Registration of Candidates for Community leader and Council Member
1. Candidates- nominees for the community leader and the council member are registered by the decision of the Territorial Electoral Commission. The nominated candidate or his/her plenipotentiary representative has the right to attend the meeting of the commission during the consideration of the issue of the registration.
2. The Territorial Electoral Commission denies the registration, if:
1) Restrictions anticipated by this Code extend onto the citizen nominated as a candidate;
2) The documents submitted for registration have been falsified. In the event of an objection about the registration of the candidate nominated for the community leader and the council member, the issue is put to vote.
The registration is denied with at least two-thirds vote of the members of the Territorial Electoral Commission. In the event of no objection – the candidate is considered as registered. In the event of denial of the registration of the citizen nominated for the community leader and council member, his/her electoral deposit is paid back.
3. The Territorial Electoral Commission recognizes the registration of the candidate nominated for the community leader or the council member as invalid, if after the registration; facts have been revealed, by the force of which the restrictions under this Code extend onto the candidate. Territorial Electoral Commission declares the registration of candidate nominated for the Community leader or Council Member invalid, by at least two/thirds of the votes of the total number of its members. In the event of recognizing the registration of the candidate as invalid, the sum of the electoral deposit and the means in the pre-election fund are transferred to the state budget.
4. The decision of the Territorial Electoral Commission on the denial in registration or recognizing invalid the registration of the candidate nominated for the community leader or the council member can be appealed to the court within three days after it has been adopted. He/she is recognized registered or re-registered by the court decision on recognizing the decision on the denial in registration or recognizing invalid the registration of the candidate nominated for the community leader or the council member unlawful.
(Amend. of March 23, 1999 LA-286; July 31, 2002 LA-406-P)