* *
Law of the
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CHAPTER One. Main Definitions and Principles
Article 1. Main Definitions used in this Code
Article 2. Principles of Participation in Elections and
Article 7. Obligation of Holding of Elections and Referenda
Article 8. Timeframe for Announcement of Elections
Article 9. Place of Exercising of Suffrage
Article 10.Voting During Elections and Referendum
Article 11. Right to Pre-election (Pre-referendum) Campaign
Suffrage Ensuring. Limitations.
Article 12. Belonging of the Active Suffrage
Article 13. Belonging of the Passive Suffrage
Article 14. Incompatibility of Responsibilities
Article 16. Cases of Non-Participation of Citizens in
SECTION TWO. General Provisions
CHAPTER Three. Election and Referendum Bodies
Article 17. Principles of Election (Referendum) Bodies’
Article 18. System of Election (Referendum) Commissions
Article 19. General Rules of Organization of Election
Commissions’ Activity
Article 20. Allocation of Space in Mass Media to Election
Article 21. Representation in Election Commissions
Article 22. Status of an Election Commission Member
Article 23. Term of Authority of Election Commissions
CHAPTER Four. The Central Election Commission
Article 24. The Rule of Formation of the Central Election
Article 25. Authorities of the Central Election Commission
Article 26. Directions of Activity of the Central Election
Article 27. Ensuring of Activity of Members of The Central
Article 28. Organization of Activity of the Central
Election Commission
CHAPTER Five. Election (Referendum) Constituencies and
Election Commissions
Article 29. Formation of Election (Referendum)
Article 30. Organization of Constituency Election
Article 31. Duties of Constituency Election Commissions
Article 32. Activity Directions of Election Commissions
Article 34. Organization of the Functions of the
Constituency Election Commission
Article 35. Establishment of Election (Referendum)
Article 36. Formation of Precinct Election Commissions
Article 37. Duties of the Precinct Election Commission
Article 38. Ensuring of Functioning of a Member of the
Precinct Election Commission
Article 39. Organization of the Functions of the Precinct
CHAPTER Seven. Transparency During Preparation and Conduct
of Elections (Referendum)
Article 40. Transparency in the Activity of the Election
Article 41. Principles of Observation
Article 42. Observers’ Rights and Duties
Article 43. Representatives of the Mass Media
Article 44. International (Foreign) Observers
CHAPTER Eight. Voters (Citizens Who Have the Right to
Participate in Referendum) Lists
Article 45. Integrated Voters (Citizens Who Have the Right
to Participate in Referendum) List
Article 46. Compilation of Voters Lists
Article 47. Rules for Citizens’ Inclusion In and Exclusion
from Voters List
Article 48. Public Display of Voters Lists
Article 50. Block of Political Parties
Article 51. Name and Emblem of a Block of Political Parties
CHAPTER Ten. Nomination and Registration of Candidates
During the
Article 53. Nomination of Candidates on Their Own
Initiative or Directly by Voters
Article 54. Nomination of Candidates by Political Parties
and Blocks of
Political Parties
Article 55. Ensuring Equal Status for Candidates During
Their Nomination
Article 56. Conditions for Collecting Voters Signatures in
Support of
Article 57. Rules for Collecting Signatures in Support of
Article 58. Submission of Election Documents for
Registration of a Candidate
Article 60. Registration of a Candidate
CHAPTER Eleven. Registration and Establishing of Campaign
Groups on Referendum.
Article 61. Meaning of campaign group on referendum.
Article 62. Activity
Principles of Campaign Groups on Referendum.
Article 63. Initiators of Establishing of Campaign Groups
on Referendum.
Article 65. Collection Rule of Voters Signatures for
Establishing of a Campaign Group on Referendum
Article 66. Submission of Documents for Registration of a
Campaign Group on Referendum.
Article 68. Registration of Campaign Group on Referendum.
CHAPTER Twelve. Status of Registered Candidates and
Referendum Campaign Groups
Article 69. Equality of Registered Candidates and
Referendum Campaign
Article 70. Insurance of the Registered Candidate’s
Article 71. Conditions for Participation of a Registered
Candidate in
Article 73. Candidate’s Refusal from the Status of
Article 74. Conduct of Pre-election (Pre-referendum)
Article 75. The Period of Pre-Election Campaigning.
Article 76. Public Opinion Survey. 64
Article 77. Basic Duties of Mass Media during Pre-Election
Article 78. Common Terms of Pre-election Campaign in Mass
Media on the Paid
Article 80. Allocating Terms of Free Airtime for Conducting
Pre-election Campaign on TV and Radio.
Article 82. Requirements for Transmission of Election
Campaign Programs
via TV and Radio
Article 83. Conditions for conduct of Pre-election Campaign
via Periodicals
on a Free Basis
Article 84. The Rules for Paid Pre-Election Campaign Using
Article 85. Pre-Election Campaigning Rules for Using
Article 86. Election Campaign Using Mass Actions
Article 88. Preventing Abuse to Conduct Pre-Election
CHAPTER Fourteen. Financing Elections (Referendum)
Article 89. Financing Preparation and Conduct of Elections
Article 91. Special Election (Referendum) Accounts
Article 92. Basis for Prolonging of Financial Operations
Article 93. Voluntary Donations to an Election Fund
Article 94. Report on Election Funds. 78
Article 95. Openness in Spending of Election Funds
Article 96. Financial Provision of Election Commissions’
Article 97. Supervisory and Audit Services of Election
SECTION THREE. Holding of Elections (Referendum)
CHAPTER Fifteen. Organization of Voting
Article 99. Election Ballot Papers. 82
Article 100.Voting Protocols of Election Commissions
Article 101. De-registration Card for Voting
Article 102. Envelope for Ballot Paper
Article 105. Voting Outside the Voting Room
Article 106. Vote Counting in Voting Station
Article 107. Completion of Protocol of a Constituency
Election Commission
Article 108. Completion of Protocols of the Central
Election Commission
Article 109. Publication of Results of Elections and Voting
Article 110. Use of State Automated Information Systems
during the Elections (Referendum)
Article 111. Security of Election Documents
CHAPTER Sixteen. Complaints on and Accountability for
Violation of Citizens’ Rights to Elect
Article 115. Liability for Violation of Citizens’ Rights to
Article 116. Application of Penalties by Election
CHAPTER Seventeen. General Provisions on Referendum
Article 117. Issues Solved through Referendum
Article 118. Issues that cannot be Solved through
Article 120. Obligation on Conduct of Referendum
Article 121. Cases of Exemption from Conduct of Referendum
CHAPTER Eighteen. Determination of a Referendum
Article 122. Adoption of Decision on the Conduct of
Article 123. Requirements on Decision to Conduct Referendum
Article 124. Familiarization with the Issues Put for
CHAPTER Nineteen. Preparation for Conduct of Referendum
Article 125. Registration of Referendum Campaign Groups
Article 126. Appointing a Representative of Referendum
Campaign Groups to
an Election Commission
Article 127. Special Requirements for Conduct of
Pre-referendum Campaign
by Mass Media
Article 128. Referendum Funds of Referendum Campaign Groups
Article 129. Special Accounts on Referendum
Article 130. Transparency in Using of Referendum Funds
Article 131. Order of Returning the Funds Received by
Campaign Groups
Article 132. Unused Funds in Special Accounts of Election
Funds of
Referendum Campaign Groups
CHAPTER Twenty. Conduct of Referendum and Determination
Article 133. Referendum Voting Room... 102
Article 134. Referendum Ballot Paper.. 102
Article 135. Voting Procedure during Referendum
Article 136. Vote Counting in Referendum Stations
Article 137. Vote Counting during Referendum in
Constituency Election Commission
Article 138. Completion of Referendum
Article 140. Publication of a Decision on the Outcomes of a
CHAPTER Twenty One.
Acts Accepted by Referendum
Article 141. Entry into Force of Acts Accepted by Means of
Article 142. Legal Force of Decisions Made by Means of a
SECTION FIVE. Elections to the Milli Majlis
CHAPTER Twenty Two.
General Provisions on Elections of Deputies to the Milli Majlis
Article 143. Basis of Elections to the Milli Majlis
Article 144. Right of Citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan to be Elected to the Milli Majlis
Article 145. Determination of Elections to the Milli Majlis
CHAPTER Twenty Three. Nomination of Candidates During
Elections to
the Milli Majlis
Article 146. Nomination of Candidates to Single-Mandate
CHAPTER Twenty Four. Candidates Registered for Deputy
during the
Elections to the Milli Majlis
Article 148. Registration of a Candidate During the
Elections to the
Milli Majlis
Article 149. Postponement of Elections to the Milli Majlis
Article 151. Immunity of a Registered Candidate During
Elections to the
Milli Majlis
Article 152. Number of Agents of Registered Candidates
During Elections
to the Milli Majlis
Article 153. Refusal of a Candidate from the Status of
CHAPTER Twenty Five. Preparation to Elections to the Milli
Article 157. Special Election Accounts During Elections to
the Milli Majlis
Article 158. Cancellation of the Unified Election Fund
Article 159. Transparency in Use of Election Funds During
Elections to the
Milli Majlis
CHAPTER Twenty Six. Conduct of Elections to the Milli
Article 165. Voting Room During Elections to the Milli
Article 166. Ballot Papers During Elections to the Milli
Article 167. Voting Rules During Elections to the Milli
Article 168. Count of Votes in Election Precincts During
the Elections to
the Milli Majlis
Article 170. Failure or Invalidation of Elections on
Single-Mandate Constituencies
CHAPTER Twenty Seven. Outcomes of Elections to the Milli
Article 171. Checking and Approval of Outcomes of Elections
to the Milli
Article 172. Repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis
Article 173. Registration of Deputies Elected to the Milli
Article 174. Publication of Election Outcomes and Voting
Results of
Elections to the Milli Majlis
Article 175. Adoption of Decision on Deprivation of
Deputies of the Milli
Majlis from their Mandates
Article 176. Conduct of By Elections in a Constituency
During Elections to
the Milli Majlis.
Election of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Article 177. Basis of the Election of the President of the
Republic of
Article 178. Determination of the Presidential Elections
Article 179. Conduct of Early Presidential Elections
Candidates for Presidency. Preparation of Conduct of Presidential
Article 180. Nomination of a Candidate for Presidency
Article 181. Collection of Signatures in Support of a
Candidate for
Article 182. Registration of a Candidate for Presidency
Article 183. Postponement of the Presidential Elections
Article 184. Reimbursement of Transport Expenses of a
Candidate for
Article 185. Immunity and Security of a Candidate for
Article 186. Number of Agents of a Candidate for Presidency
Article 187. Refusal of a Candidate for Presidency from the
CHAPTER Thirty One. Preparation to Presidential Elections
Article 190. Special Election Accounts during Presidential
Article 191. Election Funds of Candidates for Presidency
Article 192. Transparency in Usage of Election Funds During
Presidential Elections
CHAPTER Thirty Two. Conduct of Presidential Elections
Article 198. Voting Room During Presidential Elections
Article 199. Ballot Papers for Presidential Elections
Article 200. Rules for Voting during Presidential Elections
Article 201. Count of Votes in the Voting Station During
Article 202. Count of Votes for the Constituency During
CHAPTER Thirty Three. Results of Presidential Elections
Article 203. Determination of Results of Presidential
Article 204. Invalidation of Results of Presidential
Article 205. Repeat Voting During Presidential elections
Article 206. Repeat Presidential Elections
Article 207. Realization of Election Actions during Early
(?) Presidential Elections
Article 208. Publication of Outcomes and Voting Results of
Article 209. Commencement of the President’s Power
SECTION SEVEN. Municipal Elections. 124
CHAPTER Thirty Four. General Provisions on Municipal
Article 210. Basis of Municipal Elections.
Article 211. Term of Office Municipalities
Article 212. Right to be Elected as a Member of
Article 213. Determination of Municipal Elections
CHAPTER Thirty Five. Rules for Nominating Candidates for a
Member of Municipality
Article 214. Nomination of Candidates for a Member of
CHAPTER Thirty Six. Registered Candidates to Municipality
Article 216. Registration of a Candidate for Membership of
Article 217. Postponement of Municipal Elections
Article 219. Immunity of a Registered Candidate to
Municipal Membership
Article 220. Number of Agents of Registered Candidates for
Member of Municipality
Article 221. Refusal of Candidates for Membership of a
Municipality from
Status of Candidacy
Article 223. Appointing of Representatives to Election
Commissions during Municipal Elections
CHAPTER Thirty Seven. Preparation for Municipality
Article 227. Cancellation of the Single Election Fund
CHAPTER Thirty Eight. Conduct of Municipality Elections and
Determination of the Election Results
Article 234 Voting Room During Municipal Elections
Article 235. Ballot Papers During Municipal Elections
Article 236. Rule of Voting During Municipal Elections
Article 237. Counting of Votes in the Election Precinct
During Municipal
Article 238. Determination of Voting Results by the
Constituency Election Commission
Article 239. Checking and Approval of Outcomes of Municipal
Article 240. Invalidation of Elections to Municipalities
Article 241. Announcement of Results of Municipal Elections
Article 242. Card for Being Elected as a Municipal Member
Article 245. Filling of Vacancies of Municipal Members
Article 246. Publication of Outcomes and Voting Results of
The will of the people of
Azerbaijan constitutes the basis of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s State Power.
The will of the people of Azerbaijan is expressed in fair and regular elections
based on general, equal and direct suffrage by means of secret and personal
vote as well as in nationwide opinion poll - referendum based on general, equal
and direct suffrage by means of secret and personal vote. The Azerbaijan State
guarantees free expression of the will of the people of Azerbaijan Republic by
protection of principles and norms of universal suffrage. The present Code
establishes the rules for the organization and conduct of elections of deputies
to the parliament of Azerbaijan Republic – the Milli Majlis, the President of
Azerbaijan Republic, municipalities and nationwide opinion poll – referendum
1.1 The following main definitions shall be used in this Code:
1.1.1 Referendum – voting of the citizens of the
Republic of Azerbaijan on the issues determined by the Constitution of the
Republic of Azerbaijan;
1.1.2 Elections – elections of deputies of the Milli
Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, members of municipalities in the Republic of Azerbaijan held on the
basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the present Code;
1.1.3 Voter – a person, possessing suffrage;
1.1.4 Election (referendum) commission - collective
bodies organizing and providing realization of elections (referenda) and being
formed in accordance with provisions set forth in this Code;
1.1.5 Election constituency – a territorial unit,
established in accordance with this Code, where the registered voters elect a
representative (representatives) to any elective state body;
1.1.6 Citizen – citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan with active voting right, and the persons, provided for in Articles
12.2 and 12.3 of this Code;
1.1.7 Candidate – person nominated for member of the
Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, member of municipality, in accordance with this Code;
1.1.8 Suffrage – to elect deputies of the Milli
Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
members to municipalities and the right to be elected to the same bodies and as
a President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the right to participate
in nomination of candidates, pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign, in work of
election (referendum) commissions, in observation of elections (referenda)
(including determination of election (referendum) results), in voting, and in
carrying out of other election (referendum) actions;
1.1.9 Voters list – lists of citizens of the Republic
of Azerbaijan living in the territory of the relevant election (referendum)
precinct of an election (referendum) constituency having suffrage;
1.1.10 Signature sheets – lists with voters’
signatures directed to support either one or another candidate during election,
or about membership in a referendum campaign group for the purpose of
participating in pre-referendum campaign;
1.1.11 Campaign materials – printed, audio-visual
and other materials devoted to pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign, which
are envisaged to be published or distributed through other ways during election
(referendum) campaign;
1.1.12 Pre-referendum campaign – activity of
referendum campaign groups and citizens calling or having the purpose to call
upon to the citizens which have the right to participate at referendum, to
participate at the referendum and to support or not to support the issues to be
discussed in the referendum;
1.1.13 Pre-election campaign – activity of citizens and political parties calling
or having the purpose to call upon to voters to participate in the election, to
vote (not to vote) for one or another candidate;
1.1.14 Nomination of candidates – initiative as well
as collection of signatures directed to support the initiative on determination
of persons envisaged to be elected as an deputy of the Milli Majlis of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a
municipality member, or other methods of carrying out of an initiative in
accordance with provision provided for in this Code;
1.1.15 Registered candidate - person registered for
member of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, member of a municipality in accordance with this Code;
1.1.16 Initiators of establishing of a referendum
campaign group – citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan initiating development
of a referendum campaign group and signed a notification on development of the
group to be submitted to the relevant election commission;
1.1.17 Members of a referendum campaign group -
citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan signing the signature lists necessary
for registration of a referendum campaign group;
1.1.18 Observation – preparation of an expert
opinion based on gathering and assessment of information;
1.1.19 Observer – person appointed by political
parties, non-governmental organizations, referendum campaign groups and
candidates to observe the course of elections (referenda), and accredited in
the relevant election (referendum) commission in the order provided for by this
1.1.20 International (foreign) observer – person
acquiring the right to observe elections (referenda) and representing a foreign
state, foreign or international organization;
1.1.21 Persons having the right to participate in
conducting of election (referendum) actions – observers, international
(foreign) observers, agents, authorized representatives, media representatives;
1.1.22 Block of political parties – block created by
two or more political parties for joint participation in elections, having the
same rights as political parties during the elections;
1.1.23 Election (referendum) campaign – election
(referendum) actions carried out within the period from the day of publication
of an authorized State body’s decision on assignment of election (referendum)
till the publication of results of the election (referendum);
1.1.24 Election (referendum) complaint – appeal
directed either to cancellation of documents, decisions, results of actions
(lack of actions) related to elections (referendum), or revision of such
1.1.25 Identification document – identification
document or an official document with the citizen’s photo, indicating the name,
patronymic, surname, date of birth and place of residence of the citizen (list
of such documents shall be approved by the Central Election Commission).
1.1.26 Subordination – official relationship between
a manager and a subordinate, including directive authorities of the first on
the latter, i.e. the first should have the right to employ, dismiss the latter
within his official authorities, give obligatory orders, instructions and
directions, reward and impose on him disciplinary punishments;
1.1.27 Publication – official bringing to attention
of population or announcing the election-related (referendum-related) decisions
of election commissions and other state bodies participating in conduct of
elections (referendum), through posting them on notice boards, and by means of
press, TV and Radio broadcasting and by other methods, allowing everyone to get
familiar with these decisions.
1.1.28 Distant or impassable places – settlements
located in a mountainous area, or which are in more than 1 hour drive by public
transport from the closest election precinct, due to natural circumstances;
Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall
participate in elections and referenda based on general, equal and direct
suffrage by means of secret and personal vote.
The participation of citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan in elections and referenda shall be free and voluntary. Nobody shall
have the right to put pressure upon a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan to
participate or not in elections and referendum, and nobody can impede him to
express his will freely.
The diplomatic representations and consulates of the
Republic of Azerbaijan should facilitate implementation of the rights of
citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan residing outside the Republic of
Azerbaijan during holding of elections and referendum, which are specified in
Articles 3 and 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Elections cannot be held on the same day as a
Preparation and holding of elections and referenda,
vote counting, definition of voting results and results of elections and
referenda shall be carried out freely and publicly.
2.6. The persons participating
in elections (referendum) shall follow the principles given below:
2.6.1 to respect freedom of press;
not to obstruct professional activities of the mass
media representatives; not to violate or interfere in election (referendum)
campaign of candidates and parties (blocks of political parties);
not to obstruct distribution of election campaign
materials or referendum campaign materials;
not to destroy or to spoil election campaign posters,
referendum campaign posters and other campaigning materials;
not to obstruct pre-election (pre-referendum) mass
to cooperate with election (referendum) bodies and
their officials for conduct of free, peaceful and organized elections;
not to obstruct the voters to express their will
to respect authorized persons and observers and to
cooperate with them;
to follow and assist in maintaining of secrecy of
voting ;
2.6.10 not to win over voter to its side by illegal
2.6.11 not to interfere
in the activities of election (referendum) commissions groundlessly; not to
violate the process of voting and vote count;
2.6.12 to respect
legally approved results of elections (referendum), to present each complaint
regarding the elections (referendum) to authorized body and to observe the
decision of that body regarding the relevant complaint;
2.6.13 not to make
speeches which intimidate, slander or call upon violence or distribute
materials of this content;
2.6.14 to offer rewards
to voters, or intimidate them with punishment;
2.6.15 not to use the
state resources, municipal or other public resources in circumstances not
established in this Code;
2.6.16 not to provoke
voters to vote or avoid voting, by using pressure or offering presents or by
other methods that contradict the legislation;
2.6.17 not to make
voters participate or avoid participation in referendum campaign groups,
self-nominate or not self-nominate, withdraw or not withdraw their candidacy,
take part or avoid participation in pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign process,
by using pressure or offering presents or by other methods that contradict the
2.6.18 not to use
assistance or activities rendered by any official for supporting or not
supporting the issue put on for referendum, or the candidate;
Violation of Articles 2.6.2-2.6.5, 2.6.7, 2.6.10, 2.6.11, 2.6.13-2.6.18 of this Code shall
impose liabilities under the Criminal Code or the Code of administrative
Offences of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Irrespective to their race, nationality, religion,
language, gender, origin, property status, office position, persuasions,
belonging to political parties, trade unions and other public associations, or
other status, Azerbaijan Republic’s citizens shall have the right to elect, to
be elected and to participate in referendum.
The citizens shall participate in
elections and referendum on equal terms.
Each citizen shall have a single
vote during each voting.
Any vote of citizens shall have
equal validity.
The citizens shall personally vote
for a candidate during elections, and for or against the issues to be discussed
by referendum.
Voting in place of other persons shall be
prohibited. The citizens voting or providing conditions for voting in place of
other persons shall be subject to the liability provided for in either the
Criminal Code or the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of
Voting during elections and referenda should be
secret, and any control on expression of a voter’s should be excluded.
It shall be obligatory to hold
elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, position of the
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and municipalities within time periods
indicated in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the present
It shall be obligatory to hold
referenda on the issues indicated in Item 2 of Article 3, and Article 152 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
(referenda) shall be announced at least 120 days before the voting day.
Day shall not be considered a working day.
9.1 Taking
into consideration Articles 35.4 – 35.6 of this Code, the active suffrage shall
be exercised in the election precinct, in territory of which the citizens have
been permanently residing for 6 months out of 12 months preceding the day the election is announced.
9.2 The
citizens, who left their residence places due to wars, armed conflicts, public
disorders or natural disasters, shall exercise their active suffrage in the
order established by the Central Election Commission.
Citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan can vote for only one candidate when participating in elections, except
for municipal elections.
When participating in referendum,
citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan can give only one answer to each
question to be discussed by referendum.
The State shall ensure creation of
conditions for conduct of free pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign by
citizens, political parties, and referendum campaign groups, in accordance with
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The citizens, political parties,
referendum campaign groups shall have the right to call on voters to
participate or not to participate in elections (referendum), to conduct
pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign in the form of appeals to vote for or
against a candidate, registered candidate, political party and block of
political parties, and for or against an issue to be discussed at the
referendum, in the manner and methods allowed by the Law.
The State shall define conditions
for equal use of media branches by a registered candidate, as well as political
parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaign groups for
pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign in accordance with Articles 74-86 of
this Code.
Except for the cases stipulated by
Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and by Article 14
of this Code, every citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who has attained the
age of 18 years by the day of Parliamentary, Presidential and Municipal
elections and referendum (including the same day) shall have the right to
elect, to vote in referendum, to observe elections (referendum process), to
participate in pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign, to participate in
carrying out of actions related to the election actions and preparation of
referendum provided for in this Code, that is the active suffrage.
Stateless persons meeting the
requirement indicated in Article 12.1 of this Code and permanently residing in
the Republic of Azerbaijan for not less than 5 years, shall have the right to
vote during Presidential, Parliamentary and Municipal elections or referenda.
12.3 Citizens
of foreign countries meeting the requirement
indicated in Article 12.1 of this Code and residing within a relevant municipal
territory for not less than 5 years, shall have the right to vote at municipal
elections (provided that, in their native countries the same rights for
foreigners during the municipal elections are recognized).
12.4 According
to Article 56.2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the persons
recognized by a court decision as incapacitated ones, shall be deprived of
right to participate in elections as well as in referendum, that is the active
Except for the cases stipulated by
Article 56 of the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic and by this Code, every
citizen, having active suffrage, shall have the right to be an initiator of a
referendum campaign group, and to be elected as a deputy to Milli Majlis,
President or a member of municipality, which is the passive suffrage, if he/she
meets requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan concerning
candidates for Presidency and candidates to Milli Majlis and municipality.
Cases of limitation related to the
passive suffrage shall be established by Articles 56, 85, 100 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and by this Code.
Pursuant to Articles 56.3, 85 and
100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan the following persons
shall not have a right to be elected as a deputy of the Milli Majlis,
President, member of a municipality, i.e. they shall not have the passive
people sentenced to servicing their
sentence in institutions of confinement, by court decision, which has entered
into force;
persons sentenced for the crimes
indicated in Articles 15.4 – 15.5 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of
citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan with dual citizenship (until their dual citizenship expires);
citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan who have liabilities before foreign countries (until such
liabilities are terminated).
Cases of incompatibility of
responsibilities shall be established by Articles 56, 85, 100 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and by this Code.
Pursuant to Article 56.3 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan the following persons shall not have
a right to be elected as a deputy of the Milli Majlis, President and a
municipality member , due to positions they occupy:
14.2.1 military servants (while they are on military
14.2.2 Judges (while they are in office);
14.2.3 State servants (while they are in State
14.2.4 Clergymen (while they are engaged in
professional religious activity);
Taking into consideration the
exceptions provided for in Article 12.2 of the Code, the stateless citizens
shall not possess active or passive suffrage in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Taking into consideration the
exceptions provided for in Article 12.3 of the Code, foreign citizens shall not
possess active or passive suffrage in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Foreigners, stateless persons and foreign legal
entities, their branches and representative offices (hereinafter – the foreign
legal entities) can participate in nomination and registration of candidates,
and in election campaigns of registered candidates during elections. This fact
shall not restrict the rights of foreigners and stateless persons to freedom of
opinion and free assembly.
Foreigners, stateless persons and
foreign legal entities, their branches and representative offices during
referendum shall not have the right to conduct a campaign for or against issues
to be discussed by referendum, to be a member of referendum campaign groups, as
well as their initiators or to take part in their activity in any form. This
shall not restrict the rights of foreigners and stateless persons to freedom of
opinion and free gathering.
The foreigners, stateless persons
and foreign legal entities, which fail to follow the requirements, shall be
subject to liability in accordance with Law.
The citizens, who are in airports
or travelling by planes, or are in trains or railway stations, or in
expeditions in the voting day, shall not participate in voting.
If no Precinct Election Commissions
are established in the ships, which navigate on the voting day in accordance with
Article 35.4 of this Code, the citizens being on these ships do not participate
in voting.
If no Precinct Election Commissions
are established according to Article 35.4 of this Code on the voting day on oil
and gas production platforms (hereinafter the oil platforms) located in the
Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, the citizens being on such platforms
shall not participate in voting.
If neither Azerbaijani Diplomatic
Representation nor Consulate is in the foreign country, or no Precinct Election
Commission is established according to Article 35.6 of this Code in the
Azerbaijani Diplomatic Representation or Consulate, the citizens of the
Republic of Azerbaijan being in this foreign country shall not participate in
No voting shall be held on the
Election Day for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan being in foreign
countries, during elections of deputies to Milli Majlis or municipal elections.
No voting shall be held on the
Election Day in the ships navigating on the election day, hospitals,
sanatoriums, rest homes, oil platforms located in the Azerbaijani sector of the
Caspian Sea, during elections of deputies to Milli Majlis or municipal
17.1 Elections
and referenda in the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be organized and held by
election (referendum) commissions.
17.2 Within
the authorities established by this Code, election (referendum) bodies –
election (referendum) commissions shall ensure the preparation and holding of
elections (referendum), determination of voting results and election
(referendum) outcomes, realization and protection of citizens’ suffrage, and
control the observation of the mentioned rights.
17.3 Within
the boundaries of the authority established by this Code, the election
(referendum) commissions shall not depend on State bodies, municipal
institutions, political parties, non-government organizations and other public
organizations, other legal entities and physical persons with regard to
preparation and holding of elections (referendum); and they and their officials
be not allowed to intervene in the activity of election (referendum)
commissions. Persons intervening in or influencing the work of election
(referendum) commissions shall bear administrative or criminal liability, in
accordance with the Criminal Code or the Code of Administrative Offences.
17.4 Decisions
and acts adopted by election (referendum) commissions within their authorities
established by this Code shall be obligatory for state bodies, municipalities
functioning within the relevant territory, candidates, registered candidates,
political parties, non-governmental organizations, other public organizations,
referendum campaign groups, officials and voters. Decisions of superior election commissions
shall be obligatory for lower election commissions.
17.5 Within the
authorities established by this Code, the election (referendum) commissions
shall have the right to use the State Automated Information System with the
purpose to inform the voters about the course of preparation and holding of the
elections (referenda), its results, to obtain, collect, complete, re-process,
transmit and preserve the information used during preparation and holding of
elections (referenda), as well as to provide information about activity of
election (referendum) commissions, providing that the information on voters is
protected and not disseminated.
17.6 During
organization and holding of elections (referenda), the election (referendum)
commissions, their members and other officials should follow the requirements,
when undertaking their activities as given below:
17.6.1 should organize and hold elections (referenda),
based on the Law; laws should be implemented fully, equally and impartially;
17.6.2. should treat every political party, referendum
campaign group, candidate, voter and other participants of election
(referendum) campaign fairly and equally within law;
17.6.3. should be neutral and impartial towards a
candidate, political party, referendum campaign groups and voters;
17.6.4. should not admit any actions directed to or
that can be understood as support of any candidate, political party, referendum
campaign group;
17.6.5. should not admit a conflict of official and
personal interests as an administrator of elections (referenda);
17.6.6. should not take any presents or gifts from
participators of election (referendum) campaign;
17.6.7. should not execute directions or instructions,
which are illegal and contradicting their duties;
17.6.8. should not take part in any action and acts
that conflict with their duties;
17.6.9. should not take part in activity (including
private activity) that can lead to a preconceived attitude towards any
candidate, political party, referendum campaign group;
not express its position within any political disputes related to elections
17.6.11. should not have any relation with a
voter in respect of the election issues of political nature;
17.6.12. should not bear or distribute symbols
of any political party or anyhow express their attitude to any political party;
17.6.13. should not comment, based on own
conclusion, on the decisions made, except for meetings of election commissions;
17.6.14. should make possible acquirement of
the information that can affect taking of any decision;
17.6.15. should create opportunities for voters,
persons, who have right to participate in conduct of election (referendum)
actions and to get acquainted with documents and information based on Law;
17.6.16 should create conditions for
collection, investigation, and regular unambiguous and clear publication of
17.6.17. should take possible measures to
ensure voters’ participation in elections (referendum);
17.6.18. should take measures for correct
understanding of election (referendum) campaign by voters;
17.6.19. should create all opportunities for
participation of disabled voters or voters with other physical deficiencies
living in distant or almost impassable places and who need special voting
Article 18.
System of Election (Referendum) Commissions.
18.1 System of
election (referendum) commissions shall include the following commissions:
18.1.1 Central Election (Referendum) Commission of
the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter – the Central Election Commission)
18.1.2 constituency election (referendum) commissions
(hereinafter - constituency election
18.1.3 precinct election (referendum) commissions
(hereinafter - Precinct Election Commissions)
18.2 Central
Election Commission shall manage the activity of election commissions.
18.3 Election
commissions shall be the standing State
bodies functioning in accordance with Articles 3, 83, 101 and 142 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (except for the Precinct Election
Commissions, specified in Articles 35.4 – 35.6 of this Code).
19.1 Election
commissions shall function collectively;
19.2 The
relevant election commission shall be assembled for its first meeting not later
than 5 days after appointment of members with decisive voting right.
19.3 The
Chairman of an election commission (as well as the Deputy Chairperson in the
Central Election Commission) and two secretaries, shall be elected through open
voting in the meeting of election commission. Until the Chairperson of the
election commission is selected, or if the Chairman is absent, the oldest
member of the commission shall chair its first meeting. The Chairman of the
election commission shall represent the political party, deputies of which are
in majority in the Milli Majlis, and the Secretaries shall each represent the
political parties, deputies of which are in minority in the Milli Majlis and
the independent deputies.
19.4 Election
commissions shall take decisions within their authority.
19.5 Election
commission’s meeting shall be convened by the chairperson, as well as upon
requirement of at least one third of the commission members with decisive
voting right.
Member of election commission with
decisive voting right shall be obliged to participate in all meetings of the
commission, except for the cases when he/she is ill and other good reasons.
In order to replace a member of the
election commission with decisive voting right in cases specified in Article 19.6,
replacement members nominated on the same conditions, should be appointed
(elected) to election commissions along with the main members.
19.8 Members
of election commissions shall be informed on conduct of a meeting of the
election commission by the Chairperson of the commission 5 days before the
meeting, but at least 3 days prior to the conduct of the meeting. Information
about the time of the election commission’s meeting shall be given to members
of the commission personally in writing or by means of electronic communication
facilities. The information about time of the meeting shall be delivered within
24 hours, if less than 5 days remain to the Election Day, and on the voting day
- immediately and personally.
