Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 30

(1) Independent candidates shall be supported by minimum 4% out of the total number of electors enlisted on the permanent electoral rolls in the uninominal college for which they stand, but not less than 2,000 electors for the Chamber of Deputies and not less than 4,000 electors for the Senate.

(1-1) The independent candidates for the constituency of the Romanian citizens with the domicile or residence abroad shall be supported by minimum 4% of the electors with their domicile settled in one of the states which are part of the uninominal college for which they stand, but not less than 2,000 electors for the Chamber of Deputies and not less than 4,000 electors for the Senate.

(2) The supporters’ list shall include the election date, full name of the candidate, the uninominal college for which he/she stands, full name of the supporter, personal numerical code and date of birth of the supporter, address of the supporter, type, series, and number of the supporter’s identity card, and his/her signature. The roll shall also include the full name and personal numerical code of the person who drew it up.

(3) The supporters’ list represents a public document with all the consequences stipulated by law.

(4) Only citizens entitled to vote, and who have their domicile in the nominal college for which the independent candidate wishes to stand shall act as supporters. A supporter can back up a single candidate for each office for which the elections are being held.

(5) The supporters’ adherence shall be given on their own account.

(6) Repealed.