A compensatory mandate won by a political party or coalition according to Article 10.5 of this law is allocated one by one to unelected candidates on the political party or coalition’s list of candidates for compensatory mandates, beginning at the top of the list, until all mandates are distributed or until the list is exhausted.
Unless each constituent people receives a minimum of four (4) mandates, the later compensatory mandate(s) shall be given to the candidate(s) of the relevant constituent people(s) from the compensatory list of the political party or coalition having received the highest number of votes and having eligible candidates of the relevant constituent people left on the list.
If a political party or coalition does not have enough eligible candidates of the relevant constituent people on its compensatory list to fill the seats allocated to it, the mandate shall be transferred to the party or coalition’s list having received the highest number of votes and having such candidates left on its compensatory list(s). If no candidate from the relevant constituent people(s) can be found on any compensatory lists, the seat(s) shall be transferred to the party or coalition’s list having received the highest number of votes and having such candidates left on another list(s) in accordance with Article 9.9, paragraph 2 of this law.