19.9 For validation of the meeting of the election commission at
least two thirds of its members with decisive voting right should be appointed.
19.10 A meeting of election commission shall be considered valid upon
attendance of two thirds of the members with decisive voting right.
19.11 Any issue, raised by a request of a member of the election
commission or a member of a superior election commission officially attending
the meeting, and related to the authority of the commission and relevant to
approved agenda, should be voted upon.
19.12 Upon requirement of one third of the commission members, any issue
related to elections shall be included in agenda of the election commission
based on the members’ written application addressed to the chairperson of the
19.13 Minutes of all meetings of election commissions shall be taken,
and all documents entering the commission shall be registered.
19.14 Decisions of
election commission and minutes of its meetings shall be signed by the
commission’s chairperson and secretaries. If the above persons do not sign the
decisions and minutes, then they shall be signed by the commission members
which voted for these documents. Minutes
of meetings of an election commission shall be distributed to the commission
members for approval at least 24 hours prior to the meeting (and without any
delay on the Election Day) and be approved by a decision at one of the next
regular meetings of the commission (this issue should be included in agendas of
election commissions as the first item).
19.15 Members of the election commission not in favour with the decision
made by the election commission can express their opinion in writing and the
opinion shall be attached to the commission’s minutes. The special opinion
should be submitted to a superior election commission within at latest 3 days,
and information about the opinion should be given on the voting day or the day
after without delay.
19.16 In connection with carrying out of works related to preparation
and holding of elections (referenda), election commission can hire non-staff
workers based on labor and civil contract, and within funds allocated from
budget for the mentioned activities.
19.17 The Chairman of the election commission (including the Deputy Chairman
of the Central Election Commission) shall allocate positions among the
secretaries and members of the commission. Decision adopted by the commission
chairman with this regard, can be cancelled by the election commission. Due to
his position, the Chairman of the election commission shall be considered to be
the head of the election commission apparatus.
During the period of preparation
and holding of elections, the broadcasting organizations, mentioned in Article
77.2. of this Code, shall provide the Central Election Commission with not less
than 15 minutes free air time per week for explanation of the election
(referendum) legislation, rules and time frame for implementation of important
election actions, as well as dissemination of information about the course of
the election (referendum) campaign and to respond voters’ questions; the
broadcasting organizations, mentioned in Article 77.3. of this Code shall
provide not less than 10 minutes free air (broadcasting) time to Constituency
Election Commissions for the same purpose.
During the week indicated in
Article 77.1. of this Code, editorial offices of periodicals that have at least
one issue per week should allocate to the Central Election Commission a space
not less than one page of the their weekly issues, during the period of
preparation and holding of elections.
20.3 Election
commissions shall use the spaces allocated in periodicals for explanation of
election (referendum) legislation, to answer the questions of voters,
referendum campaign groups about rules and schedule of election actions,
candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political
parties, and course of election (referendum) campaign.
21.1 A
registered candidate or political parties and blocks of political parties with
a registered candidate during elections, and referendum campaign groups during
referendum can appoint one citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan with active
suffrage as a representative of a relevant election commission with
consultative voting right.
21.2 A member
of the election commission with consultative voting right that represents the
candidate nominated by a political party or block of political parties, shall
be appointed by that political party or block of parties.
21.3 Within 3
days, the relevant election commission shall approve the members with
consultative voting right, nominated by the registered candidates, political
parties and blocks of political parties that nominated their candidates, and
referendum campaign groups.
21.4 If
political parties or referendum campaign groups are merged, all other members
with consultative voting right except one shall be recalled from the election
commissions. If a political party or referendum campaign group does not meet
this requirement, the relevant election commission exclude the member with
consultative voting right to be recalled from the commission, based on its own
22.1 Initiators
of establishment of referendum campaign groups, authorized representatives,
agents and observers of candidates, registered candidates, as well as political
parties and blocks of political parties nominated a candidate, referendum
campaign groups, members of election commissions with consultative voting
right, persons directly subordinate to candidates and registered candidates,
and according to the Family Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the kin, wives
and wives’ kin of the mentioned persons (children, parents, adopted children,
brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandfathers, grandmothers), persons
who previously violated the election legislation and were withdrawn from the
membership of the commission by a decision of a superior election commission or
who committed violations of election legislation, which have been confirmed by
a court decision cannot function as a member of election commission with decisive
voting right. In this case, and if this case is confirmed by the body that
appoints the member of the election commission, the member of the election
commission shall be replaced by a substitutive member provided for in Article
19.7 of this Code.
22.2 A member
of one election commission cannot be at the same time a member of another
election commission. Except for the cases indicated in Article 36.3 of this
Code, a member of the election commission with decisive voting right cannot be
at a State or municipal service.
22.3 A member
of election commission with decisive voting right shall be dismissed from his
position based on the decision of a relevant election commission within a
month, and during preparation and holding of election – within three days, in
the following cases:
22.3.1 on submission of written application for
resignation and if this application is verified by the chairperson of the
election commission;
22.3.2 when
there are grounds provided for Articles 22.1 and 22.2 of this Code.
22.3.3 if
he/she is a member of a political party.
22.4 Powers
of a member of election commission with decisive voting right shall immediately
be terminated in the following cases:
becoming a candidate for the post
of President, deputy of the Milli Majlis or for a member of municipality;
being elected members and officials
of State power bodies and municipalities (except for the members of election
commissions specified in Article 36.3 of this Code);
being deprived of citizenship of
the Republic of Azerbaijan, or being a citizen of another country;
when accusatory court verdict comes
into force;
when he/she is recognized by court
decision that has come into force, to be incapacitated or with limited
capacity, or considered missing or dead;
when the decision of the relevant election
commission on fulfilment of his/her duties on non-regular basis or by violating
provisions of Article 17.6 of this Code, is approved by the court decision;
when violation of requirements of
the election legislation is confirmed by a resolution of the relevant court.
22.5 A member
of the election commission can neither be dismissed from his/her position, nor
his/her authorities be terminated by the body that appointed him/her, except
for the cases established in Articles 22.3 and 22.4 of this Code.
22.6 In the
place of the member with decisive voting right, who has left the election
commission in the cases mentioned in Articles 22.3 and 22.4 of this Code, a new
member shall be appointed by the body that had appointed the previous member,
within at latest 30 days after the resignation day, and within 10 days during
preparation and holding of elections.
22.7 Regardless
of their status, the commission members shall bear liability established for officials
by the Criminal Code or Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, for violation of requirements of the present Code.
22.8 The
members of election commissions with decisive voting right, specified in
Article 36.3 of this Code, which preserve their municipal positions, as well as
work in organizations, departments and institutions funded from the State
budget, cannot without their own consent be appointed to another position or
dismissed by employer’s initiative during the activity of the commission.
22.9 A member
of an election commission with consultative voting right shall have the same
rights as a member of election commission with decisive voting right, excluding
issuance of ballots and de-registration cards for voting, counting of ballots,
cancellation of ballots and de-registration cards, to draw up protocols about
outcomes and results of voting, to vote during making decisions on issues
concerning authorities of the election commission and the right to sign decisions
of the relevant election commission.
22.10 Members
of election commissions with decisive and consultative voting right:
22.10.1 shall be timely informed about meetings of the
relevant election commission;
22.10.2 can give
proposals on issues related to authorities of the relevant election commission,
make a speech in the meeting of election commission and suggest voting on these
22. 10.3 can ask
questions to other participants of the meeting of election commission related
to the agenda issues and get answers on them;
22. 10.4 can be
familiarized with any election document (including voters lists, ballots),
election documents of a lower election commissions, can get copies of the
documents (excluding voters lists, signature sheets, ballots and voter
verifications), can get familiarized with documents reflecting information that
is not considered by Law as State, commercial secret or other secret;
22. 10.5 can complain
of decisions or action (lack of action) of election commission to a relevant
superior election commission and to court, in the manner defined in this Code;
22.11 Authorities
of members of election commission with consulting voting right shall be
terminated in 30 days after official announcement of overall results of
election (referendum), but if superior election commission receives a complaint
on decision, action (lack of action) of a lower election commission, rules of
voting or vote counting were violated and court investigation is conducted on
these facts, their authorities are terminated only after making decision by the
superior election commission or the court.
Members of election commissions
with consultative voting right appointed to a relevant election commission in
relation with holding of referendum can participate in activity of the election
commission related only to referendum, members of election commissions with
consultative voting right appointed to relevant election commissions in
relation with holding of presidential elections can participate in activity of
the election commissions related only to presidential elections, members of
election commissions with consultative voting right appointed to relevant
election commissions in relation with holding of elections of deputies to the
Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan can participate in activity of the
election commissions related only to elections of deputies to the Milli Majlis
of the Republic of Azerbaijan, members of election commissions with
consultative voting right appointed to election commission in relation with
holding of municipality elections can participate in activity of the election
commissions related only to municipality elections.
Authorities of a member of an
election commission with consulting voting right can be terminated or given to
other person by decision of the person or political party or block of political
parties that appointed the member.
23.1 The term of election commissions’ authority
shall be 5 years.
23.2 If the right of citizens to participate in
election and referendum was violated by a lower election commission and as a
result of such actions the Central Election Commission (or a court) annulled
the results of voting in the relevant territory, the Central Election
Commission can dissolve this lower election commission. Complaints on decision
of the Central Election Commission can be filed with the Court of Appeal of
Azerbaijan Republic. The complaint shall be accepted immediately for
consideration and a relevant decision shall be made not later than 3 days. Not
later than a week after coming into force of a decision of the Court of Appeal
of Azerbaijan Republic on the issue, a relevant lower election commission
should be formed in the order established in this Code.
23.3 If an election commission is dissolved and
formed again as in cases mentioned in this Code, the term of authority of a
newly formed election commission shall be limited to the terms of authority of
the old one.
The Central Election Commission
shall consist of 18 members.
members of the Central Election Commission shall be elected by the Milli
24.3 Six members of the Central Election
Commission shall represent the political party nominating them, deputies of
which constitute majority in the Milli Majlis. Six members of the Central
Election Commission shall represent the non-partisan (independent) deputies,
which nominate them, and six members shall represent the political parties
nominating them, deputies of which obtained minority in the Milli Majlis. The
independent deputies shall, as a rule, be represented in the Central Election
Commission by independent lawyers, nominated by them, which are not on state
service. Nomination of 2 candidates shall be agreed among the interested
parties: 1 of the nominees be agreed with representatives of the political
party constituting majority in the Milli Majlis, and the other nominee be
agreed with representatives of the political party constituting minority in the
Milli Majlis.
24.4 Members of the Central Election Commission
should have higher education.
The Central Election Commission
shall ensure preparation and holding of presidential elections, elections of
deputies of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as
referenda and municipality elections.
The Central Election Commission
shall carry out the following general authorities:
supervise the observation of
people’s suffrage during preparation and holding of elections (referendum),
carries out the actions related to financing of elections (referenda), ensures
the identical and correct application of the relevant Articles of this Code.
within own authorities the complaints related to violation of rules set forth
in the Code, and make grounded decisions.
Constituency Election Commissions in accordance with its composition
the activity of constituency and Precinct Election Commissions;
work out standards for technical
equipment necessary for the activity of election commissions, approve the
standards and supervise their observation;
ensure delivery of ballot papers
(referendum ballots) (hereinafter – the ballot papers), envelopes for ballot
papers, protocols, de-registration cards and other election (referendum) related
documents (hereinafter “election documents”) to the Constituency Election
ensure preparation and holding of
elections (referenda), implementation of the programs related to development of
the election (referendum) system, increase legal awareness of voters, conduct
trainings for education of members of election commissions and provide the
implementation of programs on professional qualification of the latter;
within the territory of election
constituency create conditions for pre-election campaign of candidates,
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and
pre-referendum campaign of referendum campaign groups; approve the unified
regulations for distribution of air time between registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaign groups,
specify the rules of publication of voting and referendum results;
funds allocated from the State budget to preparation and holding of elections
(referenda), and supervise their usage for the specified purpose;
render legal, methodical, technical
and organizational assistance to election commissions;
approve samples of election ballot
papers, envelopes for ballot papers, voters lists, de-registration cards,
voting protocols and other election documents, and ensure their preparation and
rules for storage of election materials and keeping them in archives;
approve standards for technical
supply of election commissions and supervise their observation; approve samples
of seals of election commissions;
supervise funding of pre-election
provide voters with information
about terms, rules of voters’ action and course of holding of elections
supervise ensuring of provision of
election commissions with premises, transport and communication means, and
solve other logistic issues related to elections (referendum);
compile an integrated voters list
together with relevant executive authorities and municipal bodies;
get information from relevant
executive authorities and municipal bodies about issues related to preparation
and conduct of elections;
ensure use of the State Automated
Information System on a basis of identical rules;
register the observers and provide them
with badges of appropriate design;
define own work routine, as
appropriate to Articles 28.1 and 28.5 of this Code;
cancel illegal decisions of
election commissions, apply to the relevant commission with regard to the
chairmen and secretaries of the election commissions, which do not
appropriately fulfil their responsibilities;
carry out other authorities in
accordance with this Code.
Within its authorities, the Central
Election Commission shall adopt and publish regulations and methodical
instructions regarding implementation of this Code.
The Central Election Commission
shall provide all election commissions with regulations and methodical
instructions regarding implementation of this Code. The lower commissions shall
post the mentioned regulations and methodical instructions on notice boards
that ensure their easy reading, in the order specified by the Central Election
During conduct of referendum, elections to the Milli Majlis,
Presidential and Municipal elections, the Central Election Commission shall
function in the following directions, in accordance with Article 25 of this
The Central Election Commission
shall perform the following duties during preparation and holding of
26.1.1. . supervise
compliance of holding of referendum in compliance with this Code;
26.1.2. . register
referendum campaign groups in cases stipulated by this Code;
26.1.3. . publish
overall lists of registered referendum campaign group;
. ensure
distribution air time among referendum campaign group for pre-referendum
campaign on a basis of identical rules;
. ensure
supervision on spending of monetary means entered to referendum funds by
referendum campaign group;
26.1.6. determine
results of referendum and publishes them in press;
26.1.7. . perform
other authorities in accordance with this Code.
The Central Election Commission
shall implement the following duties during preparation and holding of
elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
supervise holding of election to
the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in compliance with this Code;
ensure observation of conditions of
pre-election activities, established by this Code, by all candidates,
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties,
referendum campaign groups;
ensure carrying out of distribution
of air (broadcasting) time for pre-election campaign between political parties,
blocks of political parties and registered candidates on the basis of equal
supervision on spending of monetary means entered to election funds of
candidates (political parties) ;
the list of candidates registered in constituencies;
determine elected deputies among
candidates registered in the election constituencies and issues them the
relevant verification cards;
officially publish results of
elections to the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic, including protocols of
Precinct Election Commissions;
draw up list of the elected
deputies, submits these lists and necessary documents to the Milli Majlis;
organize holding of repeat
elections and by-elections for seats of left deputies;
. exercise
other authorities in accordance with this Code.
The Central Election Commission
shall perform the following authorities during preparation and holding of
elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
26.3.1. supervise holding of elections of
the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in compliance with this Code;
26.3.2. register candidates for Presidency,
their agents, authorized representatives;
26.3.3. issue verification in established
form to candidates for Presidency and their agents;
26.3.4. . publish
overall list of registered candidates;
26.3.5. . ensure equal
condition for pre-election campaign to all candidates for Presidency;
observation of pre-election activity conditions, established by this Code, by
all candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties;
distribution of air (broadcasting) time among registered candidates on a basis
of identical rules;
supervision on spending of monetary means entered to the funds of candidates
for Presidency;
26.3.9. determine the results of
Presidential elections;
issue verification to the candidate
elected as the President;
officially publish results of
Presidential elections;
prepare holding of repeat voting on
Presidential elections
holding of repeated Presidential elections;
exercise other duties in accordance
with this Code;
Central Election Commission shall perform the following duties during
preparation and holding of municipality elections:
26.4.1. supervise
of holding of municipality elections in compliance with this Code;
26.4.2. publish the list of candidates
registered in constituencies;
make a decision on holding of
repeat elections and by-elections on the basis of information received from the
Constituency Election Commission;
officially publish results of
other duties in accordance with this Code.
A member of the Central Election
Commission shall receive salary from the state budget during the period of his/her
authority in the commission. When retiring on a pension, the person who was the
member of the Central Election Commission shall be paid 80% of the salary
amount of a full member of the Central Election Commission member.
A member of the Central Election
Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan cannot be detained, arrested or be
subject to criminal liability or administrative penalties as may be determined
in a court procedure without the consent of the General Public Prosecutor. A
member of the Central Election Commission can be arrested only if he/she is
caught in the act of crime. In this case, the body arresting the member of the
Central Election Commission shall immediately inform the General Public
Prosecutor of the Republic of Azerbaijan about the matter.
Expenses of a member of the Central
Election Commission for use of inter-cities transport and any public transport
(except taxi and ordered journeys) within the country during elections
(referendum) shall be paid from the funds allocated by the Central Election
Commission upon presenting of the relevant documents on travelling.
The Central Election Commission shall adopt
regulations with the purpose to determine the order for conduct of its
Decisions of the Central Election
Commission shall be adopted by open vote as follows: if 12 members of the
commission are present at the meeting of the Central Election Commission – by a
majority of at least 8 of its members, if 13 members are present - by a
majority of at least 9 of its members, if 14 or 15 members are present - by a
majority of at least 10 of its members, if 16 members are present - by a
majority of at least 11 of its members, if 17 or 18 members are present – by
majority of at least 12 of its members.
The instructions or methodical
guidelines adopted concerning the rules on implementation of this Code, should
be legally examined prior to being approved by a decision of the Central
Election Commission. The opinion on legal examination together with the draft
shall at least 3 days prior to the voting, be presented to the Central Election
Commission members.
Decision of the Central Election
Commission should be officially published at the latest 24 hours and the
decision shall enter into force upon publishing.
The Central Election Commission
forms its Secretariat. Activities of the Secretariat shall be regulated by the
Regulations approved by the Central Election Commission. The Central Election Commission
shall determine the structure and establish the personnel of the Secretariat
within the funds allocated to the Central Election Commission from the State
budget. The Regulations of the Central Election Commission, the structure of
its Secretariat and the personnel schedule should be published after being
The Central Election Commission of
the Republic of Azerbaijan shall have its own official media outlet.
The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
shall have its own letterheads, emblem, badges and a stamp.
For holding of elections the
Central Election Commission shall form 125 election (referendum) constituencies
(hereinafter – election constituencies) every 5 years based on the information
about the number of voters permanently residing and registered in the relevant
territorial units provided by the municipalities and relevant executive bodies
to the Central Election Commission. Election constituencies shall as a rule be
formed on the basis of average representation norm. The average representation
norm is specified by division of total number of registered voters by 125.
Election constituencies shall be considered the single-mandate constituencies
during the elections of deputies of the Milli Majlis, and the election
territories – during the Presidential elections, referendum and elections of
municipal members.
Voters residing outside the
Republic of Azerbaijan shall be included on the voters lists in election
constituencies. Information about the number of voters permanently residing
outside the Republic of Azerbaijan, or being on long-term business trips and
registered in the relevant diplomatic representations and consulates of
Azerbaijan Republic shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission by a
relevant executive power body. Based on the same information, the Central Election
Commission shall approve a list of the relevant election constituencies for
inclusion of the voters on the voters lists during referendum and Presidential
elections. Number of voters in election constituencies where the voters
residing outside Azerbaijan Republic are included on the lists should be less
than the average norm of voters.
Election constituencies shall be
formed upon observation of the following requirements:
As a rule, number of voters
registered on the territory of administrative-territorial units of the Republic
of Azerbaijan should be approximately the same under the condition that their
number should not be 5 % more than the average representation norm and 10% more
(less) than the average representation norm in distant places and places having
impassable roads;
Formation of election
constituencies in the territories not having boundaries between each other
shall be prohibited.
Determining (changing) the boundaries of election constituencies purposefully for any
of the voters group to be in majority shall not be allowed.
Upon observation of requirements on
formation of election constituencies indicated in Articles 29.2 and 29.3 of
this Code, necessity of intersection of the boundaries of municipality should be
taken into consideration.
The Central Election Commission
should approve the scheme of formation of election constituencies and their
graphic images on the basis of information about voters, every 5-years within
30 days after the integrated voters list is compiled. During this period the
scheme of formation of election constituencies and their graphic images can be
re-approved taking into consideration the requirements provided in Articles
29.3 and 46 of this Code.
The scheme of formation of election
constituencies and their graphic images, as well as proposals on boundaries of
election constituencies shall be prepared by a commission on determining the
boundaries of election constituencies created under the Central Election
Commission and consisting of specialists. The work of such commission shall be
supervised by the Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission Republic,
and he/she be considered the chairperson of the commission, due to his/her
duties. Meetings of the Commission on Determining the Boundaries of Election
Constituencies shall be held not later than two months after annual update of
the Integrated Voters List. The main object of the mentioned commission shall
be to ensure compliance of the election commissions with Articles 29.3 and 29.7
of this Code. Only 1/3 of members of such commissions can be on state service.
If election constituencies are formed immediately before holding of election
(referendum), the scheme of formation of election constituencies and their
graphic images should be approved at least 115 days before election
(referendum) day and be published at least 110 days before election
(referendum) day.
The following should be indicated
in the scheme of formation of election constituencies:
name and number of each election
list of municipalities of
administrative-territorial units, or towns, district, districts in towns
located in every election constituency (if election constituency includes a
part of an administrative-territorial unit, municipality, and settlement, the
boundaries of the part of the administrative-territorial unit, municipality,
and settlement should be outlined in the scheme. If one election constituencies
is formed in one administrative-territorial unit, list of municipalities located
in the election constituency shall not be included in the scheme of formation
of election constituency);
of each election constituency;
number of voters registered in each
election constituency, number of voters registered in each municipality included
in election constituency, in case of formation of more than one election
constituency in administrative-territorial unit;
number of voters included on the
lists in the relevant election constituencies in accordance with Article 29.2
of this Code, with indication of foreign countries where the voters residing
outside the Republic of Azerbaijan live.
At the formation of election
constituencies and specification of scheme of their formation, the State
Automated Information System can be used.
29.9. A
unified election constituency for election of the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan and conduct of a referendum shall cover the whole territory of the
Republic of Azerbaijan;
29.10. According
to Article 46 of this Code, voters included on the voters list in a
constituency shall also be considered as voters included on the voters list in
the unified election constituency.
If election constituencies are
organized immediately before elections (referendum) they should be organized at
least than 90 days before voting day.
Constituency Election Commission
shall consist of 9 members. Members of the Constituency Election Commission are
appointed by the Central Election Commission.
30.3. Candidacy
of three members to Constituency Election Commission shall be presented by the
members of the Central Election Commission who represent the political party,
deputies of which constitute majority in the Milli Majlis. Candidacy of other
three members to Constituency Election Commission shall be presented by the
members of the Central Election Commission who represent the political parties,
deputies of which constitute minority in the Milli Majlis, and candidacies of
other three members be presented by the members of the Central Election
Commission who represent the non-partisan deputies of the Milli Majlis.
Candidates to the Constituency Election Commission can be presented by local
branches of the relevant political parties to the members of the Central
Election Commission representing political parties. 2 of the candidates to the
Constituency Election Commission nominated by the members of the Central
Election Commission who represent the non-partisan deputies in the Commission,
can be agreed with the interested parties: 1 candidate with the members of the
Central Election Commission who represent the political party, deputies of
which constitute majority in the Milli Majlis, and the other one with the
members of the Central Election Commission who represent the political parties,
deputies of which constitute minority in the Milli Majlis.
30.4. Members of
election constituency shall receive an appropriate verification card from the
Central Election Commission.
31.1. The
Constituency Election Commission shall perform the following general duties:
supervise observation of suffrage
of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the territory of election
consider within own authorities the
complaints related to violation of rules set forth in the Code, and makes
grounded decisions;
create conditions for candidates,
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties on the
territory of election constituency for their pre-election activity and for
pre-referendum activities of referendum campaign groups;
name the Precinct Election
Commissions on the territory of election constituency and ensures numbering of
precinct commissions on the base of unified rule;
ensure delivery of ballots,
envelopes for ballot papers, protocols, de-registration cards and other
election documents to Precinct Election Commissions;
distribute funds allocated for
preparation and holding of elections (referenda) among Precinct Election
Commissions, supervises use of the funds for the specified purpose;
receive information from the
relevant executive authority bodies and municipalities related to preparation
and holding of elections (referenda);
inform voters about rule and term
of performance of election actions in the course of elections (referenda),
publishes information about the registered candidates and preliminary election
(voting) results;
supervise provision of Precinct Election
Commissions with premises, transport and communication means, fulfilment of
relevant decisions made in relation with material and technical supply of
render organizational and technical
assistance to Precinct Election Commissions on the territory of election
constituency on holding of voting in election precincts;
co-ordinate activity of Precinct
Election Commissions;
ensure storage of election
(referendum) documents in accordance with rules approved by the Central
Election Commission;
ensure submission of documents
related to preparation and holding of elections (referenda) to the Central
Election Commission, including protocols on outcomes of voting (elections);
. ensure use
of the State Automated Information System on the territory of election
constituency on the basis of a unified rule;
instructions to the members of precincts election commissions.
cancel illegal decisions of
Precinct Election Commissions.
conduct of referendum, elections of deputies to the Milli Majlis, Presidential
or municipal elections, the Constituency Election Commission shall function in
the following directions, in accordance with Article 31 of this Code:
Constituency Election Commissions
shall perform the following duties during preparation and holding of
32.1.1. register referendum campaign groups
in cases stipulated by this Code;
32.1.2. determine
results of vote counting in referendum constituency;
ensure control on spending of
election funds of referendum campaign groups in referendum constituencies;
32.1.4. perform other authorities in accordance with this
Constituency Election Commissions
shall perform the following authorities during preparation and holding of
elections of deputies of the Milli Majlis:
ensure reception of information
about candidates nominated on corresponding single-mandate election
constituency, publishes information about registered candidates;
register candidates on
single-mandate constituency, their authorized representatives and agents, and
issues them verifications in the form established by the Central Election
ensure control on spending of
election funds of candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocks
of political parties on the territory of election constituencies;
ensure observation of pre-election
activity conditions, specified by this Code, for candidates, registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties on the territory of
election constituencies;
outcomes of elections on single-mandate constituency;
repeat and by-elections;
perform other duties in accordance
with this Code.
The Constituency Election Commissions shall
undertake the following authorities with regard to preparation and conduct of
the Presidential Elections:
provide equal conditions for pre-election campaign
activities of the candidates for Presidency, within the election constituency;
ensure that the conditions for pre-election activities
established by this Code are observed by the candidates and the registered
candidates within the election constituency;
determine results of Presidential elections within
the election constituency;
perform other duties in accordance with this Code.
The Constituency Election Commission shall implement
the following duties during preparation and conduct of elections to
ensure obtaining of information about candidates
nominated for municipality on an election territory, publishes information
about registered candidates;
register candidates for member of a municipality,
their authorized representatives, their agents, and issues them verification
cards in the form established by the Central Election Commission;
control that pre-election activities of candidates
for member of a municipality within the constituency can be conducted equally;
determine the voting results based on information
received by Precinct Election Commissions within the constituency;
organize repeat elections and by-elections;
perform other duties in accordance with this Code.
The Chairman and Secretaries of a Constituency
Election Commission shall be provided with salary from the State budget, during
his/her term of office. The members of the Constituency Election Commission
shall receive compensation from the State budget, within the period from the
day of publication of the authorized state body’s decision on determination of
elections (referendum) to the day of publication of the election (referendum)
results, as well as during annual drafting of voters’ lists. The salary the
member elected to the Constituency Election Commission receives from the place
of employment, serving at the structures, enterprises, organizations or
institutions funded from either the state or local budget, shall be preserved.
During elections (referendum) the member of the Constituency
Election Commission cannot be detained or be subject to criminal liability or
administrative measures as determined by the court, without consent of a
relevant district prosecutor (“district prosecutor” here shall be understood as
the public prosecutor of the district covering the major part of territory of
the election constituency). A member of a Constituency Election Commission can
be arrested only if he/she is caught in the act of crime. In this case, the
body arresting the member of the Constituency Election Commission shall
immediately inform the Central Election Commission and the relevant district
prosecutor about the matter.
Expenses of a member of a Constituency Election
Commission for use of inter-cities transport and any public transport (except
taxi and ordered journeys) within the country during elections (referendum)
shall be paid from the funds allocated by the Constituency Election Commission,
upon presenting the documents on travelling.
The Constituency Election Commission shall build its
activity on regulations for the Constituency Election Commission, verified by
the Central Election Commission.
The Secretariat of the Constituency Election
Commission shall build its activity on the Charter verified by the Central
Election Commission.
Decisions of the Constituency Election Commission
are adopted during the meeting of the Constituency Election Commission as
by majority of votes of at least 6 members if
attended by 9 members;
by majority of votes of at least 5 members if
attended by 8 or 7 members;
by majority of votes of at least 4 members if
attended by 6 members.
Decisions of the Constituency Election Commission
should be published within a 24 hours period and enter into force upon
35.1 Election (referendum) precincts (hereafter referred to as
election precincts) shall be formed every 5 years with the purpose of
conducting voting and counting of votes, taking into account the number of
voters registered within the territories of municipalities. Separate election
precincts can be formed before the abovementioned period expires with a purpose
to ensure the conformity of the requirements of Article 35.3.1. of this Code.
Election precincts shall be created by the relevant
Constituency Election Commissions, agreed with the relevant executive body and
municipality, taking into account necessity of creation of maximum convenience
for voters and local and other conditions. If election precincts are created
immediately before the elections (referendum) then they should be established
at least 50 days prior to the election day. The boundaries of election precinct
shall be clearly indicated in decision of the Constituency Election Commission
on formation of an election precinct (if the election precinct covers a part of
a settlement, then street names and apartment numbers shall be indicated).
The following requirements should be followed when
creating the election precinct:
at most 1500 and at least 50 voters should
be registered within the territory
of each
election precinct;
borders of
election precincts must not cross the borders of the constituencies.
Voting stations can be created on (hospitals,
sanatoriums, rest homes, oil platforms located in the Azerbaijani sector of the
Caspian Sea), in the ships that navigate on the election day (if more than 50
voters are present), and in the places where voters are temporarily located
(hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes), in conformity with the rules defined by
the Central Election Commission and within the period defined by Article 35.2
of this Code. They can be created at least 5 days prior to the voting day only
in exceptional circumstances defined by the Central Election Commission. Such
voting stations shall be included in the constituency created within their
location or within the territory of which the ship is registered. Such voting
stations may only be created during referendum and Presidential elections.
Military servants
should vote in ordinary voting stations. Rules for transferring citizens of the
Republic of Azerbaijan who are in limited military service are defined by the
Central Election Commission. Voting stations can be created in the military
units located outside of the settlements only in circumstances if it is needed
more than 1 hour to transport military servants by means of public transport to
ordinary voting stations and if the number of military servants is more than
50. In exceptional circumstances defined by the Central Election Commission
voting stations can be created in the military units located outside of the
settlements. In such circumstances, voting stations shall be created within the
period defined by Article 35.2 of this Code, in exceptional cases, they shall
be created at least 5 days prior to the voting day by the commanders of the
military units in accordance with the decision of relevant Constituency
Election Commission. Military servants from frontier troops and military
servants located at the areas of military conflicts, as well as those serving
under special regime, shall vote in election precincts created within their
military units. In the election precincts formed in accordance with this
Article, the conditions to access working rooms of election commission and
voting rooms easily for all members of the Precinct election commission and
superior election commissions, registered candidates and their representatives,
authorized representatives of political parties and blocks of political parties
and observers should be created in conformity with the rules defined by this
35.6 Election
precincts for organizing voting for voters located in foreign states and
counting of these votes shall be created in the territories where these voters reside,
by the heads of diplomatic representations or consulates, provided that number
of voters registered with the consulate is more than 50, at least 30 days prior
to the voting day. Such voting stations can only be created during referenda
and Presidential elections.
35.7 A list of voting stations,
stating their number and borders (if voting station occupies a art of territory
of a settlement), list of settlements (if voting station covers several
settlements), places of Precinct Election Commission and voting stations, and
telephone numbers of Precinct Election Commission should be published by the
Constituency Election Commission at least 45 days prior to the voting day.
Information about election precincts established within the period considered
by Articles 35.4. and 35.5. of this Code should be published not later than 2
days after the day of their establishment.
35.8 Issues on
publishing of the information mentioned in Articles 35.7 and 109 of this Code in
the election precincts established outside of the Republic of Azerbaijan should
be managed by the heads of relevant diplomatic representations or consulates,
by taking into account the local conditions.
Precinct Election Commissions, comprising 6 members,
shall be formed by the relevant Constituency Election Commission.
