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Article 143

Types of republican referendum

Depending on the legal aspect of the issue subjected to referendum, the republican referendums may be constitutional, legislative and advisory.

To constitutional referendum issues regarding the revision of Constitution shall be subjected.

To legislative referendum draft-laws or some legal provisions of major importance shall be subjected.

To advisory referendum issues of national importance, pursuing to ask the opinion of the people on such issues and further adoption, by competent public authorities, of some final decisions shall be subjected.

[Article 143 as amended by the Law no.796-XV from 25.01.2001]

Note:  The amendment introduced by the Law no.1107-XIV from 30.06.2000 is declared unconstitutional by Constitutional Court Decision no.16 from 29.03.2000

[Article 143 as amended by the Law no.1107-XIV from 30.06.2000]