232.1. The right to request the registration of candidates for elective offices corresponds to the national political parties, without prejudice to the independent candidates in the terms of this Law.
232.2. The candidates for representatives and senators to be elected by the principle of plurality and by the principle of proportional representation, as well as the senators by the principle of plurality and by the principle of proportional representation, will be registered by formulas of candidates, each integrated by a regular and a substitute of the same gender, and formulas and candidates will be considered separately, except for voting purposes.
232.3. The political parties will promote and guarantee gender parity in the nomination of candidates for elective offices for the integration of the Congress of the Union, the Congresses of the States and the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District.
232.4. The Institute and the Local Public Bodies, in the sphere of their competencies, will have faculties to deny the registration of the number of candidates that exceed the parity, setting for the party a non-extendable time limit for their substitution. In the event that they are not substituted, said registrations will not be accepted.
232.5. In the event that different candidates are registered by the same political party for the same elective office, the Secretary of the General Council, once this situation has been detected, will require the political party to inform the General Council, within a period of forty-eight hours, which candidate or formula prevails. If this is not done it will be understood that the political party chooses the last registration presented, rendering the others ineffective.