Candidacy of 2 members to Precinct Election
Commission shall be presented by the members of the Constituency Election
Commission who represent the political party, deputies of which constitute
majority in the Milli Majlis. Candidacy of other 2 members to Precinct Election
Commission shall be presented by the members of the Constituency Election
Commission who represent the political parties, deputies of which constitute
minority in the Milli Majlis, and candidacies of the next 2 members be
presented by the members of the Constituency Election Commission who represent
the non-partisan deputies of the Milli Majlis. Candidates to the Precinct
Election Commission can be presented by local branches of relevant political
parties to the members of the Constituency Election Commission representing
political parties, and by voters (voters’ initiative groups) to the members of
the Constituency Election Commission representing non-partisan deputies of the
Milli Majlis. The candidates should be the citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, who permanently reside within territory of the relevant election
No more than 2 members of the Precinct Election
Commission can be in municipal service.
If Precinct Election Commissions are created
immediately before the elections (referendum), they should be organized at
least 40 days before the Voting Day.
Precinct Election Commission members shall obtain
verification cards in accordance with the rules defined by the Central Election
Each registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties, initiative groups of voters shall have the right to appoint
one observer to the Precinct Election Commission from the time the Precinct
Election Commission commences its work and until the voting results are made
official. Such observers shall not be required to be registered in the order,
specified in Article 40.7 of this Code.
In cases provided
for in Articles 35.4 and 35.5 of the Code, in election precincts with number of
voters less than 100 and more than 50, and those located in impassable places,
the Precinct Election Commissions can be formed by open vote at general
meetings of voters. In such case, composition of the Precinct Election
Commission can be approved by the Constituency Election Commission.
The Precinct Election Commission shall perform the following
duties during preparation and conduct of referendum, elections of deputies to
the Milli Majlis, Presidential elections and elections to municipalities:
inform the public about the address of the Precinct
Election Commission, its telephone number, business hours, and also about date
and place of voting;
approve and specifies the voters list; displays this
list for voters information; distributes (delivers) de-registration cards to
voters; examines applications about mistakes and errors on the voters list and
makes relevant changes;
. ensure that the
voting place, as well as the ballot box and other equipment are ready for the
voting process;
inform the voters about the issues to be discussed
by a referendum, about the registered candidates and the list of registered
control compliance with the rules for pre-election
and pre-referendum campaigning within the territory of the election precinct;
. issue
de-registration cards for voting;
organize voting on the voting day at the election
determine the voting results for the election
precinct, counts votes and delivers the protocols on voting results to the
Constituency Election Commission;
examine complaints on violation of requirements of
this Code within its powers and makes grounded decision;
ensure preservation of documents on preparation and
conduct of elections in accordance with the rules approved by the Central
Election Commission and of their submission in accordance with the relevant
perform other duties in conformity with this Code.
The Chairman, Secretaries and Members of a Precinct
Election Commission shall be provided with compensation from the State budget, within
the period from the day of publication of the authorized state body’s decision
on determination of elections (referendum) to the day of publication of the
election (referendum) results, as well as during annual drafting of voters’
lists. The salary the member elected to the Precinct Election Commission
receives from his/her permanent place of employment, serving at the structures,
enterprises, organizations or institutions funded from either the state or
local budget, shall be preserved.
Within a period of 30 days prior to the voting day
the member of the Precinct Election Commission cannot be detained or be subject
to criminal liability or administrative measures as determined by the court,
without consent of a relevant district prosecutor. A member of the Precinct
Election Commission can be arrested only if he/she is caught in the act of
crime. In this case, the body arresting the member of the Precinct Election
Commission shall immediately inform the relevant district prosecutor and the
Constituency Election Commission about the matter.
The Precinct Election Commission shall build its
activity on regulations for Precinct Election Commissions, verified by the
Central Election Commission.
The Secretariat of the Precinct Election Commission
shall build its activity on the Charter verified by the Central Election
Decisions of the Precinct Election Commission shall
be made as follows, during the commission’s meeting:
by votes cast for by at least 4 members, if attended
by 6 or 5 members;
by votes cast for by at least 3 members, if attended
by 4 members.
Decision of the Precinct Election Commission should
be published within at latest 12-hour period.
Activity of election commissions shall be
transparent to voters.
Members of election commissions, candidates
registered within the relevant constituency and their authorized
representatives or agents, or agents of referendum campaigning groups, agents
of political parties and blocks of political parties shall have the right:
to observe the meetings of the election commission
and processes of vote counting, with purposes to become familiar with
processing of ballot papers, voters lists, de-registration cards for voting,
protocols on election outcomes and voting results in the Precinct and
Constituency Election Commissions;
to obtain copies of the decisions and other election
documents (except for voters lists, de-registration cards for voting, election
ballot papers and signature sheets) of the Constituency and Precinct Election
to observe implementation of other election
activities in election commissions.
Persons mentioned in Article 40.2 of this Code shall
not be required to get any additional permission of the election commission or
be registered as observers for attendance in the meetings of the relevant
election commissions or for becoming familiarized with the documents mentioned
above. A relevant election commission ensures their free access to the
locations where election documents are being processed or votes are being
Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan having the
active suffrage, including the foreign citizens mentioned in Article 44 of this
Code can act as observers.
The observer can carry out the observation based on
own initiative or initiative of a registered candidate, political party, block
of political parties, referendum campaign group or a non-governmental
organization that functions in the field of elections.
Application for observation within the whole
territory the Republic of Azerbaijan can be presented to the Central Election
Commission starting from the day of announcing the elections till the period of
10 days prior to elections. Surname, name, patronymic, place of residence,
serial and batch number of ID Card of the observer, and if necessary the name
of the candidate interests of which are to be represented, or the name of the
referendum campaign group, names and legal addresses of the non-governmental
organization, political party (or block of political parties) shall be
indicated. Two photos shall be attached to the application. The decisions on
each application should be made within 3 days from the date it is submitted.
Observation can be rejected only if the information provided in the application
is not confirmed. If conduct of observation is not permitted by the Central
Election Commission, complaint regarding this decision of the Central Election
Commission can be filed with the Court of Appeal. In case the observation is
allowed, the observer shall be provided with a badge prepared corresponding to
rules established by the Central Election Commission.
Application for observation within territory of an
election constituency can be presented to the relevant Constituency Election
Commission starting from the day of announcing the elections till the period of
5 days prior to elections. Surname, name, patronymic, place of residence,
serial and batch number of ID Card of the person intending to observer, and if
necessary the name of the referendum campaign group, names and legal addresses
of the non-governmental organization, political party (or block of political
parties) shall be indicated. Two photos shall be attached to the application.
The deadline for making decisions on each application shall be not more than 2
days from the date the application is submitted. Observation can be rejected
only if the information provided in the application is not confirmed. If
conduct of observation is not permitted by the Constituency Election
Commission, complaint regarding this decision of the Constituency Election
Commission can be filed with the Central Election Commission. In case the
observation is allowed, the Constituency Election Commission shall provide the
observer with a badge prepared corresponding to rules established by the
Central Election Commission.
Representatives of mass media shall have the right
to participate at meetings of election commissions in regard with elections
documents and vote counting process.
The relevant election commission shall inform the
superior election commissions, each registered candidate and his/her authorized
representative, agents of political parties and blocks of political parties
which have registered candidates, agents of referendum campaigning groups and
the observers entitled to be present at commission meetings about the time of
processing the election documents and meetings of election commission, in
accordance with the rules considered by Article 20.1 of this Code.
Representatives of the interested parties shall have
the right to be present in the meetings, while
elections commission are investigating the officially submitted
The election commissions shall inform the citizens
biography of each candidate registered in accordance
with this Code;
results of registration;
list of candidates;
other information received by the election
commission about them;
results of voting regarding the referendum issue or
40.12 The persons mentioned in Article 40.2 of this
Code, as well as observers, including international observers, representatives
of the mass media can observe implementation of election actions, determination
of voting results and election (referendum) returns, completion of protocols of
voting results and election (referendum) outcomes, as well as count and recount
of votes in all election commissions.
40.13 Only the observers who have obtained specific
permission by being registered with the Central Election Commission in
accordance with the rules defined by the Central Election Commission for
getting the following rights, shall have the right to observe the meeting of
the election commission up to the voting day. This right should be indicated on
the badge provided by the Central Election Commission. Such observers shall be
identified by the Central Election Commission by means of lottery, providing
that each of the subjects provided for in Article 40.5 of this Code has one
observer with such rights (separately for each election commission), and that
the number of such observers for each commission does not prevail 10. No
specific permission shall be required to observe a meeting of an election
commission on the voting day.
40.14 Unimpeded access of all election commission
members, persons mentioned in Article 40.2 of this Code and observers to voting
rooms of any of the electoral precincts, including those established in
military units, hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes and oil platforms located in
the Caspian Sea, should be ensured.
40.15 All the authorized persons in the voting
station, as well as the members of the Precinct Election Commission, the
persons specified in Article 40.2 of this Code and mass media representatives
should have a badge of specific form defined by the Central Election
Commission, that shows surname, name, patronymic, position and picture of the
person and allows to determine status of that person.
40.16 An observer should have a badge, indicating
his/her surname, name, patronymic, address, election commission (commissions) he/she
is assigned to, and approved by the registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, referendum campaign group, non-governmental
organizations whose interests the observer represents. This badge shall be
valid only if it is supported by an identification card or other substitute
document. Advance information about observer’s visit is not required.
40.17 A list of observers, who are in the voting station during the
voting day, observing the election actions, shall be kept by the secretary of
the Precinct Election Commission.
41.1 Observation should be based on the following principles:
41.1.1 the election
process should not be influenced for interests of any candidate or political
41.1.2 all circumstances
and facts regarding the activities to be observed should be taken into
41.1.3 it should be
41.1.4 results of the
observation shall be based on facts;
The principles listed above should be indicated on
the reverse side of the observer’s badge.
International and domestic observers shall have the
same rights and undertake the same duties.
Observers, including international observers shall have
the following rights, along with those indicated in Articles 40.12 and 40.13 of
this Code:
42.2.1 to become familiar with voters lists;
42.2.2. to be present in the voting room of the
relevant election precinct at any time;
42.2.3. to observe the issuance of ballot papers and
envelopes for ballot papers to voters;
42.2.4. to observe voting outside of voting stations;
42.2.5. to observe number of voters, count of ballot
papers and cancelled ballot papers;
to require the observation results to be included
into the protocol of the election commission;
to look through the envelopes for ballot papers,
marked and unmarked ballot papers, in order to check the vote’s validity,
during the vote count in a condition ensuring observation of vote count and
from certain distance; to become familiar with the election commission’s
protocol on voting results and election (referendum) returns and with other
42.2.8. to apply to the
chairperson of the Precinct Election Commission regarding suggestions and
comments about organization of voting, if he/she is not available, to a person
who assumes the chairperson’s powers;
42.2.9. Starting from the
commencement of election commission’s activity on the voting day and the ballot
boxes are sealed and till the reception of protocols on voting results by
election commissions, to make or obtain 1 verified copy
free of charge and then photocopy and obtain other copies of documents of
election commissions, as well as protocols on voting results and election
(referendum) returns, documents and attached documents prepared by election
commissions after the fee defined by the Central Election Commission is paid
(the election commission should verify copies of the above mentioned documents
at the request of an observer); to become familiar with the list of
participated voters.
to observe during the recount of votes in the
relevant election commissions.
to observe transfer of election documents to the
Constituency Election Commission and the Central Election Commission.
42.3 The observer shall be prohibited:
42.3.1. to issue ballot papers and envelopes
for ballot papers to voters;
42.3.2. to ask voter on how he/she will or
did vote;
42.3.3. to sign a receipt of a ballot paper
on behalf of a voter who requests it;
42.3.4. to mark a ballot paper on behalf of
a voter who requests it;
42.3.5. to participate
directly in the counting of ballot papers together with the commission members
with decisive voting right;
42.3.6. to obstruct the work of an election
42.3.7. to conduct election campaign among
the voters;
42.3.8. make actions or
calls directed to supporting any candidate or political party or issue put on
for referendum, or make actions or calls that can be understood as support of
candidate or political party;
42.3.9 to intervene in
making decisions by the relevant election commissions;
42.3.10 to respond to
questions of voters (except for questions concerning his/her status).
42.4 registration of the observer who does not
comply with the requirements specified in Article 42.3 of this Code can be
cancelled by a relevant court upon application of the election commission that
has registered him/her.
42.5 In
case the observers submit their opinion on observation results to the
Chairperson of the Central, Constituency or Precinct Election Commission, the
opinion shall be enclosed to the protocol on either voting results or election
Representatives of the mass media can cover meetings
and become familiar with protocols on voting results and election (referendum)
outcomes and with decisions of all elections commissions; as well as make or
obtain free of charge one copy of the relevant election commission’s decisions,
protocol and documents attached to them, and can purchase the additional copies
after the fee defined by the Central Election Commission is paid.
Upon request of the representatives of mass media,
the copies of decisions of an election commission, protocols on voting results and
election outcomes should be verified by the election commission.
International (foreign) observers (hereinafter -
international observers) shall be registered with the Central Election
Commission, when coming to the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the
rules defined by legislation and on the basis of a relevant invitation.
Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan cannot obtain the status of an
international observer.
The Milli Majlis, relevant executive authority
bodies and the Central Election Commission can invite them after a decision on
determination of elections has been officially published.
The non-government organizations, which have
reputation in the field of protection of human and citizens’ rights and freedom
can also submit to deputies of the Milli Majlis, Central Election Commission or
relevant executive authority their proposals on inviting the international
The international observer shall submit the
documents specified in Article 40.7 of this Code, for obtaining registration.
The Central Election Commission shall issue the international observer with a
specific verification card – badge, designed in the state language or one of
foreign languages in accordance with the documents submitted by him/her. Only
this card allows the international observer to function in accordance with
Articles 40-42 of this Code during preparation and conduct of elections.
The term of authority of the international observer
shall commence from the time he/she is registered by the Central Election
Commission, and finish on the day the general results of the elections are
officially published.
The international observer shall function
independently and freely, his/her activity being financed by the organization
assigned him/her, or from his/her personal funds.
The international observer shall be under the
protection of the State while he/she is within the territory of the Republic of
Azerbaijan. Election commissions, state government bodies and municipalities
shall be obliged to render necessary assistance to him/her.
The international observers can conduct press
conferences dedicated to the election legislation, preparation and conduct of elections,
and make statements to the mass media after the Election Day.
The international observers shall have the right to
meet with voters, candidates, registered candidates, members of election
commissions. authorized representatives of political parties, blocks of
political parties, referendum campaigning groups, agents of registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, referendum campaign
The international observers cannot use their status
for activities not related to election campaign, preparation and conduct of
The Central Election Commission can cancel the
registration of the international observer if he/she violates laws and
international legal norms.
The Integrated Voters (Citizens Who Have the Right
to Participate in Referendum) hereinafter – the voters list) List shall be kept
by the Central Election Commission.
Information on updating of the voters list shall
annually be provided to the Central Election Commission by Precinct Election
Commissions through Constituency Election Commissions , in accordance with
Article 46.12 of this Code.
The Integrated Voters List shall be kept on election
precincts, election constituencies and entirely the Republic of Azerbaijan, and
include the information specified in Article 46.9 of this Code.
Data from the voters lists approved by Precinct
Election Commissions formed in the order specified in Article 35.8 of this Code
shall not be included in the Integrated Voters List. Such data shall be
presented by the Central Election Commission in the manner it defines, and be
integrated in a temporary voters list. Temporary voters lists shall be enclosed
to the Integrated Voters List.
permanent voters list for a precinct shall be approved by the Precinct Election
Commission in conformity with the format defined by the Central Election
Commission until 30th of May of each year and be specified at least
35 days prior to the Election Day. After this period and until the Voting Day
(including the Voting Day), the voter can be included in the voters list only
upon the court decision (in this case, the court decision shall be attached to
the voters list). Voting cards of the voters who vote with voting cards, shall
be attached to the voters lists, in accordance with Article 101 of this Code.
Any additions and amendments to voters list on the voting day cannot be made.
Voters lists cannot be published in the press.
The document verifying
inclusion of a voter in the voters list is the Voter’s Card. Voter’s name,
surname, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, name of the election
constituency he/she is registered in and number and address of the election
precinct shall be described in the Voter’s Card. A sample of the Voter’s Card
shall be verified by the Central Election Commission and distributed
(delivered) to voters by Precinct Election Commissions in the manner identified
by the Central Election Commission. Upon
the relevant election commission shall inform any citizen about his/her
inclusion or not inclusion in the voters lists.
Temporary lists of voters registered in election
precincts formed in accordance with Articles 35.4 and 35.6 of this Code and
voters indicated in Article 45.4 of the Code shall be drafted separately, at the
level of the relevant election commission.
Permanent voters lists shall include information on
voters who have active suffrage provided by heads of the relevant executive
authority bodies and municipalities, commanders of military units. Temporary
voters lists shall include information on voters with active suffrage provided
by heads of consulates or diplomatic representatives, as well as by heads of
the enterprises where voters are temporarily located.
46.5 Voters lists of the precincts established in distant and
difficult to access districts shall be
specified by the Precinct Election Commissions on the basis of
information on voters provided by heads of relevant executive authority and
municipality at least 25 days prior to the election day, in exceptional
circumstances 2 days after the Precinct Election Commission has been formed.
46.6 Voters (military servants of military unit, military servants’
family members who reside within the territory of military unit and other
voters) lists for the precincts established within the territory of military
units shall be specified by the Precinct Election Commissions on the basis of
information on voters provided by the commanders of military units at least 25
days prior to the election day.
46.7 Voters lists for the precincts where voters are temporarily
located (hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes) and ships that are sailing on the
election day shall be approved at least 5 days prior to the election day by the
relevant Precinct Election Commission on the basis of information on voters
provided by heads of the offices where voters are located temporarily or the
captain of the ship and checked by the Precinct Election Commission.
46.8 Voters lists for electoral precincts created outside of the
Republic of Azerbaijan shall be approved by relevant Precinct Election
Commission on the basis of information on voters provided by heads of the
diplomatic representation and consular office of the Republic of Azerbaijan at
least 25 days prior to the election day.
46.9 If no election precincts are created in military units, the
commander of the military unit and administration of investigation jails shall
collect and specify information on voters in accordance with the rules defined
by the Central Election Commission and then submit it to the relevant Precinct
Election Commission at least 35 days prior to the election day, if no other
rule is provided by this Code.
46.10 Voters lists shall be prepared in 2 copies. Information on voters
who have been included in the voters lists should be in alphabetical or in
other order (according to settlements, streets, houses, apartments). The voters
lists shall contain the voter’s name, surname, patronymic, year of birth (for
those who are 18 years old – date and month of birth), permanent address
(number of street, building, apartment, number of house; if the place is the
temporary residence – address of the hospital, sanatoriums, rest homes or other
places) and the number of the election precinct.
46.11 State Automated Information Systems can be used during compilation
of voters lists. The voters lists shall be prepared in a typewritten format.
Only in the exceptional circumstances defined by the Central Election
Commission, they can be written by hand.
46.12 The first copy of the preliminary voters list prepared for the
precinct shall be preserved by the Precinct Election Commission, and a relevant
act be made on this. The second copy shall be transferred to the Constituency
Election Commission not later than 5th of February of each year, but
at least 25 days prior to the election day. Preliminary voters lists for the
constituency shall be drafted in two copies not later than 5th of
March of each year, signed by the chairperson and secretaries of the Constituency
Election Commission and verified with the stamp of the election commission, and
submitted to the Central Election Commission until 5th of April
annually. If the Central Election Commission finds discrepancies in the voters
lists, they shall be corrected and then be approved by Precinct and
Constituency Election Commissions until 25th of May. The voters list
for the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be drafted by the Central Election
Commission by means of the State Automated Information System.
46.13 Voters lists for the election precincts
created in conformity with Articles 35.5 and 35.6 of this Code shall be signed
by the chairperson and secretaries of the Precinct Election Commission and
verified by the stamp of the commission.
46.14 Precinct Election Commissions, after they specify voters lists,
shall examine and consider the changes to be made on the voters lists at the
requests of voters or changes necessary to be made in conformity with Article
45 of this Code. They shall also make investigation on the basis of relevant
documents submitted by the officials, municipalities, state civilian
registration offices and bodies which register citizens’ addresses and place of
46.15 The head of the executive body who provides information on voters,
shall bear responsibility defined by the legislation for the accuracy,
completeness and timely provision of the relevant information.
47.1 All citizens who have active suffrage, shall be included in the
voters lists.
47.2 Residence of a voter or the fact that a voter is residing
permanently within territory of the relevant electoral precinct (residing in
precinct territory at least 6 months out of 12 months prior to announcement of
the elections) defined by the body which registers residence, shall be a
sufficient basis for inclusion of voter in the voters list for the relevant
47.3 Military servants who reside outside of the military unit shall
be included in the voters list on a common basis for their place of residence.
Basis for inclusion of military servants, their family members in a military
unit and other voters who reside within the territory of the military unit in the
voters list is the fact of permanent of mostly place of residence defined by
the bodies which register place of residence of the citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan or confirmed by order of the commander of a military unit on
inclusion of persons in the military staff who are in military service.
47.4 The basis for inclusion of citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic
residing outside the Republic of Azerbaijan and those who are on a long-term
foreign business trip in the voters list shall be the fact that a person is
residing outside of the Republic of Azerbaijan permanently or the fact that a
voter is on a long-term business trip as determined by the diplomatic
representation or consular office of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
47.5 Voters who are
in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes shall be included in the voters lists of
the election precincts created there on the basis of an identification document
or other substitute document. If no voting station is created in the
aforementioned places in accordance with Article 35.4 of this Code, then such
voters shall be included in the voters lists pursuant to information provided
to the Precinct Election Commission by the administration of those
institutions. The mentioned information shall fully describe all the data
contained in the voter’s identification document or substitute document.
47.6 The persons with no valid court sentence, and which are subject
to preventive punishment shall be included in voters lists based upon
information provided to the Precinct Election Commissions by the administration
of investigation jails. The mentioned information shall fully describe all the
data contained in the person’s identification document or substitute document.
47.7 Disabled citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic can be included in
voters lists according to information provided by their relatives or other
persons who have relations with them. In such case, the identification document
or a substitute document of the disabled citizen shall be presented.
47.8 Citizens of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, who have active suffrage and who are in foreign
countries, shall be included in the voters list on the basis of their
international passport or substitute document, when they come to the voting
47.9 Voters who
reside within the territory of the electoral precinct and who have not been
included in the voters list for any reason, shall be included in the voters
list by the Precinct Election Commission on the basis of their ID or other
substitute document, after the voters cards are distributed and voters lists
are submitted for public display. If necessary, other documents, which confirm
that the voter lives mostly within the territory of that electoral precinct,
may be required.
47.10 A voter can be included in the voters list for one precinct only.
Shall the election commission reveal that a voter has been registered in more
than one precinct, the commission has to investigate the matter and ensure that
the voter’s name remains in one list. If the voter is intentionally included in
more than one voters list, the voter may be subject to administrative liability
under the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
47.11 After voters lists are approved, a voter shall be excluded from
the voters list on the basis of official documents as well as on a voting card
issued to the voter in conformity with Article 101 of this Code, and then be
informed about it in writing. In such circumstances, date and reason for
exclusion of voter from the voters list should be recorded in the voters list.
This fact shall be verified by signatures of the Chairperson and Secretaries of
the Precinct Election Commission. When issuing de-registration card for voting
it shall be verified with the signature of the commission members who issues
The Precinct Election Commission shall submit the
voters lists for public display and for additional verification by informing
the voters at least 65 days prior to the election day and creates relevant
conditions for that. The voters lists should be displayed on notice boards, outside of the voting room, in a convenient
place for voters to see and to have access to it. In this case, numbers of the
citizens’ apartments and houses should be indicated.
A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who has
suffrage can advise that he/she is not included in the voters list, about
mistakes and errors related to him/her or other persons he/she has found in the
voters list. The Precinct Election Commission should check the submitted
application and documents regarding the voter’s information, correct the
mistake or error, investigate the reasons for the mistake or error, or should
provide the voter with a written document containing the reason for rejection
of voter’s application within one day from the date of application, and on the
election day immediately, but before the voting is terminated.
Political party (block of political parties) which
participate in elections (referendum campaign) should follow the following
conditions, along with provisions of Article 2.6 of this Code:
to respect right of other political parties (blocks
of political parties) to freely and independently express their views during
election (referendum) campaign;
to respect rights of other political parties (block
of political parties), voters and public organizations;
not to prevent other political parties (blocks of
political parties) from establishing free communication with voters;
to provide the voters who intend to participate in
political activities with guaranties for free conduct of those activities;
At least two political parties can create block of
political parties. If a political party is a member of the block, it cannot
function as an independent political party or join another block during the
conduct of elections. A decision on joining the block of political parties
shall be made in conformity with the charter of each political party, which
intends to join the block of political parties. After a relevant decision is
adopted, authorized representatives of political parties shall sign a joint
decision on establishment of the block.
An authorized representative of the block of
political parties shall submit the following documents to the Central Election
Commission for registration:
copies of charters of political parties which
included in the block, verified by the notary office;
decisions of political parties on joining the
a joint decision on establishment of a block signed
by the authorized representatives of political parties and verified by the
stamp of those parties.
A block of political parties should be registered
within 5 days starting from the day they submit relevant documents to the Central
Election Commission.
The block of political parties can be refused in
registration if the documents mentioned in Article 50.2. of this Code are not
officialized, complete, or do not meet requirements of this Code.
No other political party can be included in the
block of political parties after the latter has been registered by the Central
Election Commission.
A block of political parties shall submit information
about its full and abbreviated name to the Central Election Commission.
The name of the block of political parties shall be
defined in the joint meeting of representatives of political parties, which
joined that block. Names of political parties, which are not included in that
block (regardless of whether they participate in the elections or not) or of
other political parties that participated in previous elections cannot be used.
If a new registered block of political parties does not include a majority of
political parties that joined the block during previous elections, a newly
established block cannot be named by its previous name. Name or surname of a
physical individual can be used by the block of political parties on the basis
of that individual’s written consent.
A block of political parties can also submit its
emblem to the Central Election Commission. A block of political parties can
submit any emblem except for registered emblem of any political party that is
included in the block or the emblems used by other political parties and blocks
of political parties for previous or being used for current elections (taking
into consideration Article 51.2 of this Code). Symbols of the block of
political parties should not:
violate intellectual property rights, trademark
insult state symbols of the Republic of Azerbaijan
or other countries, religious symbols;
violate common accepted moral norms.
The block
of political parties should make agreement with the Central Election Commission
on the usage of the block’s name, which cannot contain more than 5 words and
its emblem in the election documents.
It shall not be allowed to change the names and
emblems of a block of political parties during the election processes.
The authorized representatives, as well as the
representatives responsible for financial issues shall be appointed
correspondingly by decision of a joint meeting of political parties, the
relevant political parties included in the block or representatives of
political parties, or by decision of their congress, conference or meeting of a
managing body.
The authorized representative
of a political party and block of political parties shall perform his/her
functions on the basis of a decision considered by Article 52.1 of this Code
which shall contain his/her powers, name, surname, patronymic, date of birth,
the serial and batch number of his/her ID or substitute document , address of
residence, working place, occupation or official duty (service job) (if he/she
does not have them – type of activity) and for the authorized representative on
financial issues also samples of financial documents and samples for those
The list of authorized representatives appointed by
political parties and blocks of political parties shall be submitted to the
Central Election Commission. Except for the authorized representatives of
political parties and blocks of political parties on financial issues, the list
of other authorized representatives shall be submitted to the Constituency
Election Commission as well.
The list of authorized representatives and blocks of
political representatives should contain the following information on each
authorized representative:
name, surname, patronymic, birth date;
serial and batch number of identification document
or substitute document and date of issue;
address of
main working place and occupation (if he/she does
not have them – type of activity);
telephone number.
relevant list submitted to the Central Election Commission should have attached
a written consent of each person to be an authorized representative.
The powers of a representative can be terminated by the
decision of authorized body of political parties and blocks of political
parties, informing in writing. Copy of the decision on that should be
transferred to the Central Election Commission. and Constituency Election
The authorized representatives of political parties
and blocks of political parties who are working for government or municipality
cannot use their occupation or service position during the elections processes.
The term of office of the authorized representatives
of political parties and blocks of political parties shall commence from the
day they are appointed, and end by completion of the status of candidacy of all
candidates, as well as the candidates listed in the list nominated by political
parties and blocks of political parties not later than general results of
elections are officially published.
A Candidate can be nominated through
self-nomination, or by voters with active suffrage, provided that a
notification about the matter is sent to the relevant election commission, on
territory of which the signatures necessary for supporting the Candidate are collected
and the Candidate is intended to be registered.
The candidate or the initiative group of voters,
which nominates a candidate, shall notify the relevant election commission on
his/her/its initiative in writing. The notification should contain the
following about each initiator and candidate:
name, surname, patronymic, birth date;
address of residence;
serial and batch number of identification or
substitute document
as well as the data on main working
place or official duty (if not any – type of activity) of the nominated
An application containing written consent of a
candidate on termination of activities which are incompatible with the elected
post in elective government or municipal bodies should be submitted together
with the notification mentioned in Article 53.2 of this Code. This application
shall contain information about his/her biography (surname, name, patronymic,
birth date, address of residence, education, main working place or official
duty (service job), (if he/she does not have them – type of activity)). If
candidates have a sentence, which is not served or cancelled, name and number
of the relevant Article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
should be recorded in their application. If a candidate has committed an action
abroad, which imposes a criminal liability and is sentenced by a court
decision, which entered into force, and if the same action imposes liability
established by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the application
should contain name of the relevant law of the foreign country. The application
of the candidate should also contain information about candidate’s citizenship
of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as information about if a candidate has
foreign citizenship or obligations in foreign countries.
A candidate can include information in the
application on the basis of a certified document on his/her party affiliation.
In such circumstances a candidate comes to an agreement with the relevant
election commission about naming his/her political party with a name containing
not more than 5 words. If the political party indicated in the application has
already excluded the candidate and sent an appropriate notification to the
relevant election commission on the matter, then the candidate cannot be
referred to the political party, after such notification is received.
The relevant election commission should inform the
candidate and initiative group of voters in writing about receipt of submitted
documents, in conformity with the requirements of Article 53. 4 of this Code.
The relevant election commission shall examine the
submitted documents within a 5-day period and submits a decision to the candidate
or his/her authorized representative, certifying the nomination from the
relevant constituencies. The relevant election commission cannot refuse receipt
of submitted documents.
The basis for refusal from submission of a decision
which certifies nomination of a candidate can only be:
documents mentioned in Articles 53.2 and 53.3 of
this Code are not formalized as required;
violation of rules for nomination of candidates
defined by this Code.
If the mistakes and
errors can be eliminated through corrections made by the candidate in the
relevant documentation, then the relevant election commission shall notify the
candidate about it within the period set forth in Article 53.6 of this Code,
and after such correction is made, approves the candidate’s nomination.
A political party shall make a decision on
nomination of a candidate in conformity with the charter of the political
party. Such a decision should be made by voting, in a collective order.
A candidate nominated by a block of political
parties shall be approved by each political party, which is included in the
block. A decision on nominating a candidate by the blocks of political parties
shall be made in the meeting (congress, conference, meeting of managing body)
of representatives of political parties. Such authorized of political parties
shall be determined during the congress (conference, meeting of managing body)
of political parties.
The decision of a political party and block of
political parties on the nomination of a candidate shall be formalized by the
minutes. The minutes shall contain the following:
number of registered participants taking part in the
meeting (congress, conference, meeting of managing body);
number of participants required for adoption of a
decision considered by the agreement on creation of a block of political
decision on nomination of candidates and results of
voting for this decision;
date of adoption of a decision.
A political party and block of political parties can
nominate the persons who are not members of political parties which are
included in the block.
Together with the names of candidates, the
authorized representatives of the political party shall submit to the relevant
election commission the following documents:
copy of certificate on registration of political
party verified by a notary office;
copy of charter in effect of political party verified
by notary office;
decision of congress (conference, meetings of the
managing body) on nominating candidates and minutes of relevant meeting;
powers of attorney of authorized representatives of
political parties, formalized by a notary office.
Together with the names of candidates, the
authorized representatives of the block of political parties shall submit the
following documents:
decisions of congresses (conferences, meetings of
managing bodies) of political parties included in the block of political
parties on nomination of candidates and minutes of relevant meeting;
decision, made at the meeting (congress, conference)
of the representatives of political parties included in the block of political
parties, on nomination of a candidate on behalf of block of political parties
and minutes of relevant meeting;
powers of attorney of authorized representatives of
block of political parties formalized by a notary office.
Authorized representatives of political parties and
blocks of political parties shall submit the documents on candidates nominated
to the relevant election commission. Names of candidates shall be submitted in
a format defined by the Central Election Commission, type written or in another
manner, which can be read by machine.
The authorized representative of a political party
and block of political parties shall submit documents mentioned in Articles
54.1 – 54.7 of this Code together with the candidate’s application which
undertaking to terminate the activities which are incompatible
with his/her position if he/she is elected;
consent to be nominated as a candidate.
application should also contain the candidate’s:
surname, name, patronymic, date of birth;
address of residence;
main working place or official duty including
occupation (if he/se does not have it – type of activity);
party affiliation with candidate’s own consent.
candidates have a sentence, which is not served or cancelled, name and number
of the relevant Article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
should be recorded in their application. If a candidate has committed an action
abroad, which imposes a criminal liability, and if the same action provides for
liability established by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is
sentenced by a court decision, which entered into force, the application should
contain name of the relevant law of the foreign country. The application of the
candidate should also contain information about the candidate’s citizenship, as
well as information about if a candidate has foreign citizenship or obligations
in foreign countries.
