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Article 181

Registration of the initiative group

If the initiative to hold the local referendum belongs to the citizens, an initiative group shall be set up, made of at least 20 citizens who are qualified voters, residing on the territory of the administrative-territorial unit. The assembly held for the constitution of the initiative group shall be attended by at least 30 persons. At least 3 days before the assembly, the initiators shall be bound to communicate in written to the mayor the time, place and purpose of it.

The local public administration authorities shall register the initiative group for the holding of the local referendum within 5 days since the submission of the application for registration, protocol of the constitution and of the formulated questions.

In the decision on the registration, there shall be indicated the term of collecting the signatures, which shall not be shorter than 30 and longer than 60 calendar days, as well as the questions planned to be subjected to local referendum.

After the registration of the initiative group, its members shall be issued identification cards, the model of which is established by the Central Elections Commission.

The information on the registration of the initiative shall be published in the local press.

[Article 181 as amended by the Law no.796-XV from 25.01.2002]

[Article 181 as amended by the Law no.1217-XIV from 31.07.2000