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Article 157

Submission and verification of the subscription lists

Not any later than the last day of the signatures’ collection, the initiative group shall draw up a protocol, indicating the date of the initiative group’s registration, the number of the collected signatures, the date of the signatures’ collection termination. The protocol, signed by the initiative group’s members and the subscription lists shall be submitted to the Central Elections Commission.

Within a 15-days term since the submission of the subscription lists, the Central Elections Commission shall verify the authenticity of signatures (each of them or by choosing some of them) from the submitted lists. If in the subscription lists there are two or more signatures of the same person, they shall be excluded. After the verification of the subscription lists the Central Elections Commission shall take a decision on the initiation of referendum.

If the necessary number of signatures was not submitted, the Central Elections Commission shall take a decision on the refusal of the proposal to hold a republican referendum and shall annul the registration of the initiative group.

The protocol of the subscription lists’ verification, the verified lists and the Central Elections Commission’s decision on the initiation of referendum shall be transmitted, within a 3-days term, to the Permanent Bureau of the Parliament.