The Legal Chancellor Act (RT I 1999, 29, 406; 2000, 92, 597; 2001, 43, 240; 58, 353) is amended as follows:
1) section 16 is amended by adding the words "and resolutions to hold a referendum" after the words "which have entered into force";
2) subsection (11) is added to § 18 worded as follows:
"(11) If the Legal Chancellor finds that a draft Act, except a draft Act to amend the Constitution, or other national issue which is submitted to a referendum is in conflict with the Constitution or that the Riigikogu has materially violated the established procedure upon passage of the resolution to hold the referendum, he or she shall, within fourteen days as of receipt of the resolution of the Riigikogu, make a proposal to the Supreme Court to repeal the resolution of the Riigikogu concerning the submission of a draft Act or other national issue to a referendum."