26.1. The Executive and Legislative branches of the states of the Republic and of the Federal District will be integrated and organized in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the constitutions of each state, as well as in the Government Statute of the Federal District and the respective laws.
26.2. The municipalities will be governed by a City Council elected by direct popular vote, made up of one Municipal President and the number of members established by the Constitution and the law of each entity, just as the politicaladministrative bodies, according to the applicable legislation in the Federal District.
26.3. The indigenous peoples and communities have the right to elect representatives to the City Councils in the municipalities with an indigenous population. The constitutions and laws in the states will recognize and regulate these rights in the municipalities in order to strengthen the political participation and representation in accordance with their internal traditions and rules.
26.4. The indigenous peoples and communities in the states will elected, in accordance with their own traditional principles, rules, procedures and practices, the authorities or representatives to exercise their own forms of internal government, guaranteeing the participation of men and women on equal terms and upholding the rules established in the Constitution, the local constitutions and the applicable laws.