Summarisation of election results
1. The candidate for President of Georgia who receives more than one half of the votes cast during an election shall be deemed elected. The number of votes cast by invalid ballots may not be included in the number of votes cast by voters participating in elections.
2. If none of candidates obtain the necessary amount of votes in the first round of elections, the second round of elections shall be called.
3. The CEC shall, not later than the 20th day after polling, summarize election results at its session according to electoral districts and draw up a relevant summary protocol to be approved by CEC ordinance.
4. The CEC shall summarize election results according to DEC summary protocols, while in the case of a complaint/application or any dissenting opinion of a commission member, the results of separate districts shall be summarised on the basis of PEC summary protocols.
5. PECs, and then DECs, shall be required to transfer sealed packages of the lists of voters to the CEC along with summary protocols of polling and election results.
6. The CEC shall publish the results of the elections on its official website within two days after summarising the results of the elections.