The election commission shall examine the submitted
document within a 5-day period, make a grounded decision on whether the candidate
nominated for the relevant constituency is approved or not, and inform about it
the authorized representative of the political parties and blocks of political
parties. The relevant election commission cannot refuse the receipt of
submitted documents.
The basis for refusal from registering the
candidate’s nomination can only be:
documents mentioned in Articles 54.1 – 54.7 are not
formalized as required; or
violation of rules set forth in the Code for
nomination of candidates.
If the mistakes and errors can be eliminated through
corrections made by the authorized representative of a political party or a
block of political parties, then the relevant election commission shall notify
the candidate about it within the period set forth in Article 54.9 of this
Code, and after such correction is made, shall approve nomination of the
The Central Election Commission and Constituency
Election Commissions should create conditions for receipt of information about
relevant nominated candidates.
All candidates shall have equal rights and duties.
The following actions shall be considered an abuse
of position or official duty for getting superiority by this Code:
to engage state or municipal officials who are
subordinate employees with an activity which assists to be nominated as a
candidate or to be elected during their business hours;
to use buildings, where state bodies or
municipalities are located, for the activities assisting to nominate a
candidate or to be elected if all candidates or registered candidates cannot
use them with the same conditions;
to use communication, information and telephone
services which ensure activities of state bodies, state organizations or
municipalities for the purposes of collecting signatures and election
to use transport, which is state or municipal
property, free of charge or with privileged conditions for the activities
assisting to be nominated or to be elected (above mentioned circumstances do
not concern the persons who use transport in conformity with the legislation of
the Republic of Azerbaijan on state protection);
to involve state or municipal officials in
collecting signatures or election campaigning during the period of their
business trip;
to use mass media mentioned in Article 77.1 of this
Code for collecting signatures or election campaigning with privileged
The following cannot implement charitable activates
during the election campaigning processes:
political parties and blocks of political parties
which have nominated the candidate, and their authorized representatives, as
well as their founders, owners and proprietors;
owners and proprietors
legal entities who are persons or organizations
mentioned above;
other physical or legal entities that are
functioning on the request or task of persons mentioned above.
Persons and
organizations mentioned above shall be prohibited to offer rendering financial
and material assistance to other physical and legal entities, rendering
financial and material assistance or services to voters or organizations.
Individuals and legal entities are prohibited from implementing charitable
activities on behalf of political parties, blocks of political parties, their
authorized representative and candidates or with the purposes of supporting
Collection of voters signatures in support of
candidates nominated by initiative groups of voters or self-nominated
candidates shall start from the day the decision provided for in Article 53.6
of this Code is adopted. Collection of voters’ signatures in support of
candidates nominated by political parties and blocks of political parties shall
start from the date the decision mentioned in Article 54.9 of this Code is
Signatures of voters in support of candidates should
be collected within the area they have been nominated.
Each signature sheet should contain the following
information about the candidate:
surname, name, patronymic, date of birth;
main working place or official duty (if he/she does
not have them – type of activity);
address of residence;
name (number) of the constituency he/she has been
nominated for.
If a
candidate has a sentence, which is not served or cancelled, name and number of
the relevant Article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan should
be recorded in the signature sheet. If a candidate has committed an action
abroad, which imposes a criminal liability, and if the same action imposes
liability considered by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is
sentenced by a court decision, which entered into force, the signature sheet
should contain name of the relevant law of the foreign country.
The signature sheet can also contain the name of the
political party, which has been recorded in the candidate’s consent to be
nominated as a candidate.
If a political party or a block of political parties
that nominated a candidate from the relevant constituency collects signatures
in support of the candidate, the signature sheet shall along with the
information about the candidate contain the name of the political party or the
block of political parties which has nominated this candidate; and if there is
such an information in the candidate’s application, then the name of the
political party the candidate belongs to and the candidate’s status in that
political party can be indicated there.
Regardless of their form of property, the state
bodies, municipalities and legal entities shall be prohibited from
participating in collection of signatures. It shall be prohibited to make
voters sign the signature sheet, to prevent them to sign or to pay any kind of
rewards to them during signature collecting processes. If non observance of
this prohibition is approved by a relevant court, it can be the basis for
considering the collected signatures invalid, and for refusal from registration
of the candidates and the registered candidates.:
A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who is 18
years old and has active suffrage can collect voters’ signatures. A candidate,
political party and block of political parties can sign an agreement on
collecting signatures with a person who shall collect voters’ signatures.
Payment for this job can be paid only from the election fund of a candidate,
political party and block of political parties.
Signatures in support of candidates can be collected
in educational institutions, residential areas as well as other places, which
are not prohibited to conduct election campaign by the law.
A voter shall record the following information upon
signing the signature sheet:
name, surname, patronymic, date of birth;
address of residence;
serial and batch number and date of issue of the
identification or substitute document;
date of signing the signature sheet.
about the voters required to be recorded can be recorded on the signature
sheets by a person who collects signatures. Information mentioned above shall
be recorded in hand and their non-dissemination be ensured.
Signature sheets shall be prepared in accordance
with Appendices # 1,2,3 to this Code.
While collecting voters’ signatures in support of a
candidate, the signatures can be recorded on front or reverse side of signature
sheets. In such cases, the reverse side of the signature sheets shall be
considered a continuation of the front page and verifying signatures are
recorded on the reverse side.
A signature sheet shall be signed by a person who
collected the signatures and by a candidate after collection of signatures has
been completed. Before signing the signature sheet, a person who collected them
shall record the following information about him/her:
surname, name, patronymic;
address of residence;
serial and batch number of identification or
substitute document;
date of issue.
If the candidate is nominated by a political party
or block of political parties, the signature sheet shall be signed by a person
who collected signatures and by an authorized representative of a political
party, block of political parties after collection of signatures has been
completed. Before signing the signature sheet, a person who collected them
shall record the following information about him/herself:
surname, name, patronymic;
address of residence;
serial and batch number of identification or
substitute document;
date of issue.
relevant authorized representative shall record his/her surname, name,
patronymic and date of signing.
After a political party, block of political parties
and initiative group of voters, which has nominated a candidate, informs the
relevant election commission about nomination of the same candidate in writing,
they can collect necessary number of signatures in support of the candidate
together. In such cases, it shall be allowed to integrate the voters’
signatures in support of the candidates collected by different person.
Initiators of the nomination of a candidate,
authorized representatives of a candidate, political party or block of
political parties shall count the number of voters’ signatures collected in
support of the nominee, draw up and sign the protocol on results of collection
of voters’ signatures.
Signature sheets submitted to relevant election
commissions should be numbered and paged in the form of a folder.
For registration of nominated candidates, authorized
representatives of the candidates, political party and block of political
parties shall submit the following documents to the relevant Constituency
Election Commission at most 105 days and at least 70 days prior to the Voting
Day, before 18:00:
signature sheets, which include voters signatures in
support of candidates;
copies of protocols on results of collecting
signatures prepared in a form defined by the Central Election Commission;
notification on changes made to the information
about the candidates, submitted according to the Articles 53.3 and 54.8 of this
information on the amount and sources of candidate’s
information on the candidate’s property on the basis
of ownership right;
candidate’s initial financial report (including
information on funds spent for organization of collection of voters
Shall accidentally made mistakes be revealed in
documents indicated in Articles 58.1.2.-58.1.6. of this Code, the relevant
election commission should within 48 hours inform the candidate about the
matter and propose to correct the mistakes.
Information on amount and sources of income of the
candidate for the period of the previous one-year should be submitted in a
format defined by the Central Election Commission starting from the day of
determination of the Election Day. At the same time, a reference on the total
annual income from the income source organizations shall be submitted.
Information on property owned by the candidate shall be submitted in a form
appropriate to Appendix # 5 of the Code. The Central Election Commission shall
define the list of information on candidate’s property and income to be published.
When receiving election documents, election
commissions shall approve each folder containing signature sheets with their
stamp, check if the number of submitted signature sheets match with the number
recorded in the protocol on results of collecting signatures, then having
recorded the date and time of their receipt, provide the candidate, authorized
representatives of political party and block of political parties with a
reference on receipt of election documents with indication of the number of the
signature sheets and the number of signatures therein. If the above-mentioned
persons submit relevant documents to relevant election commission before the
time mentioned in Articles 58.1 and 58.2, they cannot be refused receipt of
documents; authorized representatives of a candidate, political party and block
of political parties cannot be obstructed to enter a relevant building (room).
A bank document on transfer of voluntary
registration deposit at the amount of 3% of the relevant election fund’s threshold
to the account of the election commission carrying out the registration can be
presented to the relevant election commission when submitting the election
documents for registration of a candidate. Cases of return of the registration
deposit by the election commission shall be determined by Article 60.5 of this
The relevant election commission shall check
correctness of the information in the documents defined by this Code and in the
signature sheets of each candidate and whether the information of nominating
the candidates is in compliance with the requirements of this Code. The
relevant election commission shall have the right to check the accuracy of
information about biography and other information about the candidates,
submitted by the candidates, political party, block of political parties and
voters in accordance with this Code.
The election commission can apply to the relevant
bodies with a purpose to check accuracy of information and facts submitted in
accordance with this Code. Those bodies should inform the election commissions
about the results of examination within the period defined by the election
commission, but if there are less than 75 days remaining prior to the voting
day the information should be provided within a one-day period. The relevant
election commission can make a decision on creating working groups consisting
of experts invited to check accuracy of signatures and relevant information.
The working groups should be chaired by the member of the commission that forms
the group. Independent experts, experts of the relevant bodies as well as
specialists of bodies and organizations carrying out registration of population
can be invited after the fee established by the Central Election Commission is
paid. Their opinions shall be accepted, as a basis, which approves accuracy of
the information in the signature sheets. The election commissions can use the
voters lists and the citizens registration system to check accuracy of
information in signature sheets.
Candidates, their authorized representatives,
authorized representatives of political parties, blocks of political parties
can be present in the relevant election commission while checking signature
sheets. The relevant election commission should inform the above-mentioned
persons about examination of documents, in advance. The election commission
cannot refuse or obstruct above-mentioned persons sent by a candidate,
political party and block of political parties to participate in these actions.
All signatures in the voters lists should be examined.
Checking of signatures should be stopped, if number
of appropriate signatures provides grounds for registration of the candidate,
or if the number of the remaining signatures is not sufficient for registration
of the candidate. Accuracy or incorrectness of voters’ signatures should be
approved due to results of investigation.
Crossed out signatures in the signature sheets of
the persons who have nominated a candidate shall not be checked and registered
if persons who collect signatures made relevant notes on it before they submit
the signatures sheets to the relevant election commission.
If a signature of one person appears several times
while checking them, only one signature shall be considered valid, others are
considered incorrect.
Along with provisions of Article 59.6 of this Code,
the following signatures shall also be considered incorrect:
The signatures of voters who do not
have the right to vote or noted incorrect
information based on the opinion of invited specialists to the work of
election commission according to Article 59.2 of this Code or based on the
reference given by relevant executive authority;
Signatures of voters entered
into signature sheets before the notification on nomination of the candidate is
sent to relevant election commission;
Signatures considered invalid
in accordance with violation of requirements of Article 57.1 of this Code;
59.7.4. Signatures put by one person on behalf of
several persons, or by several persons on behalf of one person;
Signatures, which are not
recorded in hand or recorded by pencil.
If dates of signatures have been changed in the
signature sheets, these signatures shall be considered correct if the person
who approves signature sheets certifies them also;
All of the signatures in the signature sheets shall
be considered invalid if signature sheets are not certified with the signature
of the person who collected them, also by the authorized representative of
candidate, political party, a block of political parties or if signature of
authorized representative is not correct.
If a written line in a signature sheet does not
fulfil the requirements of this Code only this line where signature shall be
considered invalid, except for the cases mentioned in Articles 59.7 - 59.9 of
this Code;
According to Articles 59.6. - 59.10 of this Code, if
signatures shall not be defined during examining accuracy of signatures and
calculating accuracy of quantity of signatures, changes and notes made by
determined way in the signature list should not be the reason for considering
the signature invalid.
According to Articles 59.6 - 59.10 of this Code, the
candidate shall not be registered if the number of signatures is less than
required number for registration after invalid signatures have been removed.
The head of a working group and a member of relevant
election commission who has decisive right to vote shall prepare a protocol on
results of checking signature sheets of each candidate, then sign it and give
to the Election Commission for a relevant decision. The protocol shall indicate
the number of checked signatures of voters and number of invalid signatures
with a note of reason. The protocol shall be attached to the relevant decision
of Election Commission. A copy of the protocol shall be submitted to a
candidate, authorized representative of political party, a block of political
parties at least 24 hours prior to the meeting of election commission, which
deals with registration of a candidate. A candidate, a political party, a block
of political parties shall have the right to get following documents if
signatures are less than the required quantity of voter signatures during
examination of signatures:
Copy of the protocol approved by the head of working
Reasons for considering signatures invalid including
number of a relevant folder and number of line in relevant signature sheet
Copy of the table on results of examination.
The relevant election commission should make a
grounded decision on registration or non-registration of the candidate after
receiving of signature sheets and other required documents for the registration
of candidate within a 10 days period. If the registered candidate is nominated
by a political party or block of political parties, the relevant election
commission shall mention in the registration report, that the candidate is
nominated by the relevant political party, block of political parties. The registration
date and time shall be indicated in decision of registration or refusal of
The relevant election commission shall have to
submit the copy of the decision on registration of a candidate after acceptance
of decision within 1 day to the candidate, authorized representatives of
political parties or block of political parties that nominated the candidate,
and if there is a refusal of registration, then the reasons should also be
The following can
be the reasons for the refusal:
60.2.1 Violation
of the rules for collecting signatures determined by this Code;
Incorrect formalizing and lack of documents
mentioned in Articles 57 and 58 of this Code.
If information submitted by the candidates,
political party or blocks of political parties according to Articles 57 and 58
of this Code, is not correct;
If number of submitted valid (proper) signatures of
voters presented in support of a candidate is less than required;
If the rules for the creation of election funds of
candidate, political party, block of political parties and expenditure rule of
relevant election fund have been violated (such grounds can be implemented only
if a warning has been made before with regard to such violation and a penalty
is imposed);
Violation of the requirements of Article 55 of this
Code by the authorized representatives of political party, block of political
parties as well as by candidate, political parties or block of political
parties (such grounds can be implemented only if a warning has been made before
with regard to such violation and a penalty is imposed – such violation does
not impose any other liability).
When the cases indicated in Article 60.2 of this
Code, are taken as a basis for adoption of a decision on refusal from
registration, the decision should be proportional to the made mistake
(shortcoming, violation).
Due to reasons provided for in Articles 60.2.2. and
60.2.4. of this Code, if the mistakes and errors can be eliminated through
corrections made by the authorized representative of a candidate, political
party or block of political parties, then the relevant election commission
notifies the authorized representative of a candidate, political party or block
of political parties about it within the period of 24 hours, and after such
correction is made, registers the candidate.
If a candidate is not registered, the managing body
of a political party (block of political parties) that nominated the candidate
can apply to the relevant election commission within 3 days after receipt of a
copy of the refusal on registration a candidate for registration, provided for
non-return of the registration deposit. In such case, the relevant election
commission registers the candidate within 2 days. In all other cases, the
registration deposit shall be returned to the relevant candidate, the political
party or block of political parties that nominated a candidate within 3 days
after the election commissions makes decision on registration or refusal of
registration. If the candidate is elected as President, deputy to the Milli
Majlis, President or a municipal councillor, or collects at least 3% of votes
the registration deposit shall be returned by the relevant election commission
to the nominated person, within 3 days after the election outcomes are
officially published.
If the cases of legal violation subject to criminal
and administrative liabilities have been established in actions of the
candidate, the election commission shall transfer the relevant document and materials
to law enforcement bodies to investigate the case and institute proceedings
against these persons being guilty on violation of this Code.
A card of registration shall be issued to each
registered candidate. Relevant election commissions inform mass media about
registered candidates in a relevant constituency, within 48 hours after
registration. The Election Commissions shall display the information about
registered candidates on notice boards, indicated in the Article 98.3 of this
Code, in the rooms of election commission at least 15 days prior to the
Election Day. The information about cancelling of registration of the candidate
shall be displayed in the same manner.
Campaign groups
on referendum shall be the organizations established by the citizens of
the Azerbaijan Republic having active election rights with the reason of
conducting a campaign for or against the issues to be discussed at a
62.1. The
campaign groups on referendum taking part in a referendum campaign should
follow the following conditions, along with provisions of Article 2.6 of this
To respect the right of other
referendum campaign groups to freely and independently express their views
during the referendum campaign;
Not to prevent other
referendum campaign groups from establishing independent communication with
62.1.3 To respect legally approved results of
referendum, to submit every single complaint regarding the referendum to
authorized bodies and to follow the decision regarding this complaint of the
same body.
The initiators of establishing of a campaign group
on referendum, which are no less than two thousand (2000), shall submit a
written notification to Central Election Commission.
The notification shall be submitted to the
Constituency Election Commission which is situated in territory inhabited
majority of initiators, if the number of the initiators of establishing a
campaign group on referendum is more than 500 and less than 2000.
The following details of each initiator should be
mentioned in the notification:
Surname, name, patronymic,
Date of birth
The serial and number, as well as the date of issue
of the ID or substitute document
Permanent work or service place
Rank (if no rank – type of activity)
The list of the
authorized representatives of the initiators of establishing of campaign group
on referendum shall be attached to the notification. The notification shall be
of informative nature and no decision regarding the notification is required
from the relevant election commission.
Within 5 days the relevant election commission shall
give written information to the initiators about the received notification.
64.1. The initiators of establishing a campaign
group on referendum can appoint an authorized representative (representatives)
in order to organize the collection of the required signatures and with the
purpose of conducting other actions provided for in this Code, on behalf of the
initiators of establishing the campaign group on referendum. The number of the
authorized representatives of campaign groups on referendum, which are
registered in the Central Election Commission, should not be more than 25
persons. But the number of the authorized representatives of campaign groups on
referendum, which are registered in Constituency Election Commission, should
not be more than 5 persons.
64.2. After the registration of a campaign group,
the authorized representative of the campaign groups on referendum, mentioned
in Article 64.1 of this Code, can preserve their authorities of authorized
representatives of the campaign group on
referendum according to the decision of
the .
64.3. The appointment of the authorized
representative of a campaign group on referendum shall be conducted by the way
of giving Power of Attorney approved by a notary office to a relevant person.
That Power of Attorney should be given on behalf of all initiators of campaign
groups on referendum.
64.4. The authorized representative of a campaign
group on referendum shall carry out his/her functions based on the Power of
Attorney provided for in Article 64.3 of this Code, describing his/her
authorities, name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, serial and number of ID,
work place, duty or service job ((official duty) if no duty - type of
activity). The authorized representative on finance shall carry out his
functions on the basis of the Power of Attorney provided for in Article 64.3 of
this Code, that also includes the samples of financial documents and stamps.
The Power of Attorney shall be considered valid upon submission along with the
identification document or a substitute document.
The lists of the authorized representatives, which
are appointed by a campaign group on referendum, shall be submitted to the
election commission that registered same group. The following information about
the authorized representatives should be mentioned in the list of authorized
representatives of a campaign group on referendum:
Name, surname, patronymic,
Date of birth,
Serial and batch number and issue date of ID or a
substitute document,
Home address,
Place of work or duty (if no duty – type of
Telephone number.
The written consent application of being
an authorized representative for each person should be attached to the relevant
list submitted to the relevant election commission.
64.6. It shall be possible to put an end to the
authorities of a representative by informing him of the decision of a campaign
group on referendum in written form. The copy of this decision should be sent
to the election commission and the Constituency Election Commissions, which
registered this group. The members of a campaign group on referendum shall
accept this decision with the majority of members voting and sign it. In such
case the referendum campaign group can appoint another authorized
64.7. The term of power of the authorized
representatives of a campaign group on referendum shall begin from their
appointed time and finish no later than the day of official publication of the
results of referendum.
65.1. Signatures for creation of a referendum
campaign group shall be collected and officialized in accordance with Article
57 of this Code. Signature sheets shall be prepared in conformity with Appendix
4 of this Code.
65.2. If the initiators establishing a campaign
group on referendum intend to conduct a pre-referendum campaign in all
territory of Azerbaijan Republic, they shall have to collect a minimum of 40
thousand voters signatures about the agreement to membership in campaign group
on referendum from the territory of at least 60 election constituencies. In
this case the number of the potential members of a campaign group on referendum
cannot be less than 100 persons from one election constituency.
65.3. If the initiators establishing a campaign
group on referendum intend to conduct a pre-referendum campaign in one part of
the territory of Azerbaijan Republic, they shall have to collect a minimum of
100 voters signatures of the membership in the campaign group on referendum, in
the territory of every single election constituency, which is provided to
conduct pre-referendum campaign.
According to his will, the voter shall
have a right to sign only once to the membership in a campaign group on
65.5 After the collection of signatures, the
signature sheet shall be signed by the authorized representative of initiators
of a campaign group on referendum and a person who collected the signatures.
Before signing the signature sheet, the signature collector shall write down
his name, surname, patronymic, home address, serial and batch number and issue
date of ID or a substitute document.
66.1. If the signatures necessary for registration
of a referendum campaign group have been collected in one or more than one
constituency’s territory in accordance with Article 65.3 of this Code, the
documents mentioned in Article 66.2 of this Code shall be submitted to relevant
Constituency Election Commission on the territory where the majority part of
these signatures were collected; the initiators establishing the campaign
groups on referendum, who collected voter signatures as mentioned in the
article 65.2 of this Code, shall submit the documents to Central Election
Commission, as mentioned Article 66.2 of this Code.
66.2. The authorized representative of the campaign
group on referendum shall have to submit the following documents to the
relevant election commission before 18:00 75 days prior to the election day for
the registration of the referendum campaign group:
66.2.1. Signature sheets with the collected signatures;
66.2.2. Two copies of protocol compiled in the form
determined by Central Election Commission about results of collection of voter
66.2.3. The initial finance report of the initiators of
establishing the campaign group on referendum (including information about the
expenses spent for collection of voters signatures)
66.3. Upon accepting documents, election
commissions shall verify each folder by affixing a stamp. Then election
commissions shall check the conformity of the quantity of signature sheets with
protocols on results of the collection of voters’ signatures. Then, election
commissions shall provide authorized representatives of initiators of
establishing of a campaign group on referendum with written notification of
acceptance of election documents and with an indication of the numbers of
signature sheets and the numbers of signatures therein and time of acceptance.
If relevant documents submitted by these persons to the relevant election
commission before expired time as mentioned in Article 66.2 of this Code, the
acceptance of these cannot be refused and there will not be any restriction for
the entrance of authorized representative of initiators of campaign group on
referendum to the relevant building (room).
66.4. Registration of a campaign group on
referendum shall be conducted after submission of voters’ signatures to the
relevant election commission.
The examination
of required voter signatures for registration of campaign groups on referendum
shall be carried out according to the rules of Article 59 of this Code.
68.1. The relevant election commission should make
a decision on registration or refusal of registration of a campaign group on referendum
after receiving signature sheets and other required documents for the
registration of campaign group on referendum within 10 days. The date and time
shall be indicated in the decision on registration or refusal of registration.
68.2. The relevant election commission should
submit the copy of the decision on registration of a campaign group on
referendum after acceptance of decision within 1 day to the authorized
representatives of initiators of establishing of the campaign group on
referendum and if there is a refusal of registration the reasons should be
clarified. The following can be reasons for the refusal:
68.2.1. Violation of the rules on collecting signatures
determined by this Code;
68.2.2. Incorrect formalizing and lack of documents mentioned
in Articles 63, 65, 66.2 and 66.3 of this Code.
68.2.3. If number of submitted valid signatures of
voters in support of the registration of campaign groups on referendum is less
than required;
68.2.4. If the rule for the creation of finance funds
of campaign group on referendum and expenditure rule of that fund have been
violated (such grounds can be implemented only if a warning has been made
before with regard to such violation and a penalty is imposed);
68.2.5. Violations on the requirements of the
Article 55 of this Code by the authorized representatives of initiators of
campaign group on referendum (such grounds can be implemented only if a warning
has been made before with regard to such violation and a penalty is imposed –
such violation does not impose any other liability).
When the cases indicated in Article 68.2 of this
Code are taken as a basis for adoption of a decision on refusal from
registration, the decision should be proportional to the made mistake
(shortcoming, violation).
Due to reasons provided for in Articles 68.2.2. and
68.2.4. of this Code, if the mistakes and errors in the relevant documents can
be eliminated through corrections made by the authorized representative of a
referendum campaign group, then the relevant election commission shall notify
the authorized representative about it within the period of 2 days, and after
such correction is made, the referendum campaign group be registered.
68.5. If there are signs of legal violation, which
can be subject to criminal and administrative liability, the election
commission shall transfer relevant document and materials to law enforcement
bodies to investigate the case and institute proceedings against these persons
being guilty in violation of this Code.
68.6. The card of registration shall be issued to
each registered authorized representative of the campaign group on referendum.
The Central Election Commission shall submit the information about registered
campaign groups on referendum to mass media, within 48 hours after
registration. The Constituency Election Commissions shall display the
information about campaign groups on referendum on notice boards, specified in
Article 98.3 of this Code, in rooms of the election commission at least 15 days
before the voting day.
All of the registered candidates and campaign groups
on referendum shall have equal rights and responsibilities, provided their
statuses taken into account.
Registered candidates, the authorized
representatives of campaign groups on referendum working in state bodies or
municipal organizations or in mass media on the legal basis of labour and civil
contract shall be released from their employment during the participation in
election (referendum) campaign (this rule shall no be applicable to the
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, deputies of the Milli Majlis and
municipality members). The approved copy of the relevant order (statement)
shall be submitted to the election commission who registered them, at the
latest within 3 days from the day of registration. They shall be prohibited to
abuse their authorities and service positions to gain benefit or privileges.
The registered candidates who fulfil their duties
working in state positions, the initiators of campaign groups on referendum, as
well as the registered candidates and initiators of establishing of campaign
groups on referendum who are the municipal officials shall be prohibited to
abuse their positions of authority to gain privileges.
Cases of violation of the equality principles as a
result of getting privileges by abusing the authorities and service position
shall be determined by Article 55.2. of this Code.
The registered candidate, the initiators of
establishing of campaign groups on referendum who occupy state positions, as
well as the initiators of establishing of
campaign groups on referendum, which hold municipal positions, shall
have the right to conduct pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign, when they are
released from the fulfilment of their duties. According to Article 81 of this
Code the free usage of TV and radio programs by registered candidates and
registered campaign groups on referendum shall not be regulated by these rules.
If the officials, journalists working in TV and mass
media, or creative persons are registered candidates, the initiators of campaign
groups on referendum or the agents authorized representatives of the registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, campaign groups of
on referendum, they shall be prohibited to participate in covering the
elections (referendum) by means of mass media.
Observation of limitation specified in Articles
69.3-69.5 of this Code should not impede deputies of the Milli Majlis and
municipal members to perform their authorities and duties before voters.
The following persons shall not be permitted to
conduct charity activities:
Registered candidates, political parties and blocks
of political parties,
The relevant agents and authorized representatives
of political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on
The agents of registered candidates,
The initiators establishing campaign groups on
Organizations, which are founders, owners, members
or employees of the abovementioned persons.
Other physical or legal entities who function due to
the instruction of the abovementioned persons or organizations
aforementioned persons and organizations shall be prohibited to apply to legal
entities and individuals and voters for proposals to render material, financial
or other services. The legal and physical entities shall be prohibited to
conduct charity activity in support and on behalf of the candidates, registered
candidates, political party, block of political parties, members of campaign
group on referendum, their authorized representatives and agents.
State funds allocated to election funds of
registered candidates and referendum campaign groups shall be equally
distributed by the Central Election Commission and transferred to the relevant
accounts within 3 days. In such case, equal amounts of the funds shall be
separately identified for the referendum campaign groups registered with the
Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commission.
70.1. The management bodies of the state body
(institution, organization) or municipal body (organization), where the
candidate is studying, working, serving or commander of military unit where
candidate is serving should release the candidate on the basis of unpaid
vacation, for the period mentioned in their report, effective from the day of
registration of candidate until the day of official announcement of results of
elections. The relevant election commission should pay to candidates the
average wage in amount of salary that is no more than 20 times of minimum
salary determined by legislation, from the budget allocated for the preparation
and conduction of election, during his release from employment, study or
service. Money compensation shall be paid to registered candidates on the basis
of statement which proves the unpaid leave from their working (studying) or
servicing place for the period of release from employment.
70.2. Transport expenses shall be paid to
registered candidates from the day of registration of candidature until the day
of official announcement of results of elections determined by this Code.
Expenses spent for taxi and ordered transport services shall not be reimbursed.
Expenditures for travels in cities and inter cities shall be reimbursed on the
basis of submitted travel tickets.
70.3. A registered candidate cannot be dismissed
from his/her job, service, educational institution upon initiative of the state
body (institution, organization) or municipal body (organization), or its high-ranking
official, cannot be transferred to another job (to study or to serve) in other
place without his agreement or cannot be sent on business trip and cannot be
conscripted to military service, military courses of instruction within the
period of time mentioned in Article 70.1 of this Code. The participation time
of a registered candidate in elections shall be included in his/her
professional service years from the day of registration.
70.4. Within the period of time mentioned in Article 70.1. of this Code,
the registered candidate cannot be indicted for a crime, detained or be subject
to administrative penalties as may be determined in a court procedure, without
the permission of the relevant prosecutor, after he/ she has been registered.
The registered candidate can be arrested only if he/she is caught in the act of
crime. Shall the relevant prosecutor or court give such kind of permission or
make decision, they have immediately to inform the election commission where
the candidate has been registered.
70.5. The registered candidate, the political
party, the authorized representatives of block of political parties can obtain
the list of Precinct Election Commissions, the addresses of voting stations and
an information about the territory, address and phone numbers of electoral
precincts from the relevant Constituency Election Commission.
70.6 In accordance with the Civil Code of the
Azerbaijan Republic, the registered candidate can apply to the court for
indemnification of damages incurred him due to actions (lack of actions) of the
election commission of either the state body (institution, organization) or
municipal body (organization).
71.1. A registered candidate participating in
elections should obey the following conditions, along with those indicated in
Article 2.6 of this Code:
To respect the rights of other registered
candidates to independently and freely distribute their political ideas and
opinions during the election campaign;
To respect the rights of other registered
candidates, political parties, voters and social organizations;
71.1.3. not to prevent other registered candidates in
communicating freely with voters
72.1. The registered candidate, political party or
block of political parties, which have registered the candidate, campaign,
group on referendum shall have the right to appoint an agent. The agents shall
be registered by the relevant election
commission, which have registered the candidate, campaign group on referendum.
The agents shall be registered within 3 days from the day of receipt of written
application of the candidate or application of political party, block of
political parties, campaign group on referendum on appointing agents, as well
as the written consent of citizens on being an agent. The following information
about each agent should be mentioned in presentation or in requisition:
Surname, name, patronymic,
Date of birth,
Work place,
Occupation (type of activity)
Home address
Serial, number and issue date of ID or substitute
The rules, defined in Articles 52 and 64
of this Code, shall be applicable to relevant applications of political
parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on referendum.
72.2. The agents shall receive a verification card
from relevant election commission.
72.3. The agent shall conduct campaign on election
of a candidate or on referendum and other kind of activities in assisting for
the election of a registered candidate. The agents shall have the observers rights.
72.4. The registered candidates, political parties,
blocks of political parties, campaign group on referendum can at any time
withdraw the persons they appointed as agents and appoint other persons instead
of them by the way of informing relevant election commission. If there is such
information, the election commission shall cancel the verification card of the
withdrawn agent. Anytime with his/her own initiative, the agent can resign from
his/her position and return his/her card to relevant election commission by
informing registered candidate, as well as political party, block of political
parties and a campaign group on referendum.
72.5. The authorities of an agent shall commence
from the day of their registration by the relevant election commission, and
finish no later than the official publication of the election (referendum)
results, including not later than the day when the final decision of court is
made in case of investigating complaints on violation of this Code, except the
cases mentioned in Article 72.4 of this Code. The authorities of an agent shall
also finish when the status of candidates and referendum campaign groups that
agents represent is lost.
73.1. The nominated candidate can withdraw his/her
application of consent to be
candidate any time, by informing the relevant election commission. Such kind of
written information cannot be withdrawn.
73.2. The
registered candidate can withdraw his/her candidacy by submitting a written
application to the relevant election commission at least 10 days prior to
election day. Such kind of application cannot be withdrawn. The Constituency
Election Commission shall make a decision on cancelling of candidate’s
registration within 1 day on the basis of received application. The relevant
election commission should get the fund back, given to him from the budget, if a
registered candidate withdraws his/her candidacy without compelling reasons
indicated in Article 73.3 of this Code, and the registration deposit shall not
be returned in this case.
The compelling grounds for withdrawing candidacy of
a registered candidate as well as the compelling grounds for withdrawing
candidates of political party, block of political parties shall be understood
as considering by court the registered candidate to be incapacitated as a
result of a serious malady confirmed by the relevant medical examination body,
specified in the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, or the illness that
affects his/her health or makes it impossible for him/her to participate in the
election campaign:
The information on withdrawing of candidacy by the
candidate him-/herself shall be posted on notice boards of the Central,
Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions, stipulated in Article 98.3 of
this Code.
