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Article 63

The House of Councilors shall comprise a minimum of 90 members and a maximum of 120 members, elected by indirect universal suffrage for a six-year term of office, as follows:

- three-fifths representing local authorities. This percentage shall be distributed over the regions of the Kingdom, in proportion to the regions’ respective populations, observing the principle of inter- regional equity. A third of the seats earmarked for the Region shall be elected, in each region, by the Regional Council from among its members. The remaining two thirds shall be elected by an electoral college made up, at regional level, of municipal, provincial and prefectural council members; and

- two-fifths of the members elected in each region by electoral colleges comprising elected representatives of professional organizations and representative employers' organizations, as well as members elected, at the national level, by an electoral college composed of the representatives of employees.

The number of the members of the House of Councilors, the electoral system, the number of members to be elected by each electoral college, the allocation of seats by region, the eligibility requirements, the rules governing incompatibility, the rules restricting the number of offices that may be held, and the rules for lodging electoral complaints, shall be specified by an organic law.

The Speaker and members of the bureau of the House of Councilors, and the Chair and members of the bureaus of Standing Committees shall be elected at the beginning of the term, then after completion of half the term.

The election of members of the bureau shall be by group proportional representation.