Home > 1.6.2 Second round of voting > MOLDOVA- Law on the Election of the President
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Article 32

The second round of voting

(1) If none of the candidates for the position of the President of the Republic of Moldova has gained at least half the votes of those who participated in the election, then a repeat election shall be organized between the two candidates who received the most votes and arranged by number of votes gained in the first round.

(2) The second round of voting shall be carried out within 2 weeks of the day of the first round of the election in keeping with the provisions of this Law. Information on conducting the second round of voting shall be published within 3 days of the determination of the day of voting.

(3) A candidate who has received more votes than the other shall be declared elected on condition that the number of votes received is larger than the number of votes against him. In the event that both candidates have received the same number of votes, the candidate who gained more votes in the first round of voting shall be considered elected.

(4) In the event that a candidate withdraws his candidacy, the candidate who remains shall be elected if he receives at least half of the votes of the voters who participated in the elections.

(5) Election in the second round shall be considered valid if more than one third of the voters listed on voter rolls have participated in the election.