74.1.1. Campaign groups on referendum;
74.1.2. The candidates registered for participation in
the elections of deputies of the Milli Majlis;
74.1.3. The candidates
registered for participation in the Presidential elections;
The political parties, blocks of political parties,
which have candidates registered for participation in the elections of deputies
of the Milli Majlis;
74.1.5. The candidates
registered for participation in the municipality elections;
The political parties, blocks of political parties,
which have candidates registered for participation in Presidential elections;
The political parties, blocks of political parties,
which have candidates registered for participation in municipal elections;
74.2. The pre-election campaign can be conducted
74.2.1. Mass media,
Conducting of pre-election mass
activities (gatherings and meetings with citizens, mass discussions and talks,
74.2.3. Distributing and production of printed,
audiovisual and other campaign materials;
74.2.4. By other means not prohibited by law.
74.3. The pre-election campaign by mass media
shall be conducted by open discussions,
round tables, press conferences, interviews, speeches, political advertisings,
TV and Radio programs, video-films and other ways not prohibited by the law. The
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties and the
referendum campaign group shall independently determine the forms and the ways
of pre-election campaign.
subjects indicated in Article
90.2 0f this Code (taking into account Articles 12.2 and 12.3 of this Code);
officials of state bodies
(institutions, organizations) or municipal bodies and organizations, state and
municipal employees, military persons abusing their positions and privileges
while they are performing their duties
74.4.3. Election commissions, the members of an election
commission with decisive voting right and other official persons of election
74.5 Control over observance of rules identified
by the present Code for pre-election campaigning shall be carried out by a
press group established under the Central Election Commission and comprising
mostly journalists.
75.1. Conducting of all types of pre-election
campaign on the Election Day and the day before the elections shall be
75.2. Pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign shall
commence 60 days prior to the election day and finish 24 hours prior to
commencement of Election Day.
75.3 Pre-election campaign materials displayed inside and outside the
rooms of the election precinct according to this Code, shall be removed on the
Election Day.
76.1 The mass media should mention the following information, when it
publishes the results of public opinion survey related to elections:
The organizations, which have conducted the public
opinion survey,
Date of conduct,
Exact questions,
The number of respondents.
76.2. The results of the public opinion survey and the forecast of
election results shall not be allowed to be published in mass media 24 hours
before the Election Day.
77.1. If founders of TV, radio companies or
periodicals are the state bodies and organizations, or funded from the state budget,
those TV, radio companies and editorial offices of the periodicals shall create
equal conditions for registered candidates, political parties and block of
political parties to conduct their election campaign, and for referendum
campaign groups having 20 thousand members and more to conduct their
pre-referendum campaign for or against issues to be discussed at a referendum,
using allocations from the government budget. Organizations mentioned above
cannot campaign for or against the registered candidates, political parties and
block of political parties, issues to be discussed at a referendum on their own
77.2. TV, radio
companies and periodicals mentioned in Article 77.1. of this Code which are
aired and distributed in half or in more than half of the territory of the
Azerbaijan Republic shall be obliged to create conditions for the registered
candidates for Presidential elections, political parties, blocks of political
parties with registered candidates in more than 60 single mandate election
constituencies or in more than a half of all municipalities, and the campaign
groups on referendum, which have 40,000 or more members, to conduct
pre-election campaign. The Central Election Commission shall publish the list
of TV-radio companies, periodicals mentioned above on the basis of document
submitted by relevant executive authority no later than 20 days after the
decision on determination of elections has been officially published.
77.3. TV and radio companies aired in less than half of the territory
of Azerbaijan Republic, as well as the relevant branches of TV and radio
companies mentioned in Article 77.2 of this Code and periodicals mentioned in
Article 77.1. of this Code which is distributed in less than half of the
territory of Azerbaijan Republic can create conditions for candidates for
single mandate who collected the required number of voter signatures in the
order determined by this Code and the campaign groups on referendum, which have
20,000 or more members and political parties, blocks of political parties which
candidates have been registered in more than 1/3 of all municipalities, to
conduct their election campaign within the territory of relevant administrative
unit. The list of TV-radio companies and periodicals shall be published by the
relevant Constituency Election Commission on the basis of a document submitted
by the relevant executive authority at least within 50 days after a decision on
determination of elections has been officially published.
77.4 If founders of the TV, radio companies and periodicals not
considered by Article 77.1. of this Code are the municipalities, they shall
have to create equal conditions for the campaign groups on referendum, which
have 2,000 or more members, registered candidates to the relevant municipality
which were covered by the relevant constituency to conduct their election
campaign. They shall have to create equal conditions for the registered
candidate, political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign group on
referendum with the reason of conducting a campaign in territory of the
relevant municipality. If TV- radio companies and periodicals do not
participate in the campaign activities at all, they can refuse to publish any
materials or to allocate airtime regardless of their status.
78.1. The TV- radio companies and periodicals, mentioned in the
articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code, shall have the right to allocate paid
airtime and space in periodicals for the registered candidates, registered
candidates of political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign
groups on referendum, on the basis of a contract.
78.2 The amount and the terms of payment should be equal for the
relevant registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties
and campaign groups on referendum.
78.3. The relevant TV and radio companies and periodicals shall publish
the information about the payment amount, along with the notification sent to
the registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties
campaign groups on referendum, the Central Election Commission and the
Constituency Election Commission concerning the possibility of allocating
airtime and place in periodicals, within at latest 50 days after the decision
on determination of elections is published
78.4. Private TV and radio companies and periodicals can refuse to
publish the materials of the pre-election campaign. The private TV and radio
companies and periodicals cannot be forced to publish materials related to
pre-election campaigns. If such materials are published, then the conditions
for publishing should be equal for all candidates, political parties and
referendum campaign groups (except for the periodicals provided for in Article
85.4 of this Code).
79.1. The TV-radio companies and periodicals
allocating free or paid airtime or space in periodicals for registered
candidates, political parties, and campaign group on referendum should conduct
the registration of the cost and volume of the allocated space and airtime in
the form of determined by Central Election Commission and should inform the
election commission which is carrying out their registration, at least 5 days
prior to Election Day, earliest 5 days after the Election Day about this
79.2. The
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, campaign
groups on referendum should submit the documents approving consent of payment
of paid airtime and space in periodicals on the inquiry of the relevant
election commission.
The candidates for Presidential
elections or political parties, blocks of political parties with candidates
registered in more than 60 single mandate election constituencies or more than
a half of all municipalities, and the referendum campaign groups, which have
40,000 or more members, shall have the right to use free airtime on TV and
radio companies for conducting free pre-election campaign according to the
Article 77.2 of this Code.
80.2. Candidates
registered for single-mandate constituencies and the campaign groups on
referendum, which have 20,000 or more members, as well as political parties,
blocks of political parties which candidates have been registered in more than
1/3 of all municipalities shall have the right to use free airtime on TV and
radio companies for conducting free pre-election campaign according to the
Article 77.3 of this Code.
80.3. The candidates to membership of municipality and the campaign
groups on referendum, which have 2,000 or more members, shall have the right to
use free airtime on TV and radio companies with the purpose of conducting
pre-election campaign according to Article 77.4 of this Code.
80.4. A draw shall be conducted among the registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties with the reason of division of
the free airtime allocated according to Article 80.7. of this Code, on the
basis of a submitted application, within one week period after the commencement
of the period set forth in Article 75 of this Code.
80.5 The total volume of the allocated free airtime by the TV and
radio companies should not be less than 3 hours in a week for pre-election
campaign according to Article 77.2 of this Code; According to Article 77.3 of
this Code, the total volume of the allocated free airtime by the TV and radio
companies should not be less than 1 hour and 30 minutes in a week for
pre-election campaign. If the total airtime of those broadcasting companies is
less than 2 hours during a day, the mentioned airtime should not be less than Ľ
part of total volume of programs. The allocated free airtime should be within
the time when most of the viewers can watch it.
80.6. The free airtime provided by broadcasting companies shall be
divided on equal terms and by equal volume among the registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on
80.7. Date and time of airing of pre-election materials shall be determined
by a draw conducted by the relevant election commission with participation of
representatives of TV and radio companies. The information about the time and
place of the draw shall be officially published. The persons mentioned in the
Articles 40.2 and 40.4 of this Code have the right to participate in draw. The
results of the draw shall be formalized by a protocol. The table of division of
airtime defined by the draw should be published in the periodicals mentioned in
the Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code.
80.8. Expenses spent by TV and Radio companies regarding allocation of
the free airtime to candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties
and referendum campaigning groups shall be reimbursed from the state budget to
those TV and Radio companies.
81.1. The election campaign on TV and Radio companies not considered by
Articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code shall start in accordance with the contract
signed with TV and Radio companies.
81.2. TV and Radio companies considered by Article 77.1 of this Code
should keep airtime in reserve for conduct of paid election campaign.
Candidates for membership of municipality and referendum campaigning groups
members of which are more than 20,000 cannot use this airtime. The amount and
terms of payment should be equal for all registered candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties, referendum campaigning groups and
relevant information about this should be published at latest within 50 days
after the decision on determination of election day is officially
published. Total volume of airtime for
paid purposes reserved by each TV and Radio companies cannot be less or twice
more than the total volume of free airtime allocated in conformity with Article
80.5 of this Code.
81.3. Norms of usage of airtime reserved for paid purposes for each
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties, referendum
campaigning groups shall be defined by dividing its total volume by total
number of registered candidates.
81.4 Airtime mentioned in Article 81.2 of this Code should be
presented by TV and Radio companies within the period mentioned in Article
80.4. of this Code. The time and date of election campaign products to be aired
shall be determined by TV and Radio companies based on results of lottery
conducted in the presence of authorized representatives of candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaigning
groups who have submitted relevant notification. The lottery should be
conducted within the period determined by Article 80.4 of this Code. Airtime
shall be presented on the basis of a contract signed after the conduct of the
81.5. If a registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties or referendum campaigning group refuse to use airtime after the lottery
has been conducted, they should inform the relevant TV and Radio companies
about this 2 days prior to the day of air. TV and Radio companies shall decide
themselves on how to use the vacant airtime for the purposes other than
election campaign.
81.6. Allocation of airtime on TV and Radio companies not considered by
Articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code for registered candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties, referendum campaigning groups and its
payment shall be performed on an equal basis and conditions. TV and Radio
companies that do not observe these requirements and requirements of Article
78.2 of this Code cannot allocate airtime for election campaign purposes for
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and
referendum campaigning groups.
81.7. The contract on allocation of paid airtime should consider the
81.7.1. method of election campaign;
81.7.2. time and date of airtime;
81.7.3. period of airtime provided, its terms and
amount of payment;
81.7.4. After fulfilment of the agreement indicating
the form and conditions of participation of a leading journalist, an act on
using of air-time with indication of the list of programs, name of the program
and its broadcasting time shall be drawn up.
81.8. A registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties, referendum campaign group should submit the payment order on
transferring full amount of money for airtime to the relevant bank at least 48
hours prior to the day or air. The relevant bank should transfer money
immediately after it gets the payment order. Period of bank transfer should not
be more than two banking days.
81.9. Payment for cost of airtime should be paid from the election fund
of a registered candidate, political party, block of political parties and from
the pre-election financial fund (hereafter referred to as election fund) of
referendum campaigning groups.
81.10. If a registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties and referendum campaigning group violate conditions
defined by this Code while using paid airtime, TV and Radio companies can
appeal to the court for termination of the contract on allocation of airtime.
TV and Radio companies shall not have the right to use that vacant time for
election campaign purposes after termination of the contract.
82.1. It shall be prohibited to interrupt transmission of election
campaign materials of a registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties, referendum campaigning group with advertisements for goods, works and
services or with broadcasting other programs.
82.2. It shall be prohibited to interrupt election campaign programs of
a registered candidate, political party, block of political parties, referendum
campaigning groups, transmitted by TV and Radio companies mentioned in Article
77.1 of this Code, with broadcasting programs of other TV or Radio programs.
82.3. Information on conduct of election campaigning activities of
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and
referendum campaigning groups should be announced, as a rule, at the beginning
of the telecast which is broadcasted without any comments. The registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, referendum
campaigning groups shall not pay for airtime spent for such information. In
such cases, any of registered candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties, referendum campaign group should not be given preference
while reporting election campaigning.
82.4. Election campaign telecasts or radio casts shall be video/audio
taped. They shall be preserved by TV and Radio companies for 12 months from the
day they have been aired. TV and Radio companies should preserve reports on
allocation of free and paid airtime for 5 years starting from the Election Day.
83.1. In order to
conduct unpaid pre-election campaign, candidates for Presidential elections,
political parties, blocks of political parties with registered candidates in
more than 60 single mandate election constituencies or in more than a half of
all municipalities, and the campaign groups on referendum which have 40,000 or
more members shall be entitled to relevant space for free advertising in
periodicals mentioned in Article 77.2. of this Code, issued at least once a
83.2 In order to conduct unpaid pre-election
campaign, candidates registered for single-mandate constituencies and the
campaign groups on referendum, which have 20,000 or more members, as well as
political parties, blocks of political parties which candidates have been
registered in more than 1/3 of all municipalities shall be entitled to relevant
space for free advertising in periodicals mentioned in Article 77.3. of this
Code, issued at least once a week.
83.3. In order to conduct unpaid pre-election
campaign, candidates for municipal elections and the campaign groups on
referendum, which have 2,000 or more members shall be entitled to relevant
space for free advertising in periodicals mentioned in Article 77.4. of this
Code, issued at least once a week.
83.4. Based on applications submitted by the
referendum campaign groups of candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties registered after commencement of the date set forth in
Article 75 of this Code, a lottery for use of free advertisement pages shall be
held among them within one week in the order determined by the Central Election
83.5. Editorial
offices of the periodicals indicated in Article 77.1. of this Code shall
allocate special pages in their periodicals for free publications.
83.6. Total weekly volume of free space allocated by
editorial offices of each periodical indicated in Article 77.1. of this Code to
the registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and
referendum campaign groups shall constitute at least 10% of the general volume
of space for the period provided for in Article 75 of this Code. The editorial
office of the publication shall announce the general volume of space provided
on free basis for pre-referendum campaign purposes publication, within at least
50 days after publication of decision on identification of the Election Day.
Periodicals shall allocate equal space/volume for registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on
83.7. Allocation of the general free space/volume
in the periodicals indicated in Articles 77.2. and 77.3. shall be determined
through dividing this general volume correspondingly by the total number of
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and
referendum campaign groups which are entitled to free publication of
pre-election materials in those periodicals.
Dates for free publication of
pre-election campaign materials of registered candidates, political parties,
blocks of political parties and campaign groups on referendum shall be
identified by a draw, in the presence of the interested parties. The draw shall
be conducted on the date when the period set forth in Article 75 of this Code
commences. Members of the relevant election commission, as well as persons
mentioned in Articles 40.2 and 40.4 of this Code, can participate in the draw
process. Results of the draw shall be officialized by a protocol.
The expenses spent by periodicals
for allocation of free space in the periodicals for registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaign groups
shall be reimbursed to the periodicals from the state budget.
84.1. The periodicals mentioned in the Article
77.1 of this Code shall be obliged to allocate paid pages for pre-election
campaign of the registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political
parties and campaign groups on referendum. The basis, conditions and amount of
payment for allocated space should be equal for all registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on
referendum and should be published by the periodicals not later than 50 days
after a decision on determination of elections has been officially published.
Total volume of space allocated on paid pages of the periodicals should not be
less than total amount of free allocated space according to the Article 83.6.
of this Code.
84.2. Every registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties and campaign groups on referendum for a certain
amount of payment can have a space equal to the volume which is determined by
dividing the total amount of space allocated for reserve on the page into total
number of appropriately registered candidates and campaign groups of
84.3. The periodicals that are not mentioned in
the Articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code can publish campaign materials of the
registered candidates, political party, block of political parties, campaign
group on referendum according to the contract signed with them.
84.4. Periodicals, which are not mentioned in the
Articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code, shall be paid on an equal basis and
conditions for the cost of the offered volume of space to registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign group
on referendum. Periodicals that do not follow these rules and requirements of
the Article 78.2 of this Code cannot allocate space for pre-election campaign
materials of a registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties and campaign groups on referendum.
84.5. After the draw, registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups on referendum
shall pay the cost of allocated space on periodicals based on the contract with
periodicals. A registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties and campaign group on referendum should submit a payment order on full
payment of the cost for allocated space to the relevant bank at least two days
prior publication day. When these rules are violated, such a space cannot be
allocated by periodicals. The relevant bank should transfer money immediately
starting the day of the receipt of payment order, but not later than the next
banking day. In this case bank transfer cannot take more than 2 banking days.
84.6. Expenses for allocated space by the
periodicals shall be paid from the election funds of the registered candidate,
political party, block of political parties, campaign group on referendum.
84.7. Periodicals should provide a space,
considered by the Article 84.2 of this Code within the period mentioned in the
Article 75 of this Code.
84.8. The date of paid publication of pre-election
campaign materials of registered candidate, political party, block of political
parties, campaign group on referendum shall be determined by the lottery
conducted by the periodicals, on the basis of written requests of their
authorized representatives, with participation of interested persons. The draw
shall be conducted within the period defined by the Article 75 of this Code.
Members of the relevant election commissions, as well as persons mentioned in
the Articles 40 and 40.4 of this Code, shall have the right to be present
during the process of the draw. An official protocol shall be made on the
results of the lottery.
If a registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties, referendum campaign group refuses to use the space allocated
by the periodicals after the draw, they should inform the relevant periodical
about this at least five days prior the date of publication. The periodical
cannot use the vacant space for the pre-election campaigning purposes.
According to this Article no editing comment should
be made unless the matter is agreed with the candidates, political party, block
of political parties, campaign group on referendum, during publication of pre-election
campaign materials.
If periodicals founded by legislative, executive
bodies, court bodies and municipalities, officially print founders’ official
materials, information, normative and other acts, these periodicals cannot
print pre-election campaign and other materials.
If periodicals have been founded by registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties or political parties
which are member of block of political parties, rules on equal allocation of
space and Articles 78.1 and 78.3 of this Code shall not be applied to these
Pre-election campaign materials of a candidate,
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties, campaign
group on referendum published by the periodical should contain information
about covering expenses of publication from the election funds of the
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties, campaign
group on referendum. When pre-election campaign materials are published freely,
materials should reflect which candidate, political party, block of political
parties, campaign group on referendum they belong to.
State bodies and municipalities should assist the registered
candidate, political party, block of political parties, and campaign group on
referendum in organizing and holding of meetings with citizens and open
Applications of the registered candidate, political
party, block of political parties, and their agents with a request to allocate
a venue for meetings with electors, shall be considered by the relevant
executive authority in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of
Venues (building, room) which are suitable for holding
meetings with electors and which are owned by state or municipalities shall be
provided free of charge by the owners, at times agreed by registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, authorized
representatives of campaign groups on referendum, their agents and the election
commission. If a venue (building, room) is allocated to one of the registered
candidates, political party, block of political parties, campaign group on
referendum for conducting pre-election (pre-referendum) campaign, the owner
cannot refuse to allocate the same venue (building, room) with the equal
conditions to another candidate, political party, block of political parties,
campaign group on referendum. Election commissions shall create equal
conditions for the registered candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties, and campaign groups on referendum to conduct pre-election
campaign using mass actions.
Registered candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties, and campaign groups on referendum shall have the right,
regardless of the form of ownership, to lease, based on a contract, buildings
and rooms owned by citizens and organizations, for holding meetings,
discussions with voters and other pre-election mass activities.
Buildings and equipment, which are considered
cultural facilities in accordance with the relevant State register, cannot be
used for the purpose of holding pre-election campaign.
It shall be prohibited to conduct a pre-election
campaign in the territory of military units, military organizations and
military institutions. Registered candidates, political party, block of
political parties, campaign group on referendum, their authorized
representatives and agents can conduct meetings with electors who are in military
service within the territory of military unit, when such meetings are arranged
by the commanders of those military units together with the Constituency
Election Commission, if only all registered candidates, all political parties
with registered candidates, blocks of political parties, campaign group on
referendum for this constituency are necessarily invited or informed about this meeting at least three days prior
to this meeting. The persons mentioned above, political parties, blocks of
political parties, and campaign groups on referendum should be provided with
equal conditions for conducting these meetings, and opportunities shall be
ensured for observers to observe such meetings.
According to the legislation, relevant executive
bodies shall ensure security and public order during pre-election mass actions.
The registered candidates, political parties with
registered candidates, blocks of political parties, campaign groups on
referendum shall have the right to produce printed, audiovisual and other
pre-election campaign materials in accordance with the rules defined by the
Before the day of official publication of a decision
on the determination of elections (referendum), the advertising organizations,
founders (co-founders) of which are the
state bodies or municipalities or their organizations, should create equal
conditions for the candidates registered for relevant constituencies, political
parties, blocks of political parties, campaign groups on referendum, on account
of funds allocated from state bodies and municipalities.
Printed and audiovisual pre-election campaign
materials should contain information on:
The company which produced it;
The organization which ordered the
company to produce it;
The quantity of issues;
The date of production.
A registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties, and campaign group on referendum should submit detailed information
about printed pre-election campaign materials or their copies to the election
commission. Besides these materials, they should submit addresses of
organizations, which ordered and produced them, to the relevant election
It shall be prohibited to distribute pre-election
campaign materials violating rules defined by Articles 87.3. and 87.4. of this
At least 30 days prior the Election Day, the
relevant executive authorities and municipalities, with a request from the
Constituency Election Commission, should allocate locations for posting of
pre-election campaign materials on boards within the territory of each voting
station. These places should be accessible for voters and information displayed
there should be easily read. Registered candidates, authorized representatives
of a political party, block of political parties and campaign group on
referendum shall have the right to obtain a list of locations allocated for
displaying pre-election campaign materials from the Constituency Election
In the cases not mentioned in Article 87.6. of this
Code, the pre-election campaign materials can be displayed (hung, stuck, etc.)
in the rooms, buildings and other places only with consent of the proprietors
or owners of those places.
It shall be prohibited to display pre–election
campaign materials on buildings, constructions and rooms which are considered
to be historical or cultural monuments, included in the relevant state
register, as well as in rooms used by election commissions, on the notice
boards specified in Article 98.3 of this Code, in the voting rooms and their
The election commission, that obtains information
about distribution of forged publications, audiovisual and other pre-election
campaign materials or violation of rules defined by Articles 87.3., 87.4.,
87.7., 87.8. of this Code, should take necessary measures, and apply to the to
the law-enforcement bodies, other authorities in accordance with the Code of
Administrative Offences or the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, to
stop such campaign activities which contradict the law and to remove the
pre-election campaign materials distributed illegally.
Pre–election programs (pre-referendum calls) of the
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and campaign groups
on referendum registered in compliance with the Criminal Code, Code of
Administrative Offences and Civil Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, meetings and
pre – election campaign materials distributed by mass media and speeches should
not contain incitements to capture the government by force, to change the
constitutional system by force, to violate the territorial integrity of the
country, to insult citizens honour and dignity.
When conducting a pre-election campaign in
compliance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it shall be
prohibited to abuse the mass media for campaigns, which incite social, racial, national
and religious hatred and hostility.
According to Article 30 of the Constitution of the
Republic of Azerbaijan and the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it
shall be prohibited to conduct a campaign, which violates intellectual property
Candidates, registered candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties, campaign group on referendum and their
agents who participate in pre-election campaign directly or indirectly, as well
as other persons and organizations shall be prohibited from:
88.4.1. giving money, gifts and other valuable things
(except for badges, stickers, posters and campaign materials with other nominal
value) to voters, excepting purposes for performance of organizational works;
88.4.2. depending on results of voting, rewarding the
voters who performed organizational works, or promising to reward them;
selling goods at a discount,
providing goods (except for printed materials) free of charge;
88.4.4. providing
free or discounted services;
influencing the voters during the
pre-election campaign by promising them securities, as well as other goods,
money and other services that contradict with the legislation.
88.5. Registered candidates, agents and authorized
representatives of political parties, blocks of political parties as well as
their founders, owners, and members of managing bodies, initiators of
established campaign groups on referendum, or legal entities, persons and
organizations, which are mentioned as authorized representatives of such groups
and their commercial and other activities can be advertised (provided that the
advertisement clearly displays the relationship to a candidate or political
party) according to the rules mentioned in Articles 81 and 84 of this Code from
the relevant election (referendum) funds. Such advertisement should be
terminated 24 hours prior to the commencement of voting.
88.6. If TV and radio companies and periodicals
mentioned in Articles 77.1 and 77.4 of this Code participate in the
pre-election campaign and do not create conditions for a registered candidate,
before the pre-election campaign finishes, to defend his/her dignity and honour
or to disprove misinformation about him/her during the pre-election campaign,
TVs, radio companies and periodicals should prevent distribution and broadcast
of false information which impugns the dignity and honour of the candidate. If
programs of TV and radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.1
and 77.4 of this Code do not provide a registered candidate with conditions to defend
his/her dignity and honour on the air and periodicals by the end of the
pre-election campaign, TV and radio companies and periodicals and their high
officials can be subject to liability established by the legislation.
88.7. If a registered candidate or campaign group
on referendum violates Articles 88.1-88.3. of the present Code, the relevant
election commission should apply to the court with a request, and other state
bodies can use this right as well. If the registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, or campaign group on referendum violates other
rules defined by this Code for conduct of pre-election campaign, the relevant
election commission shall warn through its decision the registered candidates,
political party, block of political parties, or the campaign group on
referendum or apply to the court to stop illegal campaign. The relevant
decision of election commission shall be published on press.
88.8. If TV, radio companies and periodicals violate
the rules for pre-election campaigning defined by this Code, the relevant
election commission shall have the right to apply to the law enforcement
bodies, the court and the relevant executive authorities, upon initiative of
the subordinate press group consisting of journalists in the order defined by
the Central Election Commission, with a request to stop illegal pre-election
campaigning, and to take necessary measures about these companies and
periodicals and their officials.
89.1. The
expenditures made for preparation and conduct of elections (referendum)
(hereafter referred to as –elections), and the activities of election
commissions during their term of office shall be paid from the state budget.
Expenses mentioned above shall be considered by the state budget in accordance
with the budget division of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
89.2. Funds allocated for preparation and conduct
of elections shall be transferred by the relevant executive authority to the
bank account of the Central Election Commission within 10 days after the
decision to determine elections has been officially published.
89.3. The Central Election Commission shall
transfer funds required for preparation and conduct of elections to the
Constituency Election Commissions at least 90 days prior to the voting day, and
the Constituency Election Commissions shall distribute the received funds among
the Precinct Election Commissions at least 10 days prior to the voting day. In
case of additional elections, or if funds have not been transferred in time or
completely, election commissions shall distribute and transfer funds on their
89.4. The chairpersons of the election commissions
shall give instructions on how to use these allocated funds for preparation and
conduct of elections, and they shall be responsible for ensuring that financial
statements correspond with the decisions of election commission and for
submission of financial statements on expenses according to the rules and
period defined by this Code.
89.5. Unused funds of the election commissions
should be transferred to the account of the Central Election Commission at
latest within 60 days after the Election Day to be used for purposes defined by
this Code and should remain in this account.
90.1. In order to finance activities of
candidates, registered candidates, political parties or blocks of political
parties, which nominate candidates or have candidates registered, and
referendum campaign groups, the election (referendum) funds (hereafter referred
to as election funds) shall be created.
90.2. The following shall be prohibited from
rendering voluntary donations and assistance in kind or through service
provision to election funds of candidates, registered candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties, and campaign groups on referendum:
90.2.1 Foreign
countries and foreign legal entities;
90.2.2 Foreign
90.2.3 Persons
without citizenship;
90.2.4 Citizens
who are under 18 years of age;
90.2.5 Legal
entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, if on the day of official publication
of the decision to define elections, more than 30% of the charter (property)
capital of the legal entity of the Republic of Azerbaijan belongs to the
persons mentioned in Articles 90.2.1, 90.2.2 and 90.2.3 of this Code;
90.2.6 International
organizations and international public movements;
90.2.7 State
bodies, and municipalities;
90.2.8 State
and municipal organizations and offices;
90.2.9 If
on the day of official publication of the decision to define elections, legal
entities, with more than 30% of the charter capital belonging to state or
90.2.10 Military
90.2.11 Charitable
organizations, religious associations, offices and organizations;
90.2.12 Anonymous
donation provider who does not indicate one of the following pieces of
For a citizen:
Name, surname, middle name;
Batch and serial number, date of
issue, of his/her identification document or a document substituting it;
His/her address;
Birth of date;
a legal entity:
Identification number of taxpayer;
Date of registration;
Bank account;
About shares owned by state or
municipalities in their charter capital and their amount, and amount of foreign
shares in their charter capital – misinforming or not informing thereabout
90.3. A candidate, registered candidate, political
party, block of political parties, and campaign group on referendum shall have
the right to give instructions on how to use the election fund created by
themselves. Election funds should be spent for special purposes. They can be
used only for the following purposes:
To finance organizational-technical
actions for collection of signatures, to support nomination of candidates and
to get approval for becoming a member of a referendum campaign group, as well
as to pay for relevant signature;
To pay expenses regarding
pre-election campaign, as well as information and consulting services;
Expenses regarding other works
during the pre-election campaign performed by legal entities and citizens;
Candidates, registered candidates,
political parties, blocks of political parties, campaign groups on referendum
shall use money transferred to their election funds accounts in accordance with
the rule defined by this Code up to the voting day. Candidates, registered
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties, campaign groups on
referendum shall be prohibited from using the funds, other than the election
funds, for pre-election campaigning activities and collecting of signatures.
These rules, except the cases mentioned in the Articles 55.3 and 69.8 of this
Code, shall not concern the funds used by the political parties for their other
purposes not related to the election campaign and not considered pre – election
The candidate that has not been
registered with the relevant election commission, the political party or block
of political parties which candidate has not been registered can pay back the
unused amount of the election funds (providing that delivery expenses are
excluded) to the donor citizens and legal entities, in the amount appropriate
to proportional correlation of the transferred donations, until the final
financial report is submitted. If the unregistered candidate, political party
or block of political parties with an unregistered candidate does not use this
right, then the unused money shall be transferred correspondingly to the state
or municipal budget.
Unless the monetary funds allocated
by relevant election commissions for the registered candidate, political party
or block of political parties with a registered candidate are returned, and the
political party or blocks of political parties reimburse TV and radio companies
and editorial offices of periodicals for free airtime and space in periodicals,
it shall be prohibited to return the unused amount of the election funds to the
citizens and legal entities that donated money to their election funds. In such
case, the political parties, blocks of political parties shall firstly return
the funds of the election commission.
After the funds of the election commission
are returned and TV and radio companies and editorial offices of periodicals
are reimbursed for free airtime and space in periodicals, the registered
candidate, the political party or block of political parties with a registered
candidate can transfer the unused amount of the election funds to settlement
accounts of the donor citizens and legal entities, in the manner provided for
in Article 90.5 of this Code. If the registered candidate, the political party
or block of political parties with an unregistered candidate does not use this
right, then the unused monetary funds shall be transferred correspondingly to
the state or municipal budget.
91.1. The Special election (referendum) account to
form an election fund (hereafter referred as election accounts) shall be opened
in the relevant bank, defined by the Central Election Commission. This account
should be opened at least 24 hours prior to the collection of voters’
signatures, which is necessary for the registration of candidate, and a
campaign group on referendum. Candidate, political party, block of political
parties and campaign group on referendum can open only one special account.
91.2. The relevant bank should open within 3 days
a special election account for candidate, political party, block of political
parties, and campaign group on referendum after they submit documents
established in accordance with the rule defined by this Code. All funds shall
be transferred in manats to special election account.
91.3. All financial transactions of registered
candidates, political parties with registered candidates, block of political
parties, campaign groups on referendum shall be stopped within 3 days after the
voting day.
91.4. The relevant
bank with the instruction of the relevant election commission shall stop
financial transactions to pay expenses from the specific election accounts of
candidates, registered candidates, political party, block of political parties
and a campaign group on referendum in the following cases:
If the necessary documents for registration defined in
accordance with the rule in this Code were not submitted to the relevant
election commission or the person refused to be registered;
If the person who wanted to become a candidate withdraws
his/her application of consent or candidacy;
If a political party, block of political parties withdraws
its candidate;
If initiators of establishing of a campaign group on
referendum apply to the relevant election commission to withdraw their
membership from this group and in this case, if the number of initiators of
establishing of a campaign group on referendum is less than the number defined
in the Article 63 of this Code; or
If a decision was made to cancel the registration.
