ESTONIA - Referendum Act
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§ 3. Time of referendum
(1) A referendum shall be held not earlier than three months after the passage of a resolution to this effect by the Riigikogu.
(2) A date for a referendum shall be specified by the Riigikogu. The referendum shall be held on a Sunday.
(3) A referendum shall not be initiated or held during a state of emergency or a state of war or at a time when less than ninety
days remain until elections to the Riigikogu. A referendum on a draft Act to amend the Constitution may be scheduled for a time
after the next elections to the Riigikogu. A referendum on other draft Acts or other national issues shall not be scheduled for a
time after the next elections to the Riigikogu. A referendum may be scheduled for the same day as Riigikogu elections or local
government council elections.
(4) Referendums shall not be held on the same day on issues which are mutually exclusive or for the passage of Acts which are
in conflict with each other.