1. The national political parties could form coalitions for the elections of President of the United Mexican States, as well as of senators and of representatives by the principle of plurality.
2. The national and local political parties could form coalitions for the elections of Governor, representatives for the local legislatures by plurality and to city councils, as well as Chief of Government, representatives to the Legislative Assembly by plurality and the heads of the political-administrative bodies of the boroughs of the Federal District.
3. The political parties cannot nominate their own candidates where there are already candidates of a coalition which they are part of.
4. No political party can register as its own candidate a person who has already been registered as a candidate by any coalition.
5. No coalition can nominate as a coalition candidate a person who has already been registered as a candidate by any political party.
6. No political party can register a candidate of another political party. This prohibition will not be applied in the event that there is a coalition in the terms of this Chapter or, where applicable, under the assumptions set out in paragraph 5 of article 85 of this Law.
7. The political parties that form a coalition to participate in the elections should sign and register the corresponding agreement in the terms of this Chapter.
8. The coalition agreement could be signed by two or more political parties.
9. The political parties cannot sign more than one coalition agreement for the same federal or local electoral process.
10. The political parties cannot distribute or transfer votes through a coalition agreement.
11. Once the stage of results and of declarations of validity of the elections of senators and representatives has concluded, the coalition by which the candidates were nominated will automatically end, in which case the candidates for senators or representatives of the coalition that were elected will remain included in the political party or parliamentary group that was set out in the coalition agreement.
12. Independently of the type of election, agreement and terms adopted by the coalition parties in the agreement, each of the parties will appear with their own emblem in the electoral ballot, according to the election in question; the votes will be added up for the candidate of the coalition and will count for each of the political parties for all purposes established in this Law.
13. The votes in which more than one option of the coalition parties were marked, they will be considered valid for the nominated candidate and will count as a single vote [and without it being possible to take them into account for the allocation of proportional representation and other prerogatives]. This portion has been declared unconstitutional by ruling 22/2014 of the Supreme Court.
14. In all events, each of the coalition parties should register their own lists of candidates for representatives by the principle of proportional representation and their own list of candidates for senators by the same principle.
15. The coalitions should be uniform. No political party should participate in more than one coalition and the coalitions cannot be different, in regards to the parties that participate in them, by the type of election.