347.1. The scrutiny and counting committees should be installed at 5:00 p.m. of the day of the Election Day. At 6:00 p.m. the scrutiny and count of the vote cast abroad will begin.
347.2. For the scrutiny and count of Governor and Chief of Government, the Local Public Bodies will use the electronic system set up by the Institute, recording the results in the certificates and implementing, where applicable, the provisions of this Law:
a) A committee will be set up, integrated by three randomly drawn citizens, as well as by the Councilors and the representatives of the political parties;
b) Then, the citizens of each committee will request the Electoral Councilors to enter their passwords or keys that give them access to the electronic system to carry out the count of the votes;
c) The electronic system will make the count, organizing it by the state given by the citizens residing abroad for reference;
d) The results should be presented during a session of the General Council. Afterwards it should be printed in the certi f cate that contains the collected results;
e) The certificate with the results of the vote should be signed by the members of the committee and will be delivered to the secretary of the General Council, which should occur after closing the committee, and
f) Once the previous has been done, the results should be published in the system of partial electoral results.
347.3. The General Council will determine the measure it considers appropriate for the preparation of the certificates and reports regarding the vote of voters residing abroad. In all cases, the documents prepared thus must be signed.