may begin to establish the election results after all MEC results protocols as well as other election documents have been received.
2. All documents (except financial documentation) received from the precincts, voter lists, the MEC results protocol, the minutes of the MEC for the whole period of its activities and other election documents shall be placed into special packages and sealed by the MEC. Packages shall be delivered to the CEC within the time limits fixed by the CEC.
3. In accordance with MEC results protocols and according to the results protocols received from the diplomatic missions and consular posts, the CEC shall establish:
1) the number of voters of the Republic of Lithuania;
2) the number of voters who have participated in the presidential election;
3) the number of invalid ballots;
4) the number of valid ballots; and
5) the number of votes cast for each candidate for President.
4. While investigating the complaints filed in accordance with the procedure established by this Law, the CEC may recount ballots and, upon the establishment of errors in counting, may correct entries in results protocols. The CEC may not consider invalid the results protocols of PECs and MECs due to the errors detected in the results protocols.
5. The CEC may declare the presidential election results null and void, if it has established that the severe violations of this Law committed after the announcement of a date of presidential election until the end of the period of election campaign as set in this Law, as well as in the course of voting or falsification of documents had an essential influence on the presidential election results. In this case a rerun presidential election shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 77(6) of this Law.
6. A candidate for President shall be considered elected if during the first round of voting at least half of all the voters participated and s/he has received more than half of the votes cast. If less than half of all the voters participated in the election, a candidate for President shall be considered elected, if s/he has received the most, but no less than one-third of votes of all the voters.
7. If during the first voting round none of the candidates for President gets the required majority vote, run-off voting shall be conducted according to the procedure established by this Law within two weeks after election day between the two candidates who have received the most votes in the first round. A date of run-off voting shall be announced by the CEC together with the final results of the first round. The candidate to the office of President who gets more votes during the run-off voting shall be considered elected.
8. If during the first voting round in the presidential election not more than two candidates took part and neither of them has received the necessary number of votes, a rerun presidential election shall be held not later than within three months after the election day.