92.1. The Central Election Commission can prolong the
period of financial operations based on the appeal (request) of a candidate,
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties and campaign
group on referendum in the following cases:
For covering expenses of candidate,
political party with registered candidate, block of political parties and
campaign group on referendum for the implemented activities, before they
received refusal of registration; if a candidate withdraws his/her application
on his/her consent to be a candidate, or his/her candidacy is withdrawn by a
political party and block of political parties; when initiators of establishing
of the campaign group on referendum apply to the relevant election commission
to leave from membership of this group and if, in such case, the number of
initiators of establishing of the campaign group on referendum is less than the
number identified in the Article 63 of this Code; for covering expenses of work
performed before signature sheets and other documents for registration are
submitted within the period defined by this Code;
In connection with reimbursement of
the cost of activities performed (carried out) by
A candidate, who withdrew his/her candidacy;
Political parties, blocks of political parties that withdrew
their registered candidate;
A registered candidate whose registration was cancelled;
A referendum campaign group registration of which was
cancelled before the decision on cancellation of registration of the referendum
campaign group or the candidate was made.
other cases, which require covering
the expenses spent for the actions up to the Election Day by a registered
candidate, political party, block of political parties, and campaign groups on
Voluntary donations to the election fund of a
candidate, registered candidate, political party, block of political parties,
and campaign group on referendum shall be transferred through post offices,
banks and credit organizations. These donations shall be accepted only from the
citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and they should contain the following
information about them:
Surname, name, patronymic;
Date of birth;
Batch and serial number of
identification document or a document, which substitutes it.
Voluntary donations of legal entities shall be
received by bank transfer to the election fund of candidate, political party,
block of political parties, and campaign group on referendum recording the
following information:
Whether legal entities have state,
municipal or foreign share in their charter capital, or not;
Its name;
Date of registration,
identification number of taxpayer;
Bank account information.
Voluntary donations of physical and legal entities
shall be transferred to the specific election account through post offices and
banks not later than next banking day after they receive the relevant payment
document. In this case, period for bank transfer cannot be more than 2 days.
A candidate, registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, campaign group on referendum shall have the right
to return any donations to the donator, except for anonymous ones.
If donations are transferred to the election funds
of candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political
parties, and campaign group on referendum by citizens or legal entities who do
not have right to do that, or if amount of donation is more than the amount
mentioned in this Code, the candidate, registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, and campaign groups on referendum should return the
whole amount or a part of it which exceeds the required amount to the donator
within 10 days after its receipt, indicating the reasons for bank transfer and
deducting expenses for transfer.
A candidate, registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, and campaign group on referendum shall not
beresponsible for accepting the donations due to the inaccurate information
mentioned in Articles 93.1 – 93.2 of this Code only when they did not receive
the information about inaccurate documents in time.
Anonymous donations shall be transferred to the
state budget by the candidate, registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties, and campaign group on referendum within 10 days after
receipt of such donations.
Citizens and legal entities can assist the
nomination and election of a candidate, registered candidate by transferring
donations to the relevant election funds.
If a candidate, registered candidate or political
party, block of political parties, members of a campaign group on referendum or
their authorized representatives on finance do not agree officially, it shall
be prohibited:
To render paid services regarding
the elections;
To sell goods;
To cover expenses for that from
election fund.
entities, their branches, representatives and other organizations shall be
prohibited from rendering assistance free or at a baseless discount regarding
the elections and referendum.
A citizen can personally render free, voluntary
assistance to the candidate, registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties, and campaign group on referendum, not inviting third person
during the election campaigning.
Registration of opening and use of specific bank
accounts, rules for reporting, as well as rules for collection and expenditure
of election funds of candidates, registered candidates, political parties,
blocks of political parties, and campaign groups on referendum shall be defined
by the Central Election Commission with an agreement of the National Bank, at
least 110 days prior to the Election Day.
A candidate, registered candidate, political party, block
of political parties, and campaign group on referendum should register the
collection and expenditure of their election funds.
Candidates, registered candidates, political parties
or blocks of political parties shall submit their financial report to the
relevant election commission as follows:
first initial financial report
shall be submitted to the relevant election commission in accordance with the
rule defined by this Code together with the required documents for
registration; this report shall contain information for the period two days
prior to the date indicated in the report;
second initial financial report
shall be submitted to the relevant election commission at earliest 20 days and
at least 10 days prior to the Election Day; this report shall contain
information for the period of seven days prior to the date indicated therein;
final financial report shall be
submitted at latest 10 days after final results of elections (referendum)
officially published; initial financial documents on the collection and
expenditure of election funds shall be attached to the final financial report.
If a candidate, registered
candidate lose his/her status, the duties for financial reporting shall be
assumed by citizens who have been a candidate, registered candidate. The duties for financial reporting of
political parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaign group
shall be carried out by their representatives authorized for financial issues. If there is no such authorized
representative, financial reporting can be made by other persons who are
included in the staff of political parities or block of political parties, and
participated in the election (referendum) campaign and who are authorized to
represent political parties, referendum campaign group.
95.1. Copies
of financial reports of registered candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties which have a registered candidate, referendum campaign groups
shall be published within 5 days after their receipt by the relevant election
95.2. The relevant bank shall inform the Central
Election Commission about the funds entered to and spent from the election
funds of candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties not less than once a week, and if there are 10 days remaining
until the Election Day – not less than once in three banking days, in the
manner determined by the Central Election Commission. The State Automated
Information Systems can be used for these purposes and dissemination of such
information shall not be allowed. Accordingly, Constituency Election
Commissions or the Central Election Commission shall submit the information on
collecting and expenditure of election funds to the mass media, regularly, not
less than once every two weeks up to the Election Day. The relevant election
commission shall inform registered candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties, about their collection and expenditure of election funds,
provided by the relevant bank, based on their official request.
95.3. The periodicals considered by the Articles 77.2., 77.3 and 77.4.
of this Code shall be obliged to publish information on the receipt and
expenditure of funds given to them by the relevant election commissions.
95.4. The Relevant executive authorities shall submit information on
founders of a legal entity or legal entities, presence or lack of state,
municipal or foreign share in legal entities charter capital, name of legal
entity, date of registration of legal entity to the relevant election
commissions within five days after the list of legal entities which have
contributed donations to the candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties is received from the relevant election commissions. This
information shall be submitted in accordance with format defined by the Central
Election Commission. State Automated Information System can be used for these
purposes and dissemination of such information shall not be allowed.
95.5. The relevant election commission shall provide candidates,
registered candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties with
information received by the commission immediately, in accordance with their
95.6. If the relevant election commission receives information about
contribution that violates the requirements of
Articles 90 and 93 of this Code, the relevant candidate, registered
candidate, political parties, blocks of
political parties and campaign groups on referendum shall be informed about
this immediately.
Funds allocated for preparation and holding of
elections and for organization of election commissions’ activities shall be
used by the election commissions independently for the purposes defined by this
The following directions of activities of election
commission shall be financed from the state budget including balance of funds
from the previous elections:
participation of registered candidates, political
party and block of political parties, referendum campaign groups which have a
registered single lists of candidates in formation of election funds, in
accordance with the rules and amount defined by this Code;
transport expenditures and compensations paid for
candidates registered for an election constituency (constituencies) in
accordance with the rules and amount determined in Article 70 of this Code;
payment of salaries for members of election
commissions with decisive voting rights, employees of election commissions or
supernumerary employees who work in
election commission on the basis of civil contract;
producing stamps, implementing printing activities,
acquiring technical equipment and its installation;
transport expenditures, as well as transport
expenditures in remote and difficult to access districts;
transportation and security of election documents;
. implementation of
proposed programs in the field of
development of election systems, voters education and election
organizers’ education;
payment of business trips and other expenses
regarding the elections; other expenses regarding powers and functions of
election commissions.
Members of the Central Election Commission shall be
paid salary in the amount defined by the relevant executive power body. The
right to an average monthly salary from the permanent place of residence of an
election commission member with a decisive voting right, indicated in Articles
33.1 and 38.1 of this Code, during the preparation and holding of elections, as
well as during compilation of voters lists should be preserved and he/she be
paid additional compensation by the relevant election commission in accordance
with rules and amount defined by the Central Election Commission.
The rules for the transfer of money allocated by the
Central Election Commission for other election commissions, reporting,
registration, opening and closing of bank accounts shall be defined and agreed
by the Central Election Commission and the National Bank at least 90 days prior
to the voting day. Election commissions shall conduct financial records of
expenditure of funds allocated from the state budget.
The Central Election Commission together with the
National Bank, shall define and agree on samples of financial reports of
election commissions on receipt and expenditure of funds allocated for the
preparation and conduct of elections, document on receipt and expenditure of
election funds of candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties at least 110 days prior to the voting day.
The Precinct Election Commission shall submit its
financial report on receipt and expenditure of election funds allocated from
the state budget to the Constituency Election Commission within 5 days after
the voting day.
The Constituency Election Commission shall submit to
the Central Election Commission its
financial report on receipt and expenditure of funds allocated from the state
budget within 10 days after the voting day.
The Constituency Election Commission shall submit
information on receipt and expenditure of election funds of candidates and
registered candidates to the Central Election Commission within 10 days after
final results of elections are officially published.
The Central Election Commission shall provide the
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Milli Majlis and the mass media
with information about use of funds in the budget amounts, use of election
funds by candidates, registered candidates, expenditure of election funds of
political parties and blocks of political parties and referendum campaign
groups within three months after official results of elections are published.
The information mentioned above should be published by the official press of
the Central Election Commission within a month starting the date it submitted
this information to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to the
Milli Majlis.
A supervisory and audit service shall be established
in the Central Election Commission and Constituency Election Commissions to
ensure the control of expenditure of funding allocated to election commissions
for election purposes, correct registration and use of election funds and sources
of funding.
The supervisory and audit service shall include the
head of the supervisory and audit service;
election commission members appointed to that
service, experts involved from the government, National Bank and other organizations
and institutions. According to the request of relevant election commissions,
and starting from the date of official publication of decision on assignment of
the election, the bodies mentioned above should send relevant specialists to
the Central Election Commission and to the Constituency Election Commission for
the period of elections.
When experts involved with the supervisory and audit
service are employed by state or municipal bodies or temporarily released from
their employment, their average salaries shall be preserved in their permanent
working place and they shall be paid additional compensation from the relevant
election commission in accordance with the rules and amount defined by the
Central Election Commission.
The Central Election Commission shall approve the
statute of the supervisory and audit service, at least 110 days prior to the
Election Day. Organizational, legal and logistical support to the supervisory
and audit service shall be provided by the relevant election commissions.
The supervisory and audit service shall have the
right to control receipt of funding to the election funds of candidates,
registered candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties,
referendum campaign groups, registration of these funds and their purposeful
expenditure, as well as purposeful expenditure of funds allocated for
subordinate election commissions. For these purposes the supervisory and audit
service shall:
97.5.1. audit financial
reports of candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocks
of political parties, referendum
campaign groups and lower election
obtain information on all issues within its powers
from the candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocks of
political parties, referendum campaign groups and election commissions;
obtain necessary information on issues concerning
this service and finance of elections from the executive authorities,
municipalities, organizations and citizens: requests of supervisory and audit
service should be answered within 10 days, but 5 days prior to the voting day
and on the voting day – immediately;
prepare documents on financial violations that
occurred during the finance of elections;
raise a matter before the relevant election
commission on implementation of accountability measures for the violations
occurred during finance of elections by physical and legal entities,
candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties, referendum campaign
involve experts for conducting investigations and
for preparing expert considerations.
Voting room shall be allocated to the Precinct Election
Commission by the relevant executive body or municipality free of charge.
Ballot boxes, voting compartments, table, stationery
and other specific equipment necessary for secret voting shall be placed
(assembled) in the voting room. The ballot boxes, voting compartments and other
specific equipment shall be located in such way that will not hamper actions of
the voters while voting.
Notice boards for displaying information about
candidates, rules for completing ballot papers shall be located in the voting
room in the order determined by the Central Election Commission. Notice board
mentioned above should be placed so that voters can read the materials on it
easily. Samples of the ballot paper cannot contain names of registered
candidates (political parties and blocks of political parties). Referendum
ballot papers cannot be marked. Information on criminal and administration
legislations, which impose liability for violation of voters’ rights to elect,
should be displayed on the notice board. If a registered candidate has a
sentence, which is not served or cancelled, the information should contain name
and number of the relevant article of the Criminal Code that was imposed on the
candidate. If a candidate has done an action, which imposes criminal liability
by the Criminal Code in the other country he/she resides and is sentenced by a
court decision, which entered into force, the name of the relevant law of the
foreign country should be recorded as well.
Enlarged samples of protocol on results of voting
should be displayed in the voting room from the time the voting commences, for
the purposes of demonstrating the results of voting.
The voting room should be located in a place that
Precinct Election Commission members and observers can easily observe a place
where ballot papers shall be issued, voting compartments, other places for
voting and ballot boxes.
Rules for preparation, text and format of election
ballot papers (hereinafter – ballot paper), their number and requirements for
preparation shall be approved by the Central Election Commission at least 35
days prior to the voting day.
Surnames of candidates in the ballot paper shall
appear in the alphabetical order.
Each ballot paper should be numbered
one-by-one and in sequence, in accordance with the rule established by the
Central Election Commission and should contain instructions on how to complete
it. The Number of the ballot shall be indicated on its cut-off corner.
Ballot papers shall be published by decision of the
Central Election Commission in printing houses at least 10 days prior to the
voting date and under observation of members of the Central Election
Commission. The number of prepared ballot papers can exceed the number of
voters registered in the relevant election constituencies by at most 3%
The printing house shall ensure sorting out of
defected ballot papers from the usable ones and submit the ballot papers to the
authorized representative of the Central Election Commission according to the
act containing indication of their quantity, date and time of issuance and
numbers. Having submitted ballot papers in accordance with the order, employees
of the printing house destroy defective and extra ballot papers and draws up an
act about this signed by all participants. The members of the Central Election
Commission and persons indicated in Articles 40.2. and 40.4. can oversee the
execution of those actions. The Central Election Commission should give information
to registered candidates and authorized representatives of political parties,
blocks of political parties or referendum campaign groups about place and time
of distribution of ballot papers.
After receipt of ballot papers from the printing
house, at least 5 days prior to the voting day, the Central Election
Commission, in the presence of the chairman and secretaries of Constituency
Election Commission, shall draw up an act containing information about the
number of ballot papers, date and time of their issuance, and hand out the
ballot papers to the chairman. The Constituency Election Commission shall
submit the ballot papers to Precinct Election Commissions in accordance with
established procedure at least 3 days prior to the voting day. The number of
ballot papers given to Precinct Election Commissions cannot be less than 90% or
0,5% more than the number of voters included on the list of an election
precinct up to the day of submission of the ballot papers. Ballot papers shall
be counted by the Precinct Election Commission and the number of obtained
ballot papers be verified by decision of the Precinct Election Commission. If
the number of ballots to be issued does not coincide with that of issued
ballots, then the Constituency Election Commission shall immediately be
informed about the matter. The top right corner of the ballot papers shall be
verified by the seal of Precinct Election Commission.
Chairpersons of election commissions that submit,
receive and protect ballot papers shall bear responsibility for submission and
storage of the ballot papers.
In exceptional cases and if technical facilities are
available, in ships navigating on the voting day and in election precincts
organized outside the Azerbaijan Republic, Precinct Election Commissions shall
be allowed to produce election documents, including ballot papers, pursuant to
Articles 35.4 and 35.6 of this Code. Decision on production of election
documents with indication of appropriate circulation shall be made by a
relevant Precinct Election Commission on agreement with the Central Election
After the end of voting time on the voting day all
unused ballot papers in the Constituency Election Commission shall be cancelled
and the Constituency Election Commission shall draw an act about this fact.
Persons indicated in Articles 40.2. and 40.4 can participate at cancellation of
the ballot papers. Cancelled ballot papers shall be stored in the secretariat
of the commission together with other documents.
If some candidates are withdrawn or their
registration is cancelled after the ballot papers are produced, then following
the decision of the Central Election Commission the Constituency or Precinct
Election Commissions shall place on the notice board of the Precinct Election
Commission the information about such candidates or political parties, blocks
of political parties from the ballot papers, and the information on adding or
amending the information regarding the registered candidate, political party or
block of political parties in the printed ballot paper.
100.1. Taking
into consideration the Special Part of this Code, the regulations for the
preparation of voting protocols of election commissions (hereinafter – the
protocols), as well as their text and layout, quantity and preparation
requirements shall be approved by the Central Election Commission at least 45
days before the Election Day.
100.2. The
following information shall be included in each protocol:
102.2.1 total number of voters in the voters
102.2.2 number of voters who obtained
de-registration cards for voting;
102.2.3 quantity
of ballots provided by the Constituency Election Commission to the Precinct
Election Commission (by the Central Election Commission to the Constituency
Election Commission);
102.2.4 quantity
of envelopes for ballot papers, issued to voters on the voting day;
102.2.5 number
of voters who received envelopes for ballot papers;
102.2.6 quantity
of ballot papers issued to voters on the voting day;
102.2.7 number
of voters who received ballot papers
102.2.8 quantity
of ballot papers and envelopes for ballot papers issued to voters voting
outside the voting station;
102.2.9 number
of voters voted with de-registration cards for voting;
102.2.10 quantity
of unused ballot papers;
102.2.11 quantity
of cancelled ballots;
102.2.12 quantity
of envelopes for ballot papers in immovable ballot boxes (excluding the
envelopes of indeterminate form);
102.2.13 quantity
of envelopes for ballot papers in mobile ballot boxes (excluding the envelopes
of indeterminate form);
102.2.14 quantity
of ballots in envelopes in mobile ballot boxes (excluding ballots of
indeterminate form);
102.2.15 quantity
of ballots in envelopes in immovable ballot boxes (excluding the ballots of
indeterminate form);
102.2.16 quantity
of valid votes;
102.2.17 quantity
of invalidated votes (including ballots which have uncertainty in various
lines, and unmarked ones);
102.2.18 quantity
of spoilt ballots;
102.2.19 date
and time of completion of the protocol.
100.3. The
protocols shall be produced in the form of a booklet, which consists of 3
carbonized copies (each copy of different color).
100.4. Corresponding
to rules identified by the Central Election Commission, each protocol shall be enumerated
in succession, and their serial numbers shall be indicated appropriate to
number of election constituencies (except for protocols of the Central Election
100.5. Protocols
shall be published in the State language.
100.6. According
to a decision of the Central Election Commission, the protocols shall be
published in printing institutions under the observation of representatives of
the Central Election Commission, at least 30 days prior to the Election Day.
100.7. The
printing institution shall ensure sorting out of defected protocols from the
usable ones, and hand the protocols over to an authorized representative of the
Central Election Commission on the basis of an act, that indicates their
quantity, date and time of issue. After the protocols are handed over
corresponding to the order, staff of the printing institution shall eliminate
the spoilt printed protocols and compile an act about the matter, approved by
signatures of all participants. Fulfilment of these procedures can be observed
by members of the Central Election Commission and persons indicated in Articles
40.2. and 40.4. of this Code. The Central Election Commission shall inform the
registered candidates and authorized representatives of political parties,
blocks of political parties and referendum campaign groups on place and date of
issuance of the protocols.
100.8. After
receiving the protocols from the printing institution, the Central Election
Commission shall at least 20 days prior to the election day draft an act in
presence of chairperson and secretaries of a relevant Constituency Election
Commission, which indicates the quantity of the protocols, their serial and
batch numbers and date and time of issue, and provide the protocols to the
Chairperson of the Constituency Election Commission, taking into account
quantity of election precincts. The Constituency Election Commission shall
allocate the protocols to the election precincts in the mentioned order, at
least 4 days prior to the election day.
100.9. Chairpersons
of election commissions, that issue, accept and secure the ballot papers, shall
be responsible for issuance and keeping of the protocols.
100.10. According
to Articles 35.4 and 35.6 of this Code, the Precinct Election Commissions shall
be allowed to produce the protocols in the exceptional cases and if technical
facilities are available, in ships navigating on the voting day and in election
precincts organized outside the Azerbaijan Republic.
100.11. Copies
of the election protocols shall be produced at the same time with the election
protocols, and provided to election commissions. Every single commission shall
be provided with 30 copies of the protocol. No serial and batch numbers shall
be printed on copies of the protocols, but be indicated in writing
corresponding to the relevant protocol, when filling in the copy of the
protocol. Copies of protocols and other documents of election commissions
submitted to the persons mentioned in Articles 40.2. and 40.4 of this Code
shall be verified by the chairperson or secretary of an election commission
upon their request. In this case, the person shall write the words “Matches
with the original” on the copy of the document to be verified, sign it
(indicating the serial and batch numbers), approve by the commission’s stamp
and indicate the date of approval. The persons specified by Articles 40.2 and
40.4 of this Code can obtain one verified copy of the protocol without any
payment, and an additional copy by paying the fee determined by the Central
Election Commission, taking into account Article 42.2.9. of this Code.
100.12. Protocols
shall be completed by the members of the election commission with decisive
voting right, and be signed by at least two thirds of the total members of the
election commission with decisive voting right. Any member of the voting commission
with decisive voting right who disagree with the whole protocol or its various
parts shall enclose his/her special opinion to the protocol, and relevant notes
shall be made in the protocol in this regard. The persons specified by articles
40.2 and 40.4 of this Code can observe the procedures of completion of
protocols. It is prohibited to complete the protocol by pencil or to make any
corrections on it.
101.1. Requirements
on form, rule of their preparation of de-registration card for voting
(hereinafter – voting card), form and preparation of issuance register shall be
approved by the Central Election Commission at least 60 days prior to the
voting day. The voting cards shall be produced in accordance with rules
established in Articles 99.2. and 99.5. of this Code. Voting cards shall be
issued by superior election commissions to the lower election commissions in
accordance with rules set forth in Article 99.6. of this Code. Chairpersons of relevant election
commissions shall be responsible for issuance and storage of the voting cards.
101.2. A
voter included on the voters list and not having the possibility to vote in the
election precinct on the voting day, can get a voting card in the relevant
Constituency Election Commission (45-25 days prior to the voting day) or in the
relevant Precinct Election Commission (24-3 days prior to the voting day), and
can vote on the basis of the voting card in the election precinct of the
territory where he is on the voting day.
101.3. The
voting card shall be issued to a voter on his or her application by the
relevant election commission or to his representative on the basis of power of
attorney certified by a notary. Reasons for receiving the voting card by the
voter should be indicated in the application. Within two days after the
application is submitted, the Precinct Election Commission shall apply to the
Constituency Election Commission and clarify whether the voter has obtained the
voting card before or not. Issue of more than one voter card to one voter is
101.4. The
Constituency Election Commission shall draw up the voting cards register.
Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, residential address of the voters
received the voting card should be indicated in the register. 25 days prior to
the voting day, the Constituency Election Commission shall send approved
extracts from the register together with the voters list to the Precinct
Election Commissions. Precinct election commission can make corresponding notes
in the voters list based on the extracts.
101.5. A
voter or his/her representative shall sign in the register (Constituency
Election Commission) or in the voters list (Precinct Election Commission)
indicating serial and batch number of identification or substitute document on
receipt of the voting card. In this case the cut-off corner of the voting card
shall be attached to either the register or the voting list. On this ground the
voter shall not be taken into consideration when calculation of the number of
registered voters and not be included in the relevant protocol.
101.6. The
Precinct Election Commission shall provide the Constituency Election Commission
with information on the provided voting cards immediately after the card is
issued. The Constituency Election Commission shall once in 2 days present such
information to the Central Election Commission.
101.7. The
voting card should be verified by the seal of the election commission issuing
the card, the signature of a member of the relevant constituency or Precinct
Election Commission should be on it.
101.8. Upon
being presented by the voter for obtaining a ballot paper, the voting card
should be attached to the voters list.
101.9. The
voter shall indicate his/her residential address in the de-registration card
when receiving a ballot paper on the voting day, and sign it.
101.10. The
unused voting cards shall be cut in two before the commencement of voting on
the voting day and the relevant act on this shall be drawn up by constituency
or Precinct Election Commission. Based on this act, the number of voters who
received voting cards and those who voted with voting cards shall be indicated
in the protocol of the Precinct Election Commission.
102.1. Envelopes
for ballot papers (hereinafter – the envelope) shall be produced corresponding
to quantity of and at the same time with ballot papers, and be allocated to
relevant election commission together with the ballot papers.
102.2. The
format of envelopes, which is appropriate to the parameters of ballot boxes,
shall be presented by the Central Election Commission upon approving format of
ballot papers.
102.3 If the ballot box is equipped with a scanner
with the purpose of providing information to the State Automated Information
System, a ballot paper shall not be put into an envelope.
103.1. Parameters
of ballot boxes (for ballot boxes, and separately for mobile ballot boxes) shall
be approved by the Central Election Commission.
boxes should be transparent. The level of transparency of the boxes should
allow to determine whether they are full or not.
103.3The slit
for placing ballots into ballot box should not allow to place more than one
envelope with ballot at the same.
103.4 Ballot
boxes shall be sealed on the voting day by the Precinct Election Commissions
chairpersons in the manner established by the Central Election Commission.
Seals should be plastic and have own number each.
Voting shall be held from 08:00 till 19:00 on the
voting day. The Precinct Election Commission should inform the voters of the
place and time of voting at least 25 days prior to the voting day via mass
media or using notice boards.
Shall the total number of voters in the settlement
be less than 50, and more than 1 hour be needed to reach the nearest election
commissions from those settlements, the Constituency Election Commission can use
public transport means to deliver the mentioned voters to the election
precincts where they are registered. Such transportation expenses shall be paid
from funds allocated by the Central Election Commission to the Constituency
Election Commission.
If all voters being in the voters list took part in
the voting, Precinct Election Commissions of election precincts organized in
accordance with Articles 35.4 and 35.6 of this can give information about early
completion of the voting.
If a voter ascertain that he/she will not be able to
go to the polling station on the voting day because of health state or other
good reasons, he/she should directly or via some other person inform the
Precinct Election Commission either orally or in writing at least 24 hours
prior to the voting day about his/her intention to vote outside the voting
room. If the intention is declared orally, it shall be officialized by a
relevant application during the voting. Constituency Election Commissions can
issue permission to ships navigating under the State Flag of the Azerbaijan
Republic and almost impassable distant places to hold the voting at most 10
days prior to the voting day.
At 07:50 on the Voting Day the Chairperson shall
declare the election precinct open, show to the members of the election
commission, to the voters being present, and to observers the empty ballot
boxes and seal them; at 08:00 s/he shall
announce the voting commenced.
A ballot paper shall be provided to a voter upon
presenting the voters card with his/her identification or substitute document.
After the voter receives the ballot paper,
serial and batch number of his/her identification or substitute document
shall be recorded in the voters list. Serial and batch number of their
identification or substitute document shall be entered in the voters list by a
member of the Precinct Election Commission. The voter shall check correctness
of the records and sign upon receiving the ballot paper. If the voter has no
opportunity to receive a ballot paper independently, he/she can use the help of
other persons, except members of Precinct Election Commission and observers.
The person who helps the voter should put down his/her surname and initials and
sign the column “signature of voters on receipt of ballot paper” in the voters
One of the Precinct Election Commission members
shall stand at the entrance of the election precinct and check the voters
cards, identification cards or other identification documents of the citizens
entering the precinct.
On issuance of ballot paper a member of Precinct
Election Commission shall sign the numbered left corner of the ballot paper,
cut it along the cut-off line and keep it.
Every voter shall vote in person and alone. To vote
in place of other persons shall be prohibited. Ballot paper shall be marked in
a room or booth where nobody is authorized to enter and equipped with special
technical means for the secret vote. A
disabled voter, who is not able to mark the ballot paper without assistance,
can invite any other person to the voting booth or room, except members of
Precinct Election Commission and observers. The surname and initials of this
person shall be indicated together with the voter’s signature on receipt of the
ballot paper in the voters list.
A voter shall place the marked ballot paper in an
envelope stamped by the seal of Precinct Election Commission and drop it to the
box considered for voting.
Ballot boxes should be placed in the area where
members of the Precinct Election Commission and observers can easily observe
The Chairperson of Precinct Election Commission
shall oversee the order in the voting place. His directions are obligatory for
persons in the voting room. If the chairperson of the Precinct Election
Commission is out, his powers shall be assumed by the secretary of the Precinct
Election Commission or any member of the commission charged for this
A member of Precinct Election Commission who
attempts to influence a voter to express his will or violates the secrecy of the
vote shall be dismissed from his position by compiling a relevant act, and the
person mentioned in Article 40.2. and 40.4 of this Code shall immediately
removed from the voting room. The Precinct Election Commission shall take a
decision on the case. If the influenced voter has not voted yet, he/she shall
not be allowed to vote, his/her ballot being withdrawn and invalidated.
No other person should be in election precinct,
except voters participating in the voting, members of the Precinct Election Commission,
and person mentioned in Article 40.2. and 40.4 of this Code. State bodies’
officials shall not be allowed to participate in the voting except the cases
when they participate in the voting as voters. An official of the law
enforcement authority can be present in voting station if they preserve the law
and order there, if the chairperson of the Precinct Election Commission invites
them, and they should leave the voting station immediately after they finish to
perform their duties. Voting shall be stopped, if an official from the law
enforcement authorities is in the voting room during the voting process. Shall
the order be impossible to be restored for 6 hours during the voting process,
the voting station shall be closed upon decision of the Constituency Election
Commission. Voting in such election precincts shall be considered invalid.
If a voter informs that he/she has made an error in
marking his/her ballot paper, he/she can ask for a new ballot paper instead of
the spoilt one from the commission member who issued the original ballot paper.
In this case the Precinct Election Commission member shall cancel the spoiled
ballot paper by cutting it in the center, put it in a separate envelope, give
him/her a new ballot paper and make the necessary note to the right of the
voters surname on the voters list. A separate document shall be mmediately
prepared recording this.
105.1. The
Precinct Election Commission should create possibilities to all voters, including
those who cannot come to the voting room because of the state of health. A
mobile box for this purpose should be available in election precinct.
105.2. The
number of voters’ requests for voting outside the voting room shall be verified
by the Constituency Election Commission, at least 2 days before the voting day.
The intention of a voter to vote outside the voting room should be confirmed
again by his written application to be sent to the Precinct Election
Commission, in the presence of not less than 2 members of the Precinct Election
Commissions, which represent various political parties and non-partisans and
observers. If a voter did not make a written request for a mobile ballot box,
he/she should make an application in the presence of Precinct Election
Commission members. In such case, serial and batch numbers of the
identification card or other substitute document of the voter shall be
indicated in the application. The voter shall record the receipt of his/her
ballot paper in the request and verify this with his/her signature.
105.3. The
mobile ballot box shall be used only on the voting day. Members of Precinct
Election Commission who accompany the mobile ballot box should take the number
of ballot papers equal to the number of requests (applications) (3 ballot
papers shall be added to this number). The number of used and returned ballot
papers from voters requesting a mobile ballot box should be recorded in a
separate document. At the same time, the voters voting using the mobile ballot box
shall be marked on the voters list by a member of the Precinct Election
Commission. After the mobile ballot box is returned by the Precinct Election
Commission members to the voting station, it shall not be opened until vote
counting commences, and its slit shall be closed and sealed.
105.4. The
mobile ballot box voting should be organized so that there are no violations of
the voter’s right to vote or the requirements for a secret ballot and not
influencing the voter’s choice.
106.1. When
voting hours end, the Precinct Election Commission chairperson shall announce
loudly that: “only the voters who have already received ballot papers and those
in the voting compartments can vote.” In this case, voting only of the voters
standing in the voting room prior to the announcement shall be ensured. Before
opening the ballot box, Precincts Election Commission members count and cancel
unused ballot papers in the presence of observers in the voting station. The
number of unused ballot papers shall be announced and recorded in the final
protocol of voting results. The number of signatures of voters who have
received ballot papers and envelopes shall be recorded in the final protocol on
results of voting. At the same time, the number of voters voting with a
de-registration card and those voting outside the voting room using mobile
boxes, shall be recorded in the final protocol. Then the Precinct Election Commission
chairperson shall examine the stamps and seals of the ballot boxes, show these
to the Precinct Election Commission members and observers, and open the ballot
106.2. Ballot
boxes are opened one by one: first the mobile ballot box, then the ballot box.
Envelopes in the mobile ballot box shall be counted first. Their number should
not exceed the number of requests. When counting ballots from the mobile ballot
box, if the number of envelopes with ballot papers is more than the number of
requests, then all votes in the mobile ballot box shall be considered to be
invalid by decision of the Precinct Election Commission. An act on this, which
includes a list of the surnames of the commission members that accompanied the
mobile ballot box, shall be attached to the final protocol. When counting votes
from the immovable ballot box, if the total number of envelopes with ballot
papers is more than the number the voted voters, then all the ballots within
the immovable ballot box shall be considered invalid by decision of the
Precinct Election Commission. Number of voters who have voted with a voting
card shall be added to the number of voters who appear on the voters list of
the precinct.
106.3. When
opening the envelopes and counting the votes, the votes shall be considered
invalid in the following cases:
106.3.1 if
ballot paper within the envelope is of an indeterminate form;
106.3.2 if
there are several ballot papers within the envelope;
106.3.3 if
there is no ballot paper within the envelope;
106.3.4 if
there is an unmarked ballot paper within the envelope;
106.3.5 if
in accordance with Articles 10 and 236.3 of this Code, the voter’s will cannot
be determined from the ballot paper placed in envelope;
106.3.6 if
a ballot paper is found not to be placed in an envelope;
106.3.7 if
an unstamped envelope is found.
