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Article 100

Nomination of Candidates for Deputies of the National Assembly by Proportional System

1. Parties present application to the Central Electoral Commission on running in elections of the National Assembly by proportional system, upon the decision of their permanently functioning body. Party alliances submit applications to participate in the National Assembly elections under proportional system to the Central Electoral Commission upon a decision ratified by the permanently functioning bodies of member parties.

2. Each party has the right to nominate only one list of candidates for deputies. The party within a party alliance has no right to nominate a separate candidates’ list on its own behalf. Women shall make at least five per cent of the candidates in the electoral lists presented by a party for the elections to the National Assembly by proportional system. Non-partisan representatives can also be included in the electoral lists presented by a party, by proportional system.

3. The application of a party on running in the elections of the National Assembly shall include:

1) Party charter (in the event of the party alliance – the charters of al the parties in the alliance), the document on naming the alliance;

2) Decision of the permanently functioning body of the party on the nomination of candidates for deputies to the National Assembly by the proportional system, the list of the candidates, which includes – by consecutive numbers party affiliation – the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport number, place of registered residence, place of work and position (occupation) of nominated candidates;

3) Receipt on the payment of the electoral deposit in the amount of 2,500 times the minimum salary;

4) References, that the candidates nominated by party lists have been a citizen of the Republic of Armenia within the last five years;

5) References, that the candidates nominated by party lists have been permanently residing in the Republic of Armenia for the last five years;

6) Written statement of the candidates nominated by party lists of their consent for being registered as candidates for deputies;

7) Declaration about his/her private property and his/her and his/her family members’ income for the last one year;

8) Separate party lists presented by the parties within the alliance.

4. References mentioned in sub-points 4 and 5 of point 3 of this Article are allocated to the citizens nominated as candidates, in the procedure established by the Central Electoral Commission, by the authorized state body within three days after the application.

5. For the registration with the Central Electoral Commission the party by the decision of its permanently functioning body, and the parties’ alliance- by the decision ratified by the permanently functioning bodies of member parties submits the data of up to 3 plenipotentiary representatives (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of work and position (occupation)).

6. The Central Electoral Commission in its session making sure of the validity of the submitted documents decides to issue 70 official papers for the support of nomination to the party, in the person of its plenipotentiary representatives registered in the Central Electoral Commission. The Central Electoral Commission establishes the procedure for the allocation of the official papers of support.

7. Deleted. (Amend. of July 31, 2002 LA-406-P.

8. The sum of the electoral deposit of the party that has received mandates in the National Assembly by proportional system is returned; the electoral deposit of the parties that have not received mandates – is transferred to the state budget.

9. A party list is considered as nominated, if at least 30,000 citizens have supported its nomination and expressed their will by signing the official papers for the support of nomination.

10. The procedure for collecting signatures in the official papers for the support of nomination of parties, which have submitted application on participation in the elections of the National Assembly by proportional system, and the verification of validity is carried out according to the procedure set forth in Articles 69-70 of this Code.

11. In the event of recognizing the elections as invalid, the sum of the electoral deposit is returned.

(Amend. of July 31, 2002 LA-406-P)