If there are doubts about the
validity of a vote, the Precinct Election Commission shall vote to determine if
the vote is considered valid. If a decision is made to consider the vote
invalid, the reasons for the decision shall be recorded on the reverse side of
the ballot paper. Such record should be approved by the signatures of
chairperson and secretary of the Precinct Election Commission. Invalid votes
shall be packed separately.
106.5. Counting
of votes by the Precinct Election Commission chairperson, with the
participation of Precinct Election Commission members, shall continue without a
break until the count is finished. During this period, every used ballot shall
be stamped. All Precinct Election Commission members and observers shall be
advised of the results of voting.
106.6. The final
protocols on voting results shall be completed in presence of the persons
specified in Articles 40.2. and 40.4. of this Code.
106.7 First copy
of the protocol together with complaints (applications) about violations of
this law received by the Precinct Election Commission and decisions made by the
Precinct Election Commission with respect to these complaints and applications,
an act on receipt of ballot papers by the Precinct Election Commission, an act
on cancelling the unused ballot papers (indicating the number of such ballots),
an act on issuing voting cards and on cancelling unused voting cards (recording
their number), an act the number of torn off left corners of the ballot papers,
an act on the number of spoiled ballot papers mentioned in the Article 104.15
of this Code, along with packaged and stamped envelopes, the act provided for
in Article 105.3 of this code, the ballots and the voters list for the precinct
(together with voting cards attached) shall immediately, but not later than 24
hours, be sent to the Constituency Election Commission, accompanied by the
chairman the Precinct Election Commission and two members representing different
political parties. All documents mentioned above should be signed by the
chairperson and secretaries of the Precinct Election Commission. Verified
copies of complaints (applications), decisions of Precinct Election Commissions
and acts mentioned above shall be attached to the 2nd copy of the
106.8. The second copy of the protocol, the torn off
left corners of those ballot papers, the torn off pieces of spoiled ballot
papers with the list of persons mentioned in Article 40.2 and 40.4 of this Code
who observed voting and vote count shall be kept by the secretary of the
Precinct Election Commission until the commission has finished its activities.
106.9. The Precinct Election Commission established
outside of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall send the first copy of the protocol
on voting results together with the attached documents to the Constituency
Election Commission determined by the Central Election Commission within 3 days
starting from the election day.
The Constituency or Precinct Election Commission
shall consider voting ineffective, if
the legal violations occurred during conduct of elections (referendum) or in
course of identifying voting results do not allow to identify the will of voters;
or if there is a court decision.
After being compiled, the 3rd copy of
protocol of the Precinct Election Commission shall be posted on the notice
board, and kept there for 5 days.
The documents provided for in Article 106.7 of this
Code shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Constituency Election
Commission. Instructed by the Chairman of the Constituency Election Commission,
a member (members) of the Commission shall check compliance of the submitted
documents with requirements of Article 106.7 of this Code, as well as presence
of inconsistencies in voting results. Voting results shall then be entered in
the final list of voting results (election outcomes) for the Constituency. A receipt signed and stamped by the Chairman
of the Constituency Election Commission, confirming acceptance of documents of
the Precinct Election Commission, shall be given to the Chairman of the
Precinct Election Commission.
The protocol of Constituency Election Commissions
shall be completed within 2 days following the voting day, on the basis of the
integrated information from protocols of Precinct Election Commissions.
Integration of the mentioned information shall be carried out uninterruptedly.
Along with the items listed in Article 100.2 of this
Code, the number of Precinct Election Commissions and quantity of protocols
submitted by those commissions, as well as the number of protocols taken as a
basis for completion of protocol of the Constituency Election Commission,
number of election precincts where voting failed and number of voters
participated in voting in the constituency, shall also be indicated in protocol
of the Constituency Election Commission.
The first copy of the protocol of the Constituency Election
Commission together with complaints (applications) about violations of this law
on the voting day, received by the Constituency Election Commission and
decisions made by the Constituency Election Commission with respect to these
complaints and applications, an act on receipt of envelopes and ballot papers
by the Constituency Election Commission, an act on cancelling the unused
envelopes and ballot papers (recording the number of such cards), an act on
issuing voting cards and on cancelling unused voting cards (recording their
number) shall immediately, but not later than 2 days from the Voting Day be
sent to the Central Election Commission, accompanied by the Constituency
Election Commission Chairman and representatives of various political parties.
The mentioned acts shall be signed by the chairperson and secretaries of the
Constituency Election Commission. Verified copies of complaints (applications),
decisions of Constituency Election Commission and acts mentioned above shall be
attached to the 2nd copy of the protocol.
The 2nd copy of the protocol, along with
packaged and stamped ballots, the torn off left corners of those ballot papers,
as well as with list of persons mentioned in Article 40.2 and 40.4 of this Code
who observed voting and vote count shall be kept by the secretary of the
Precinct Election Commission until the commission has finished its activities.
Shall the Constituency Election Commission reveal
mistakes, inadmissible corrections and inconsistencies in the protocol
(including other documents attached thereto) of a Precinct Election Commission,
the Constituency Election Commission can adopt a decision on the recount of
votes in the relevant election precinct. In this case, the recount of votes
shall be undertaken by the members of the Constituency Election Commission with
decisive voting right. The relevant Precinct Election Commission and the
persons indicated in Articles 40.2. and 40.4 of this Code shall in advance be
advised of the recount of votes. A protocol shall be compiled on recount of
votes and the words “recount of votes” be recorded on it.
The 3rd copy of protocol of the
Constituency Election Commission and copies of protocols of relevant Precinct
Election Commissions shall be posted on the notice board, and kept there for 10
Provisions of Article 107.1 of this Code shall be
implemented when submitting the election documents of the Constituency Election
Commission to the Central Election Commission.
The relevant protocol of the Central Election
Commission shall be completed on basis of the integrated information from
protocols of Constituency Election Commissions. Integration of the mentioned
information shall be carried out uninterruptedly. Central Election Commission
shall not compile protocols with regard to outcomes of Municipal Elections or
Elections to the Milli Majlis.
Complaints (applications) about violations of this
law on the voting day, received by the Central Election Commission and
decisions made by the Central Election Commission with respect to these
complaints and applications, an act on receipt of envelopes and ballot papers
by the Central Election Commission, an act on canceling the unused envelopes
and ballot papers (recording their number), an act on issuing voting cards and
on cancelling unused voting cards (recording their number) shall be attached to
the first copy of the relevant protocol of the Central Election Commission. The
mentioned acts shall be signed by the chairperson and secretaries of the
Central Election Commission. Verified copies of complaints (applications),
decisions of the Central Election Commission and acts mentioned above shall be
attached to the 2nd copy of the protocol.
Shall the Central Election Commission within at
latest 4 days effective the voting day reveal mistakes, inadmissible
corrections and inconsistencies in protocols (including other documents
attached thereto) submitted by the Constituency Election Commissions, the
Central Election Commission can adopt a decision on the recount of votes in the
relevant election constituency. In this case, the recount of votes shall be
undertaken in presence of the members of the Central Election Commission with
decisive voting right. The persons indicated in Articles 40.2. and 40.4 of this
Code shall in advance be advised of the recount of votes. A protocol shall be
compiled on the recount of votes and the words “recount of votes” be recorded
on it.
The 3rd copy of protocol of the Central
Election Commission and copies of protocols of Constituency Election
Commissions shall be posted on the notice board, and kept there for 15 days.
Preliminary results of the elections (referendum)
shall be published by the Central Election Commission as a schedule providing
unified voting results of constituency election commissions, within 5 days
starting from the voting day, and such information can be placed on the website
of the Central Election Commission.
The Central Election Commission shall within 45 days
publish in the mass media means specified in Article 77.2 of this Code, the
whole information from protocols of the Constituency Election Commissions, and
such information can be placed on the website of the Central Election
Preliminary results of elections (referendum) for a
constituency should be published in form of a schedule that integrates voting
results for election precincts within at latest 2 days starting from the voting
The information from protocol on voting results of
the Precinct Election Commission shall at latest 5 days after the voting day,
and the information on election outcomes (voting results) from protocol of the
Constituency Election Commission – at latest 10 days after the Election Day, be
officially published in the mass media bodies specified correspondingly in
Articles 77.3 and 77.4 of this Code.
The Central Election Commission should publish in
its official publication the whole information from protocols of Constituency
and Precinct Election Commissions, within 6 months after the Election Day.
The State Automated Information Systems can be used
completely or some of its technical facilities for obtaining, transferring or
redeveloping information in time while conduct of elections (referendum)
(hereafter referred to as elections) including voter registration, compilation
of voters lists, determination of voting results and election returns.
Requirements regarding the state automated systems and rules for use of it
shall be determined by the Central Election Commission.
The relevant election commission shall create a
specific group comprised of members of the election commission with decisive
and consultative voting right with the purposes of controlling the use of State
Automated Information Systems or some of its technical facilities. This group shall:
check if the complex of automated facilities is
ready for operation; if information from protocols of election commissions
entered the systems and information added to the protocol is accurate;
control if instructions of the Central Election Commission
on use of the State Automated Information Systems and its other documents are
observed and
control if documents about actions considered for
usage of information systems are completed in accordance with time limits and
plans of the relevant election commission.
controlling group can involve specialists on automated information systems in
its activities.
All members of the election commission, observers
and representatives of mass media shall have the right to become familiar with
any information received by and extracted from the State Automated Information
Systems (taking into account provisions of Article 32.3 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Azerbaijan).
110.4Election commission members
with decisive and consultative voting rights who have been included in the
controlling group shall have equal rights. They can:
become familiar with any information transferred to
the election commission through technical communication channels;
demand explanation about technical documentation of The
State Automated Information System or about all actions of the technical
personnel of information systems;
compare information prepared by technical facilities
or in handwriting.
any actions of the personnel of the State Automated Information System
contradict the law, the controlling group shall inform
the chairperson of the election commission about this and proposes motions on
correction of those irregularities or on dismissal of the persons who committed
those irregularities. Results of investigations held by the controlling group
should be recorded in the current documents of relevant election commissions.
110.5The state automated systems
shall be used for observing the voting process and its results by the relevant
election commissions based on information transferred by subordinate election
commissions to the superior election commission, from the time voting commences
including until protocols on election returns and voting results are signed. It
shall be prohibited to transfer any information except for the signals
confirmed by the superior election commissions on receipt of information from
subordinate election commissions.
110.6Information on voting
process and results of voting obtained from the State Automated Information
System shall be considered a preliminary information, which does not have legal
110.7Protocols of the election
commission preserved by the secretary of the election commission shall be
attached text of information entered into the State Automated Information
System, which will be printed out through the computer. Accuracy of information
in a printed out paper shall be verified by signature of a person who is
responsible for information and by members of the controlling group.
110.8Information on voter
turnout, initial and final results of voting, returns of elections that are
entered the State Automated Information System should be included in the
information-communication lines of common use for getting prompt information by
persons intending to have the information, in conformity with the rules defined
by the Central Election Commission.
110.9According to Article 32.3 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State shall ensure
dissemination of information entered in the State Automated Information System.
Documents of Precinct and Constituency Election
Commissions regarding conduct of elections (referendum) shall be kept in a
secured place.
Ballot papers and voting cards shall be kept in the
Constituency Election Commissions for at least 6 months starting from the day
of official publication of election outcomes. Protocols of voting results of
election commissions shall be kept by the Central Election Commission for at
least 1 year from the date official publication of a decision on determination
of the next elections. Financial reports of election commissions, as well as
final financial documents of the registered candidates, political parties and
blocks of political parties, referendum campaign groups shall be kept by the
Central Election Commission for at least 1 year from the date of official
publication of a decision on determination of the next elections (referendum).
Voters lists shall be kept by the Central Election Commission for a period of 5
The following shall be considered to be the official
ballot papers;
voting cards;
voters lists;
protocols of election commissions on results of
voting and documents attached;
financial reports of election commissions;
final financial reports of registered candidates,
political parties and blocks of political parties, referendum campaigning
chairperson of the relevant election commission shall be responsible for security
and storage of election documents until these documents are transferred to the
superior election commission or to the State Archive.
Voters, candidates, registered candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties, referendum campaigning groups, agents of
registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties,
referendum campaigning groups, observers as well as election commissions can
file complaints about decision and actions (lack of actions) which violate
citizens’ right to elect within 3 days after the date the very decision is
published or made or the date actions (lack of actions) occurred, or the
interested person is informed about it.
The persons specified in Article 112.1 of this Code
can file their complaints relevant election commission. If the decision and
action (lack of actions) indicated in Article 112.1 of this Code can cause
criminal liability, then complaints shall be filed with relevant court bodies
or prosecutor’s office.
If the complaint is not satisfied by the election
commission which made that decision or action (lack of actions) at first, one
can appeal to the superior election commission. If the Central Election
Commission does not satisfy the complaint finally, persons mentioned in Article
112.1 of this Code shall have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeal. In
order to prevent conflict of jurisdictions, the relevant election commission
shall clarify whether the complaint about the case is filed with the court or
prosecutor’s office, or not. If criminal proceedings are instituted against the
complaint, or if the complaint is considered by the court, then the court shall
investigate the matter of the complaint in accordance with criteria specified
in Article 112.2 of this Code, and if there is ground - reject the complaint.
Other grounds shall not be considered acceptable for rejection of the
complaint. Complaints about decisions and actions of the Central Election
Commission shall be filed with the Court of Appeal.
If the infringement described in the complaint can
be considered criminal actions according to the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan
Republic, the relevant election commission can apply to relevant public
prosecutor’s bodies along with making decisions regarding elimination of
shortcomings or infringements indicated in the complaint.
The court can cancel decisions (including decisions
on results of voting, election returns) of the relevant election commissions in
the circumstances considered by this Code and other laws.
If the court cancels the decision of the election commission,
the same election commission should make a new decision regarding the same
issue, or superior election commission should make a relevant decision based on
the decision of the court. Non-implementation of the court resolution shall
impose criminal liability in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic
of Azerbaijan.
Examination of the complaint about the decision on
voting results and election returns or investigation of the facts regarding
violation of this Code shall not be considered as violation of immunity of
candidates considered to be elected in conformity with this Code. A candidate
considered to be elected cannot refuse to testify as a witness during
administrative, civil or criminal investigations regarding the complaints about
violation of citizens’ right to elect while he/she was being elected (except
for cases provided for in the Civil-Procedure Code and the Criminal-Procedure
Code of the Azerbaijan Republic).
The election commission shall have the right to
receive citizens’ and officials’ information and to require necessary documents
and materials while considering the following:
issues on cancellation of registration of registered
candidate, referendum campaigning groups;
issues on refusal of registration of candidate, referendum
campaigning groups;
appeals on invalidation of election of a registered
The superior election commission shall have the
right to cancel decision of the subordinate election commission or to make a
decision regarding the complaint or to instruct to re-examine the very issue.
112.10.A decision on complaints
received by the election commission during the election processes shall be made
within 3 days, or immediately, if complaints are received on the election day
or the day after the election day, and be delivered to the plaintiff.
112.11.The courts should consider
the complaints concerning decisions of the election commissions within 3 days
(if no less timeline is identified by this Code). A complaint on the court
decision can be filed with the superior court instance within 3 days.
If a candidate, registered candidate, political party,
block of political parties, referendum campaigning group violates provisions of
this Code, the relevant election commission shall warn the candidate,
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties, referendum
campaigning group, providing the voters are informed through the mass media.
The election commission shall have the right to make a decision about the
following issues irrespective of whether or not a complaint considering Article
112.2. of this Code was made about them:
refusal of registration of a candidate, referendum
campaigning group;
filing a complaint with a court on cancellation of
registration of registered candidate, referendum campaigning groups;
invalidation of election of a candidate;
cancellation of decision on voting results and
election returns.
The election commission can adopt a decision on
refusal from registering a candidate and a referendum campaign group, and on a
request to the court in regard of canceling the registration of the registered
candidate and a referendum campaign group, under the following circumstances:
113.2.1. if information
submitted by a candidate, political party, block of political parties,
referendum campaigning group in conformity with this Code is not accurate and
if their invalidity is of importance (except for cases indicated in Article
60.3. of this Code);
113.2.2. if a candidate,
referendum campaigning groups are found to conduct election campaign before
they are registered or before the period considered by Article 75 of this Code,
and if the warning made before is not considered (this provision cannot serve
as a ground for restricting the freedom of expression and thought, provided for
in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan) ;
113.2.3. the fact of
winning over the voter to its side i.e. actions prohibited by Article 88.4. of
this Code committed by a candidate, political party, block of political
parties, referendum campaigning group or their authorized representatives, or
agents are found;
113.2.4. participation of
legal entities, state and municipal bodies, structures and organizations in
collection of signatures, regardless their form of property; if the fact of
forcing the voters sign while collecting the signatures is found out; reward of
voters for their signatures;
113.2.5. if a candidate
nominated for a relevant constituency uses other funds for financing his/her
election campaign which exceed more than 5% of the highest limit of expenses
from election fund defined by this Code, and if the warning made before is not
113.2.6. if a political
party, block of political parties, referendum campaigning group uses other
funds for financing their election (referendum) campaign which exceed more than
5% of the highest limit of expenses from election funds defined by this Code
and if the warning made before is not considered;
113.2.7. if a candidate,
political party, block of political parties, referendum campaigning group, as
well as political parties included in the block of political parties,
authorized representative, members or agents of political parties, blocks of
political parties, referendum campaigning groups:
are proprietors, founders, owners of relevant
organizations or they participate in managing boards;
conduct charitable activities during the election
(referendum) campaign;
render financial and material assistance to physical
or legal entities; or renders services to voters;
assist to render such assistance to physical and
legal entities or make a proposal related thereto, or physical and legal
entities agree with rendering assistance on their behalf, and if the notification made about it before
is not considered ;
113.2.8. if a candidate,
political party, block of political parties and referendum campaigning groups
do not submit their initial financial report, and if the advance notification
about it is not taken into account;
113.2.9. if a candidate,
authorized representatives of a political party, block of political parties and
campaign groups use their occupation or service position during election
campaigning, and if the advance notification about it is not taken into
113.2.10. if a candidate,
political party, block of political parties, as well as their agents produce
and distribute pre-election publications and audiovisual election materials,
violating provisions of Articles 88.2 and 88.4 of this Code;
113.2.11. if a registered
candidate, political party, block of political parties, agent of the registered
candidate, authorized representative or agent of a political party or block of
political parties campaign within the territory where military unit is located,
in military organizations or military offices;
113.2.12. if a registered
candidate who is on government or municipal service does not stop
implementation of functions of service while he/she participates in elections,
and if the advance notification about it is not taken into account;
113.2.13. if a registered
candidate, political party or block of political parties with registered
candidates use illegal donations transferred to their funds, and if the advance
notification about it is not taken into account;
The court can cancel registration of a candidate one
day prior to the voting day, if only the circumstances considered by Articles
113.2.3., 113.2.4., 113.2.7., 113.2.9., 113.2.11. of this Code are revealed
after the candidate is registered.
If registration of a candidate is cancelled within a
period less than 10 days prior to the Election Day, information on it shall be
posted on notice boards of the election commissions.
If violations mentioned in Article 88.4 of this
Code, which do not provide opportunities for proper identification of the
election results, made by a registered candidate, political party, block of
political parties or referendum campaigning group are found out after
preliminary voting results are published officially, the Central Election
Commission can prior to official publication of the election outcomes appeal to
the Court of Appeal about considering the election of a candidate or outcomes
of referendum to be invalid.
If the court, defining existence of violations mentioned in Article
113.2.3. of this Code, considers that
determination of voters’ intention is not possible due to those irregularities,
then the court can cancel decision of the relevant election commission on
election (referendum) results. In such circumstances the elected candidate is
considered to have lost his/her authority.
The relevant court can cancel the decision of the
election commission on voting results and election (referendum) results for a
single-mandate or nationwide constituencies if:
rules for compilation of voters list, for formation
of election commissions, for voting, for count of votes or for determination of
election (referendum) results are violated;
other violations defined by this Code occur;
it is impossible to determine voters’ intention due
to these actions (lack of actions).
The relevant court or the Central Election
Commission can cancel decisions of the Precinct or Constituency Election
Commissions on voting results or election results in the circumstances
considered by this Code.
If the facts about irregularities regarding
assistance to elect not elected candidates are found out, they cannot be basis
for cancellation of the decision on election results.
115.1. The following persons can be subject to
criminal, civil and administrative liabilities in conformity with the Criminal
Code, Civil Code and the Code of Administrative Offences of the Azerbaijan
115.1.1. who have obstructed the voters’
rights to elect and to be elected by use of force, deceit, intimidation;
115.1.2. who have abused their occupation or
service position as privileges for being elected;
115.1.3. who have forced citizens to sign in
support of a candidate, who have obstructed collection of signatures in support
of a candidate, or who have participated in falsifying those signatures;
115.1.4. who have won over the voters to
their side, i.e. who have committed actions prohibited by Article 88.6. of this
115.1.5. who have not formalized information
about registered candidates in time or who have done so inaccurately;
115.1.6. who have intentionally disseminated
misinformation about candidates or who have impugned the honor and dignity of
the candidate (this provision cannot serve as a ground for restricting the
freedom of expression and thought, provided for in the Constitution of the
Republic of Azerbaijan);
115.1.7 who have violated rights of commission members,
observers, agents, authorized representatives of candidates, political parties,
blocks of political parties, referendum campaigning groups, representatives of
mass media, including those who have violated rights to obtain copies of
election documents and information and other rights regarding verification of
election documents;
115.1.8. who have violated rules for election
campaigning, including those who have conducted election campaign a day prior
to election day or on voting day;
115.1.9. who have produced and distributed
commercial or other advertisements which violates the regulations stipulated by
this Code, or those who have rendered charitable assistance;
115.1.10. who have
violated rules for financing election campaign defined by this Code;
115.1.11. who have hidden
remaining ballot papers or those who have produced additional issues of ballot
papers which were not registered by the election commission and of voting
115.1.12. who have
obstructed the election commission’s work or those who have illegally
interfered with performance of functions of commission members;
115.1.13. who have
obstructed voting in the precincts;
115.1.14. who have
violated the secrecy of voting;
115.1.15. who have forced
voters to vote against voters’ choice;
115.1.16. who have
falsified election documents, produced and presented fake documents (including
ballot stuffing), miscounted votes or those who have not submitted or published
election results intentionally;
115.1.17. who have
violated citizens’ rights to become familiar with voters lists;
115.1.18. who have issued
ballot papers to citizens with a purpose to created conditions for them to vote
for others, who have issued ready-marked ballot papers or those who have
created conditions to receive more than one ballot paper;
115.1.19. who have not submitted or published report on expenditure of funds allocated for preparation and conduct of elections or financial report of candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and referendum campaigning groups;
115.1.20. employers who
have not provided employees with leave with in respect of participation in
elections, in circumstances considered by this Code;
115.1.21. state officials
who have not investigated information about violation of this Code provided by
the election commissions.
The Precinct and Constituency
Election Commissions and the Central Election Commission shall have the right
to prepare a protocol of administrative offences and apply penalties in
accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of
Azerbaijan for the violations made by a candidate, registered candidate, as
well as their authorized representatives and agents and those of a political
party, block of political parties or of
a campaign group on referendum, in the circumstances considered by this Code.
Issues to be put on for referendum shall be determined by Articles 3.1,
3.2, 11.3 and 152 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Issues, which cannot be put on for referendum, shall be determined by
Articles 3.3 and 155 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In accordance
with Article 153 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, if
amendments to the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan are
suggested by the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan or President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, an advance resolution of the Constitutional Court of
the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be obtained regarding the proposed changes.
The rules for obtaining a resolution of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Azerbaijan shall be regulated by the law of the Republic of
Azerbaijan “On Constitutional Court.”
The decision of
legislative and executive bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan on any issue
cannot exempt the conduct of a referendum on the same issue.
121.1 A referendum cannot be conducted:
if martial law or a state of emergency is declared
in the territory or in more than 25% of the territory of Republic of
during martial
law and state of emergency; and
three months after cancellation of martial law and a
state of emergency.
121.2 A repeat referendum on the same issue can be conducted only 1 year
after publication of the act adopted in preliminary referendum.
A decision on the conduct of a referendum shall be
adopted by the Milli Majlis and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
according to Article 95.I.18 and 109.18 of the Constitution of the Republic of
At least 300.000 citizens of the Republic of
Azerbaijan with active suffrage can apply to the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan or to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan with a proposal
concerning adoption of a decision on conduct of a referendum
123.1 The following should be mentioned in the
decision on conduct of the referendum:
123.1.1 date of conduct of the referendum;
123.1.2 name of act put for referendum;
123.1.3 brief summary of the act put on for
the referendum;
123.1.4 rule of financing the referendum.
The draft act put on for referendum shall be
attached to the decision for conduct of referendum.
The draft act put on for referendum cannot be
amended after the conduct of referendum is announced.
124.1 The draft act
put on for referendum should be published in mass media together with the decision
on the determination of referendum. This shall create necessary conditions for
more voters to become familiar with the text of the referendum act.
124.2 A voter shall have the right to obtain the
draft referendum act at least 30 days prior to the voting day, from a relevant
Precinct Election Commission. The Central Election Commission shall be
responsible for ensuring publication and distribution of the draft referendum
Registration of
referendum campaign groups shall be carried out according to the rule provided
for in Chapter 11 of this Code.
A member of
the Central or Constituency Election Commission with consultative voting right
can be appointed only by the campaign groups registered with this commission.
127.1 The participation of referendum campaign groups in the
pre-referendum campaign shall regulated by Chapter 13 of this Code.
127.2 One third of the total volume of free airtime of TV and radio companies
shall be allocated to referendum campaign groups with more than 20,000 members
for holding joint discussions, round tables and other campaigning activities.
127.3 Airtime for the conduct of the joint campaign activities on
channels of each TV and radio companies mentioned in Articles 72.2 and 77.3 of
this Code shall be allocated and calculated for the referendum campaign groups
stipulated in those articles. The registered referendum campaign groups should
equally use this free airtime. In this case, the volume of airtime to be used
by each referendum campaign group is determined separately.
127.4 The norm for using paid airtime allocated by TV and radio
companies specified in Article 77.1 of this Code shall be determined by
dividing its total volume by the total number of the referendum campaign groups
mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code.
127.5 The space which is determined by dividing the total volume of
space allocated by the periodicals mentioned in Article 77.1 of this Code into
the total number of referendum campaign groups mentioned in Articles 77.2 and
77.3 of this Code can be used by the latter through making relevant payment.
127.6 Refusal of the registered referendum campaign groups from
participating in the activities mentioned in Article 127.2 of this Code shall
not cause an increase in volume of free airtime allocated according to Article
80.6 of this Code.
128.1 The rules for creation and usage of referendum funds of the
referendum campaign groups shall be regulated by Chapter 14 of this Code.
128.2 The referendum funds of referendum campaign
groups can be formed by the following financial means:
128.2.1 special funds of members of the
referendum campaign groups which cannot be more than 2000 times the minimum
salary which is in force on the day of official publication of the decision on
the determination of the referendum;
128.2.2 equal
funds allocated to a referendum campaign group registered by the election
commission at least 25 days prior to voting day, on an equal basis with other
referendum campaign groups, in the order determined by Article 69.9 of this
128.2.3 voluntary
donations, not more than 100 times the minimum salary from citizens and not
more than 2000 times the minimum salary from legal entities which is in force
on the day of official publication of decision on the determination of the
128.3 The maximum
limit for referendum funds of registered campaign groups on referendum
mentioned in Article 77.4 of this Code cannot exceed 5000 times the minimum
salary which is in force on the day of official publication of decision on the
determination of the referendum; the maximum limit for the referendum funds of
registered campaign groups on referendum mentioned in Article 77.3 of this Code
cannot exceed 50000 times the minimum salary which is in force on the day of
official publication of decision on the determination of the referendum; the
maximum limit the referendum funds of registered campaign groups on referendum
mentioned in Article 77.2 of this Code cannot exceed 100000 times the minimum
salary which is in force on the day of official publication of decision on the
determination of the referendum.
129.1 Campaign groups on referendum should open a
special referendum account to form their financial funds within 5 days after
submitting notification document on commencement of the collection of
signatures according to Article 63 of this Code.
129.2 After receiving a certified copy of a
notification from the Central Election Commission (Constituency Election
Commission), but at least 5 days prior to introducing the referendum campaign
group to the Central Election Commission (Constituency Election Commission) for
registration, the referendum campaign groups should open a special referendum
account on the basis of documents submitted for registration of the authorized
representatives on financial issues in order to form a referendum fund.
129.3 Campaign groups on referendum themselves
shall be directly liable for violation of financing rules defined by this Code
during the financing of their pre-referendum campaign.
130.1 It shall be obligatory to publish the
following information in accordance with Article 95.3 of this Code (for the
referendum campaign groups specified in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code):
130.1.1 about the financial report for spending that
fund, if the amount of financial fund on referendum is more than 2000 times the
minimum salary which is in force on the day of official publication of decision
on determination of the referendum;
130.1.2 about the legal entities who made voluntarily
donations to the referendum financial fund amount of which is more than 1000
times the minimum salary that is in force on the day of official publication of
the decision on the determination of the referendum;
130.1.3 about the number of citizens who made donation
to referendum financial fund amount of which is more than 50 times the minimum
salary that is in force on the day of official publication of the decision on
the determination of the referendum;
130.1.4 about funds that are returned to donors and the
grounds for returning the funds;
130.1.5 about the total amount of funds received for a
referendum fund and about the total amount that was spent from the referendum
130.2 Should the number of members of a
referendum campaign group be less than 20000, the information stipulated in
Article 130.1 of this Code is published in the manner determined by the Central
Election Commission.
131.1 With the consent of the relevant election
commission, referendum campaign groups shall return the unused financial means
of the election fund to the citizens and legal entities who donated to them, on
the proportional basis, until campaign groups on referendum submits a final
financial report. If the referendum campaign groups do not use these rights,
Article 132 of this Code shall be implemented.
131.2 Referendum campaign groups which are not
registered in the relevant election commission shall be obliged to return
unused election funds (provided that the delivery expenses are excluded), in
accordance with the proportion of the received donations, to the citizens and
legal entities that donated them, until a final financial report is submitted.
days after voting day, a relevant bank should transfer the money left unused in
special accounts of election funds of campaign groups on referendum to the
account of the Central Election Commission according to the written instruction
of the relevant election commission.
133.1 The referendum voting room shall be
organized in accordance with the requirements of Article 98 of this Code.
133.2 The Precinct Election Commission shall place
samples of referendum ballot papers, and draft referendum act on notice boards
inside the voting room or right in front of it.
134.1 Referendum ballot paper shall be prepared
in accordance with the rule mentioned in Article 99 of this Code.
134.2 The expression of every issue put to referendum and
versions of voters response (vote) – “for” and “against” (words “yes” and “no,”
“I agree” and “I disagree” can be as well) shall be written on ballot paper.
134.3 The Central Election Commission shall solve
the issue on attaching the draft of the referendum act to the ballot paper. If
this draft provides that normative legal acts, which are in force, be repealed
or amended, such normative legal act (its relevant part) can be attached to the
ballot paper based on the decision of Central Election Commission.
135.1 Voting during a referendum shall be
conducted in accordance with the Articles 104 and 105 of this Code.
135.2 A voter shall mark an empty square to the
right of the answer on referendum ballot papers by choosing one of the
responses “for” or “against” (“yes” or “no,” “I agree” or “I disagree”)
proposed on the referendum.
135.3 If both squares are either marked or
unmarked, the vote shall be considered invalid.
136.1 Vote counting in referendum stations shall
be conducted in accordance with the Article 106 of this Code, and a protocol be
136.2 The following shall be included in the
protocol in addition to the provisions of Article 100.2 of this Code:
136.2.1 number of voters who have voted for the issue
put to referendum;
136.2.2 number of voters who have voted against the
issue put to referendum.
The count of votes in Constituency
Election Commissions shall be conducted in accordance with Article 107 of this
The protocol of the Constituency
Election Commission shall contain in addition to provisions of Articles 107.2
and 136 of this Code, the number of election precincts where voting results
have been invalidated.
138.1 The Central Election Commission shall announce the official
outcomes of a referendum not later than 25 days after the referendum.
138.2 The Central Election Commission shall indicate, in addition to
provisions of Article 108 of this Code, the number of election precincts where
voting results have been invalidated, the legal infringements taken place
during voting or determining voting results, the number of referendum
constituencies not allowing to define the voters’ will; and separately
determine the number of voters voted “for” and voters voted “against” each
issue put to the vote.
138.3 An issue to be
discussed in a referendum shall be considered to be accepted if more than half
of voters participated in the voting have voted for it.
138.4 A referendum shall be concluded at the meeting of the Central
Election Commission, and the results be announced in the form of an official
notification on referendum outcomes.
A referendum on issues specified in
Articles 3.2 and 153 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be
considered to be failed, if less than 25% of voters from the integrated voters
list participate in the referendum.
The Central Election Commission
shall invalidate the outcomes of a referendum in the following cases:
139.2.1 if voting
results are considered invalid in more than 2/5ths of the referendum
139.2.2 on the basis of a court’s decision.
A decision made
by means of referendum and official notification about the outcomes of the
referendum together with the text of an act adopted by referendum, shall be
published by the Central Election Commission within at latest 20 days after the
voting day.
Any act
adopted by means of a referendum shall come into force from the day of its
Any act
adopted by means of a referendum shall be final; it shall have a compulsory
legal force in the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and can be
cancelled or changed only by means of a referendum.
125 deputies
shall be elected to the Milli Majlis from single-mandate constituencies (one
deputy from one constituency).
The citizens
of the Republic of Azerbaijan indicated in Article 85 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Azerbaijan can be elected as a deputy of the Milli Majlis of
the Republic of Azerbaijan.
145.1 According to the Articles 84.2 and 109.1 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a date of elections of deputies
of a new convocation shall be determined by the President of the Republic of
145.2 The term of office of the newly elected Milli
Majlis shall commence from the first day of its meeting.
145.3 The Milli Majlis shall be considered as
elected effective the date it is formed with authorized members as a result of
145.4 A decision on the determination of elections
shall be published officially by the mass media at the latest 2 days after such
a decision is made.
146.1 Political parties, blocks of political
parties, citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan having suffrage and permanently
residing in a constituency can nominate candidates to a single-mandate constituency
pursuant to Article 53 and 54 of this Code.
146.2 Candidates for repeat elections to a
single-mandate constituency shall be nominated after official publication of
determination of the elections.
146.3 Candidates for by-elections on a single-mandate
constituency shall be nominated after the period indicated in Article 145.4 of
this Code.
146.4 A candidate nominated by voters can agree on
his nomination only for one single-mandate constituency.
146.5 If the formation of a Constituency Election
Commission has not come to the end before the nomination of candidates,
notification on nomination of the candidate, applications of the relevant
candidates about their consent and other documents shall be sent to the Central
Election Commission. The Central Election Commission shall submit the documents
to the Constituency Election Commission after its complete formation and
election of its chairperson.
147.1. At least 450 signatures of voters should
be collected in support of a candidate within the territory of the constituency
the candidate has been nominated for.
147.2. Each voter can sign in support of more
than one candidate.
147.3. Voters signatures shall be collected in
the procedure mentioned in Articles 56 and 57 of this Code.
148.1 Candidates shall be registered in accordance
with the rules mentioned in Article 60 of this Code.
148.2 No candidate shall be registered in more than one single-mandate
148.3 If rules mentioned in Article 148.2 of this
Code are violated, previous registration of the candidate shall be considered
valid, but a decision on registration made relatively later be canceled by the
decision of relevant election commission (if a former registered candidate does
not apply for cancelling his/her previous registration).
148.4 The activity of the registered candidates
shall be regulated by Articles 69 - 71 of this Code.
148.5 A list of registered candidates in the
constituency shall be published by the Central Election Commission at least 55
days prior to the voting day, in periodicals specified in 77.2 of this Code.
148.6 Political parties and blocks of political
parties, which have nominated or registered candidates in more than 60 single-mandate
constituencies, can appoint a member with consultative voting right to each
election commission. A candidate registered in a single-mandate election
constituency can appoint a member with consultative voting right to the
relevant election constituency or each of the Precinct Election Commissions
within territory of the election constituency.
149.1 If none of the candidates or only one
candidate has been registered on a single-mandate constituency, during the
period mentioned in Article 58.1 of this Code, elections in the relevant
constituency shall be postponed for two months, in accordance with the rules
mentioned in the Article 145 of this Code, with the purpose to nominate
additional candidates and to conduct subsequent election activities.
149.2 If none of the registered candidates or only
one registered candidate remains in an election constituency, till the Voting
Day, elections in the single-mandate constituency shall be postponed for not
more than 3 months, in accordance with the rules mentioned in the Article 145
of this Code, with the purpose to nominate additional candidates and to conduct
subsequent election activities.
150.1 According to Article 70.2 of this Code, the
cost of travel using of city, suburb and inter-city transport (except for taxi and
ordered journeys) in common use by a candidate registered in a single-mandate
constituency within the relevant election constituency, shall be reimbursed
upon presenting relevant receipts.
150.2 In cities having several election
constituencies, transport expenses within the city of a candidate registered in
one of these constituencies shall be reimbursed upon presenting relevant
150.3 If a registered candidate resides outside of
his/her single-mandate constituency, his/her expenses for 4 journeys by motor
or railway transport or 2 two-way journeys by plane to the constituency shall
be reimbursed upon provision of relevant receipts.
150.4 Travel expenses of a candidate registered in
a single-mandate constituency shall be reimbursed by the relevant Constituency
Election Commission at the expense of funds allocated for preparation and
holding of elections.
150.5 This type of reimbursement shall be carried
out at the expense of allocations to the Central Election Commission.
A registered candidate can be subject to
liability only with consent of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, in the manner established in Article 70.4 of this Code.
152.1 Each candidate registered in a single-mandate
constituency shall have the right to appoint up to 10 agents. The relevant
Constituency Election Commission shall register the above-mentioned persons.
152.2 The status of agents shall be determined by
Article 72 of this Code.
153.1 Refusal of candidates from their status during
elections to the Milli Majlis shall be regulated by Article 73 of this Code
153.2 Persons who have performed actions mentioned
in Articles 73.1-73.2 of this Code shall have the right to re-nominate their
candidacy for any single-mandate constituency, in accordance with rules and
period considered by this Code.
154.1. A political party according to its
Charter, and a block of political parties according to a decision of the
authorized representatives of its parties, shall be entitled upon written
application to withdraw a candidate and registered candidate nominated in a
single-mandate constituency any time within at least a 10 day period prior to
the voting day.
154.2. A political party included in the block of
political parties can apply to the Central Election Commission and refuse to
participate in the elections as a member of a relevant block of political
parties at least 10 days prior to the voting day, based on the decision of the
authorized body of political party.
A political party, which has refused to participate in the
election as a member of a relevant block of political parties can participate
in the elections as an independent political party or can join another block of
political parties in conformity with the rules established in this Code.
If all political parties (except one) constituting a block
of political parties refuse to participate in the elections after the candidate
nominated by the block of political parties is registered, the remaining
political party can participate in the elections as a block of political
parties, keeping its name and emblem. This cannot serve as a ground for refusal
or cancellation of registration of candidates.
If a block of political parties refuses to
participate in the elections, it shall not mean that political parties included
in that block cannot participate either; in this case, re-nomination of a candidate
and carrying out of other necessary election activities shall be required in
accordance with this Code.
155.1. Participation of candidates, political
parties, blocks of political parties in pre-election campaign shall be
regulated by Chapter 13 of this Code.
155.2. 1/3rd of total free airtime on
TV and radio should be allocated for registered candidates, political parties
and blocks of political parties, which have registered candidates in more than
60 single-mandate constituencies, to conduct discussions, round tables and
other election campaigning actions.
155.3. Airtime envisaged for joint election
campaign activities of the registered candidates, political parties and blocks
of political parties on TV and radio companies specified in Articles 77.2 and
77.3 of this Code shall be allocated and calculated,, and performed separately.
The registered candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties
should use such free airtime on equal basis. In this case, volume of free
airtime for each candidate, political parties and block of political parties is
determined separately.
155.4. The norm of paid use of airtime allocated
by TV and radio companies specified in Article 77.1. of this Code shall be
determined by dividing the total volume of the airtime by the total number of
candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties, which have
registered candidates in more than 60 single-mandate constituencies.
155.5. The volume of free space allocated by the
periodicals specified in Article 77.1. of this Code shall be determined through
dividing it by the total number of candidates, political parties and block of
political parties, which have registered candidates in more than 60
single-mandate constituencies. In this case, the volume of free space shall be
allocated separately for the candidates and separately for the political
parties, blocks of political parties. They can use the space on the basis of
relevant payment.
155.6. Refusal of registered candidates,
political parties and blocks of political parties, which have registered
candidates in more than 60 single-mandate constituencies from participation in
actions mentioned in Article 155.2 of this Code shall not cause increase of
free airtime allocated in accordance with Article 80.6.
156.1. The maximum limit of a candidate’s
election fund assets should not exceed 15 thousand times the minimum salary,
which is in force on the day of official publication of the decision on
determination of the elections.
156.2. Election funds of candidates, and
registered candidates nominated for a single-mandate constituency can be
organized from the following monetary means:
the special funds of candidates and registered candidates —
the amount of the special funds cannot be more than 2 thousand times the
minimum salary, which is in force on the day of official publication of the
decision on determination of the elections;
funds of candidates, political parties, which have
nominated a registered candidate, political parties, which are included in the
block of political parties--the amount of the funds cannot be more than 5
thousand times the minimum salary which is in force on the day of official
publication of the decision on determination of the elections;
funds allocated by a Constituency Election Commission for a
registered candidate in the amount equal to those for other candidates
registered for a single-mandate constituency, except for the cases defined by
Article 164.8 of this Code.
voluntary donations from citizens amounting not more than
100 times the minimum salary and legal entities amounting not more than 2000
times the minimum salary which is in force on the day of official publication
of the decision on determination of the elections;
156.3. Political parties and blocks of political
parties, which have nominated or registered candidates in more than 60
single-mandate constituencies, can create a unified election fund.
156.4. Election funds of political parties and
blocks of political parties can be formed only from the following monetary
special funds of political parties and blocks of political
parties not exceeding 50 thousand times the minimum salary which is in force on
the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
elections (such funds of blocks of political parties are formed from the funds
of political parties which are included in that block);
funds allocated for political parties and block of
political parties by the Central Election Commission, except the cases
considered by Article 164.8 of this Code;
voluntary donations of citizens and legal entities. The
limit of voluntary donations cannot be more than 150 times the minimum salary
for citizens and 5,000 times the minimum salary for legal entities, which is in
force on the day of publication of the decision on determination of the
The maximum limit of the election fund assets of a
political party and block of political parties shall be determined by multiplying
the amount stipulated in Article 156.1 of this Code by the number of nominated
or registered candidates. At the same time, the amount expended for each
candidate should not exceed the amount provided for in Article 156.1 of this
Code. Observance of this condition should be indicated in financial statements
of political parties and blocks of political parties.
157.1 Candidates should open a special election
account to form their election fund, within 5 days after they submit to the
Constituency Election Commission a notification on being nominated in a
single-mandate constituency
Political parties and blocks of political parties
which intend to open a single election fund for the candidates shall open a
special election account to form the single election fund, within 5 days after
they submit to the Central Election Commission the list of the candidates
nominated in more than 60 single-mandate constituencies.
A candidate, political party, blocks of political
parties shall open a special election account on the basis of the verified copy
of the notification of the Constituency Election Commission on nomination of a
candidate on a single-mandate constituency, and upon attaching thereto the
documents specified in Articles 53 and 54 of this Code. The candidate,
political party, block of political parties can assign its authorized
representative to open the special election fund. The candidate, registered
candidate, political party, block of political parties can allow another person
to use the funds from its election account, through informing the Central
Election Commission in writing.
If the constituency of a candidate or registered
candidate changes, he/she can return the balance remained in the special
election account by distributing it proportionally among the persons and legal
entities who contributed voluntary donations. Shall this right be not used, the
bank within 3 days transfers the funds to the account of the Central Election
Commission, based on written instructions of the relevant election commission.
Then, the candidate or registered candidate should submit a final financial
report to the Central Election Commission and should submit a copy of the financial
report to the Constituency Election Commission. Opening a special election
account in a new constituency shall be regulated in conformity with the rules
defined by this Code.
If the number of
candidates registered in single-mandate constituencies of a political party,
block of political parties which created an unified election fund is 60 or less
than 60, the special election account of the political party, block of
political parties shall be closed, and concurrently a special election account
be opened for each candidate and assets of the unified election fund
proportionally divided among the election funds of the candidates.
159.1 The following information about the candidate registered or
nominated on a single-mandate constituency should be necessarily published in
mass media in conformity with the rules mentioned in Article 77.3 of this Code:
159.1.1 on the financial statement of
expenditure of funds, if the election funds exceed 2,000 times the minimum
salary, which is in force on the day of publication of the decision on the
determination of the elections, for political parties and blocks of political
parties and 500 times - for a candidate and registered candidate;
159.1.2 on the legal entities who
contributed donations to the election funds which exceed 1,000 times the
minimum salary, which is in force on the day of publication of the decision on
determination of the elections, for political party and block of political
parties and 250 times – for a candidate or registered candidate (in this case,
the possibility of transfer of funds through several installments of donations
should be taken into account);
159.1.3 on the number of citizens who
contributed donations more than 50 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of publication of the decision on the determination of the
159.1.4 on the funds returned to the
contributors and the grounds of return;
on the total amount received by election fund and
total amount of its expenditure.
The following information about the unified election
fund of the political party and block of political parties should obligatorily be
published in mass media in conformity with the rules mentioned in Article 77.2
of this Code:
on the financial statement of expenditure of funds,
if the election funds exceed 2,000 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of publication of the decision on the determination of the
on the legal entities who contributed donations to
the election funds which exceed 1,000 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of publication of the decision on determination of the elections
(in this case, the possibility of transfer of funds through several instalments
of donations should be taken into account);
on the number of citizens who contributed donations
more than 50 times the minimum salary which is in force on the day of publication
of the decision on the determination of the elections;
on funds returned to the contributors and the
grounds for return;
on the total amount received by the election fund
and total amount of its expenditures.
The rules for return of
funds received by candidates, registered candidates, political parties and
block of political parties during the elections to the Milli Majlis shall be
identified by Articles 90.5-90.7 of this Code.
A registered candidate who
participated in the voting in a single-mandate constituency and collected at
least 3% of the votes of the total number of voters in that constituency; or a
registered candidate who is considered to be elected as well as registered
candidate who withdrew his/her candidacy due to the compelling circumstances
mentioned in Article 73.3 of this Code; a political party, block of political
parties’ candidates which have been registered with more than 60 single-mandate
constituencies shall be obliged to return within 30 days after the voting day
the unexpended part of the assets allocated by a relevant election commission
to their election fund, to the same election commission. After this period
ends, the relevant bank shall, without any disputes, transfer the amount
indicated the letter of the election commission to its bank account.
162.1 A candidate, political party, block of political parties not
considered by Article 161 of this Code should pay the full cost of free airtime
and free space to the TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in
Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code. This amount should be paid from the
election fund by the candidate, political parties, blocks of political parties
before the date the final financial report is submitted. The Central Election
Commission shall transfer the following to the TV and Radio companies and
periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code within 3 days
after general results of elections are officially published:
the list of candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties considered by paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as a list
of political parties included in the block of political parties mentioned
their addresses;
verified copies of extracts from joint decisions of
block of political parties on payment of used free airtime and space allocated
by periodicals.
162.2 TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2
and 77.3 of this Code shall send relevant information on the cost of free
airtime and free space, their legal addresses and bank account to the
candidates, political parties, blocks of political parties and political
parties included in the blocks of political parties not considered by Article
161 of this Code, within 10 days after the date the general results of
elections are officially published.
162.3 The cost of free airtime and space considered by Articles 80.5,
83.6 and 155.2 of this Code shall be determined in a manner considered by
Articles 80.6 and 83.7 of this Code by multiplying the total volume of free
airtime and space provided to the candidates, political parties, blocks of
political parties by TV and Radio companies and periodicals by the cost of
airtime and space allocated for publishing information determined by TV and
Radio companies and periodicals.
162.4 When political parties and blocks of political parties with
candidates registered in more than 60 single-mandate constituencies use free
airtime to conduct joint election campaign activities considered by Article
155.2 of this Code, the amount of funds returned by each political party and
block of political parties shall be determined by TV and Radio companies by
dividing it proportionally by the total number of participants of joint campaign
162.5 If a candidate, political party or block of political parties
refuses to use free airtime in conformity with the rules and period defined by
the Article 81.5 of this Code, the cost of presented free airtime shall not be
162.6 TV and Radio companies and periodicals considered by Articles 77.2
and 77.3 of this Code shall inform the Central Election Commission within a 12
month period effective from voting day about the candidates, political parties
considered by Article 161 of this Code which did not completely pay the cost of
free airtime and space in a periodical. The Constituency Election Commission
shall inform the Central Election Commission within a 12-month period effective
from voting day about citizens, political parties not considered by Article 161
of this Code and those who have debt obligations to the election commission.
The relevant bank, according
to written instructions of the relevant election commission, should transfer
money remained in special accounts of election funds of candidates, registered
candidates, political parties and block of political parties to the the account
of the Central Election commission 60 days after the voting day.
164.1 If there is no money in the election fund or it is short of money
a registered candidate, a political party or block of political parties shall
return budget money, as well as cost of free airtime and space in periodicals
allocated for political parties and blocks of political parties from their own
164.2 If a block of political parties is responsible for returning
budget money allocated for payment of free airtime presented and space allocated
in a periodical, the money to be returned shall be proportionally distributed
among the political parties included in that block before voting day, with a
condition, unless otherwise is provided for in the joint decision on creation
of the block of political parties and submitted to the Central Election
164.3 If a registered candidate who is not considered by Article 161 of
this Code undertakes to submit a final financial report and to return the funds
in conformity with this Code, he/she can return funds to the relevant
Constituency Election Commission within 12 months effective from voting day.
164.4 If a political party, block of political parties which is not
considered by Article 161 of this Code and which has not fulfilled the
requirements of Article 162.1 of this Code, before it submits its final
financial report, undertakes obligations to TV and Radio companies and
periodicals to pay the relevant funds, it can be given time to pay budget
money, for used free airtime and free space in periodicals within a 12 month
period effective from voting day.
164.5 If obligations considered by Articles 164.3 and 164.4 of this Code
are not fulfilled and if the period mentioned in obligations on returning the
funds expires, that money shall be returned by the court. If a registered
candidate who is not considered by Article 161 of this Code and who has not
fulfilled the requirements of Articles 164.3 and 164.4 of this Code does not
undertake obligations mentioned in Articles 164.3 and 164.4 of this Code before
political parties or block of political parties shall submit their final
financial report, the money shall be returned by the court before the period
for submission of the final financial report expires.
164.6 If a candidate or registered candidate loses his/her status, the
obligations charged to the candidate, registered candidates by Article 164 of
this Code shall be imposed on a person who was considered as candidate or
registered candidate. Shall the candidate or registered candidate be nominated
by a political party, blocks of political parties, the obligations charged by
Article 164 of this Code to the political parties and block of political
parties will be imposed on the political parties including those which entered
the block of political parties, after elections finish.
164.7 The Central Election Commission shall provide the Constituency
Election Commission with a list of citizens who have obligations to the
election commissions within 5 days after Constituency Election Commissions are
formed and after a decision on determination of main, repeat or by-elections is
officially published.
164.8 A person, who has debts for budget funds to the election
commission during the main, repeat and by-elections and on the date of official
publication of decision on determination of the elections, shall not have the
right to get funds from the state budget, regardless of what constituency
he/she has been nominated for.
165.1 A voting room during the elections to the Milli Majlis shall be
organized in conformity with the rules of Article 98 of this Code.
165.2 The Precinct Election Commission shall place a notice board in the
voting room or right in front of it, which contains the following:
samples of ballot papers;
information on political parties, blocks of
political parties and candidates of which have been registered;
following information about all candidates
registered from the relevant constituency: surname, name, patronymic, date of
birth, education, main working (service) place and occupation (if a candidate
does not have it – type of activity), address of residence and their
165.3 Information on
candidates, political parties and blocks of political parties shall appear in
the manner and consecutive order as defined in the ballot paper.
166.1 Ballot papers for elections to the Milli Majlis shall be prepared
in conformity with the rules mentioned in Article 99 of this Code.
166.2 A ballot
paper for a single-mandate constituency should contain the following
information about the registered candidates in alphabetical order:
surname, name, patronymic, date of birth;
main employment or service place (if they do not
have it – type of activity);
who has nominated them.
166.3 The ballot
paper should contain short name and emblem of the political party a candidate
of which is registered in conformity with Article 54 of this Code. Emblems of
political parties included in the ballot paper should be of the same colour.
166.4 The ballot
paper can contain party affiliation of the candidate registered in conformity
with Article 53 of this Code, with his/her consent.
166.5 A blank
square shall be placed to the right hand side of surname of each registered
167.1 Voting rules during the elections to the Milli Majlis shall be
conducted in conformity with Articles 104 and 105 of this Code.
167.2 When voting for the single-mandate constituency, a voter shall
mark the square located to the right hand side of the surname of the candidate
he/she wants to vote for.
167.3 The vote shall be considered invalid, when more than one square is
168.1 The count of votes in the election precincts during the elections
to the Milli Majlis shall be conducted in conformity with Article 106 of this
168.2 Each protocol shall contain, along with provisions of Article
100.2 of this Code, the following information about results of voting:
168.2.1 surnames, names, patronymics of
candidates who appear in the ballot box; if they are identical – additional
information about the candidates;
168.2.2 number of votes cast for each
169.1 The count of votes in a Constituency Election Commission shall be
conducted in conformity with Article 107 of this Code.
169.2 The Constituency Election Commission shall determine the election
outcomes for single-mandate constituency within at latest 2 days after the
voting day.
169.3 A candidate who records the most votes of the voters who have participated
in the elections shall be considered to be elected from the single-mandate
169.4 The protocol of the Constituency Election Commission shall
contain, along with provisions of Articles 100.2 and 168 of this Code, surname,
name and patronymic of the candidate elected as a deputy, and number of
election precincts where the elections are considered invalid.
The Constituency Election Commission shall consider
elections on single-mandate constituency failed, if number of votes cast for
the registered candidates are equal.
The Constituency Election Commission or the Central
Election Commission shall consider the elections on the single-mandate constituency
to be invalid, in the following circumstances:
if violations occurred in the election constituency
during the conduct of voting or during the determination of the voting results,
that make it impossible to determine the voters’ will
if the number of election precincts where voting
results are considered invalid during the elections on a single-mandate
constituency exceeds two fifths of all
precincts of the same election constituency;
on the basis of a court decision.
171.1 In accordance with Article 86 of the Constitution of the Republic
of Azerbaijan, the outcomes of elections shall be checked and approved by the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
171.2 At latest 20 days after the Election Day, the Central Election
Commission shall check protocols (along with documents attached thereto
according to this Code) of Constituency Election Commissions and submit to the
Constitutional Court within 48 hours.
171.3 After the Constitutional Court receives the aforementioned
documents, it shall involve relevant specialists and check within a 10-day
period if the documents meet the
requirements of this Code. The Constitutional Court can, upon its own decision
prolong this period, if so required for the checking process.
171.4 If the protocols of the Constituency Election Commissions meet the
requirements of this Code, then the Constitutional Court shall approve the
results of elections. Such resolution of the Constitutional Court shall be
171.5 If the results of elections are not completely approved, the
Constitutional Court shall adopt a decision about it and new elections be
assigned in accordance with Article 145 of this Code.
The Central Election
Commission shall conduct repeat elections in accordance with this Code, if the
elections are considered invalid in the relevant constituency, based on Article
170.2 of this Code, or outcomes of elections are not approved according to
Article 171.4 of this Code.
The Constituency Election Commission shall
immediately inform the candidate elected as a deputy after signing the protocol
on results of elections. Within at most 60 days, the candidates elected as
deputies should submit to the Central Election Commission a copy of the order
on resignation from a position incompatible with his/her deputy status and
indicated in Article 85.2 of the Constitution (copies of documents which
confirm that he/she will submit an application on resignation within 3 days) or
an application which contains the candidate’s obligations on termination of
his/her functions.
If a candidate elected from a single-mandate
constituency does not perform the requirements specified in Article 173.1 of
this Code, then the Central Election Commission shall apply to a relevant court
on cancellation of outcomes of elections in the relevant constituency and carry
out repeat elections. If a candidate does not perform the requirements
mentioned in Article 173.1 of this Code, without compelling reasons indicated
in Article 73.3 of this Code, and if due to these reasons repeated elections
are carried out, then the candidate should pay all state funds, allocated by
the relevant election commission with regard to repeat elections.
After the results of elections are published and
after a deputy has resigned from his/her position, which is incompatible with
the status of deputy, or after his/her functions are terminated, the Central
Election Commission shall register him/her as a deputy and issues him/her a
deputy card.
Rules for publication of election outcomes and voting results
of elections to the Milli Majlis shall be regulated by Article 109 of this
In case of grounds specified in Article 89.1.1 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decision on deprivation of
a deputy from his/her mandate shall be adopted by the Constitutional Court.
In case of grounds specified in Article 89.1.3 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decision on deprivation of
a deputy from his/her mandate shall be adopted by the relevant court.
In case of grounds specified in Articles 89.1.2,
89.1.4 and 89.1.5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decision
on deprivation of a deputy from his/her mandate shall be adopted by the Central
Election Commission. The decision of the Central Election Commission can be
appealed in the relevant court.
In case of grounds defined in Articles 89.1.2 and
89.1.5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Central Election
Commission shall issues a decree on deprivation of the deputy elected from a
single-mandate constituency from his/her mandate according to Article 175.3 of
this Code, not later than 2 days after the relevant application is received.
If the Central Election Commission receives an application
concerning the circumstances specified in Article 89.1.4 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Central Election Commission shall consider the
facts indicated in the application within at most 2 months, make a decision,
and can create a group of specialists with this regard.
In cases, as mentioned in Articles 89.1.2, 89.1.4
and 89.1.5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the deputy shall
be considered deprived of his/her mandate, effective the date the Central Election
Commission makes the relevant decision; in circumstances indicated in Articles
89.1.1 and 89.1.3, if there is a relevant court decision (verdict), the deputy
shall be considered deprived from his/her mandate from the date the relevant
decree (verdict) enters into force.
By-elections shall be determined on the relevant
single mandate constituency in the manner specified in Article 145 of this
Code, within a month after a mandate has become vacant.
A deputy cannot act as a candidate, when additional
elections are conducted for vacant deputy mandates.
During by-elections in a single-mandate constituency
nomination of candidates, their registration and other electoral actions in a
single-mandate constituency shall becarried out in accordance with the rules
established by this Code.
The basis of the election of
the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereafter referred to as
Presidential Elections) shall be determined by Articles 100-102 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereafter referred to as
178.1 The Wednesday of the third week of October of the last year of the
President’s term of office determined by the Constitution shall be considered
to be the Election Day.
178.2 The day of conduct of elections shall be determined by a decision
of the Central Election Commission.
178.3 The decision of the Central Election Commission on announcing of
the day of conduct of elections should be published at the latest within 2
179.1 Early Presidential Elections shall be conducted, if the term of
office of the President finishes before the period provided for in the
Constitution in the circumstances considered by Article 104 of the
Constitution. Shall this case take place after determination of the next
regular Presidential Elections, the next regular elections are stopped and the
early Presidential Elections are determined.
179.2 Effective from the date the relevant decision of the
Constitutional Court or of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan is
made, according to Articles 104 and 107 of the Constitution, the elections
shall be determined on a Wednesday, within a week by the Central Election
Commission and be conducted within a 3 month period.
180.1 Political parties, blocks of political parties and citizens having
suffrage can nominate candidates for Presidency in conformity with Articles 53
and 54 of this Code.
180.2 Each citizen or citizens having suffrage can create an initiative
group consisting of at least 100 persons for nominating candidates for
180.3 Candidates for Presidency shall be nominated after the decision on
the determination of the elections has been officially published.
180.4 After an initiative group, political party, block of political
parties which have nominated a candidate for Presidency submits to the Central
Election Commission the candidate’s application on his/her consent to be a
candidate for Presidency, this application should indicate that the candidate
meets requirements of Article 100 of the Constitution.
181.1 A political party, block of political parties or initiative groups
of citizens should collect not less than 45 thousand signatures in support of a
candidate they have nominated for Presidency. At least 50 signatures should be
collected from the territory of each constituency and the total number of
constituencies from which signatures are collected is not less than 60.
181.2 Each voter can sign in support of only one candidate.
181.3 Signatures of voters shall be collected in conformity with the
rules established by Articles 56 and 57 of this Code.
182.1 Candidates for Presidency shall be registered by the Central
Election Commission in conformity with the rules established by Article 60 of
this Code.
182.2 Activities of registered candidates shall be regulated by Articles
69 - 71 of this Code.
The list of the registered candidates should be
published by the Central Election Commission at least 55 days prior to the
voting day, in the periodicals stipulated in Article 77.2 of this Code.
Each registered candidate to presidency can assign a
member with consultative voting right to each of the election commissions.
183.1 If no candidates for Presidency have been registered or only one candidate
has been registered during the period mentioned by Article 58.1 of this Code,
elections shall be postponed for 2 months in conformity with the rules
established by Article 178 of this Code for the purposes of nomination of
additional candidates and subsequent election activities, and in this case the
President in office shall continue implementation of own responsibilities.
183.2 If no registered candidates for Presidency remain or only one
registered candidate remains on the Voting Day, the elections shall be
postponed for at latest 3 months period for nomination of candidates and
further election actions in conformity with rules mentioned in Article 178 of
this Code, and in this case the functioning President shall continue
implementation of own responsibilities.
184.1 In accordance with Article 70.2, a candidate for Presidency shall
have the right to use all kinds of public transport (except taxis and ordered services)
at the expense of state within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
effective from the date he/she has been registered and until the date results
of elections are officially published.
184.2 The mentioned transport expenses for travelling within the country
shall be reimbursed from the funds allocated by the Central Election Commission
for preparation and conduct of elections, and on the basis of the presented
documents on travelling. In such case the candidate shall be reimbursed for 8 two-way
journeys by train, and 4 two-way journeys by airplane.
Security of a registered candidate for Presidency
shall be ensured in the order defined by the Central Election Commission.
A registered candidate for Presidency can be subject
to liability only with permission of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, in the manner specified in Article 70.4 of this Code.
186.1 A candidate for Presidency can have up to 50 agents. Persons
mentioned above shall be registered by the Central Election Commission.
186.2 The status of agents shall be determined by Article 72 of this
Refusal of the candidates
for Presidency from the candidacy status shall be regulated by Article 73 of
this Code.
188.1 Refusal of a political party, block of political parties
participating in the Presidential Elections cannot be basis for refusal of
candidacy status of the candidates for Presidency or of cancellation of
registration of the candidates for Presidency.
188.2 A political party, which is included in the block of political
parties, can refuse to participate in the elections as a member of this block
of political parties, due to the decision of authorized body of the relevant
political party by submitting an application to the Central Election Commission
any time at least 10 days prior to election day.
188.3 A political party, which refuses to participate in elections as a
member of a block of political parties, can act as an independent political
party or can join other block of political parties in conformity with the rules
established by this Code.
188.4 If all political parties (except one) included in the block of
political parties refuse to participate in the elections after the candidate
for Presidency nominated by the abovementioned block of political parties has
been registered by the Central Election Commission, the remaining political
party can participate in the elections as a block of political parties keeping
name and symbols of the block of political parties. This shall not serve as a
ground for refusal of registration of candidates for Presidency or cancellation
of registration.
188.5 The refusal of a block of political parties to participate in
elections shall not deprive political parties included in the block of rights
to participate in elections. In such cases it shall be required to re-nominate
a candidate for Presidency and to implement other necessary election actions in
conformity with this Code.
189.1 Participation of registered candidates for Presidency, political
parties, blocks of political parties in pre-election campaign shall be
regulated by Chapter Thirteen of this Code.
189.2 One third of total volume of free airtime allocated by TV and
Radio companies shall be envisaged for the registered candidates for Presidency
to conduct debates, round tables, other campaigning activities.
189.3 Airtime for conduct of joint campaign activities on channels of TV
and Radio organizations mentioned in Article 77.2 of this Code shall be allocated
for registered candidates for Presidency, calculated separately and
implemented. Registered candidates for Presidency should use such airtime on
the equal bases. In such circumstances, volume of free airtime used by each
candidate for Presidency shall be determined separately.
189.4 The norm of usage of paid airtime allocated by the TV and radio
companies specified in Article 77.1 of this Code shall be determined by
dividing its total volume by the total number of candidates for Presidency.
189.5 The volume of space allocated on paid-basis in periodicals
specified in Article 84.1 of this Code shall be determined through dividing it
by the total number of the candidates. The latter can use this space after
making relevant payments.
189.6 Refusal of registered candidates for Presidency to participate in
activities mentioned in Article 189.2 of this Code shall not be the reason to
increase free airtime allocated in conformity with Article 80.6 of this Code.
190.1 A candidate for
Presidency or his/her authorized representative should open a special election
account for formation of election fund after he/she submits notification or a
relevant decision on his/her nomination as a candidate by political party or
block of political parties to the Central Election Commission, but at least 5
days prior to the day of submission of notification for registration of
candidates to the Central Election Commission.
190.2 A registered
candidate for Presidency shall open a special election account on the basis of
a document on his/her nomination received from the Central Election Commission,
and documents mentioned in Articles 53 and 54 of this Code.
190.3 A candidate for
Presidency can assign his/her authorized representative to open a special
election account for him/her.
190.4 A candidate for
Presidency, a registered candidate for Presidency can authorize another person
to use his/her funds available in the special election account, informing the
Central Election Commission about this in writing, and in this case this person
shall bear responsibility for the legal violations..
191.1 The maximum limit of the election fund of a candidate for Presidency
cannot be more than 200 thousand times the minimum salary which is in force for
the date the decision on determination of the election day is officially
191.2 Election funds of candidates for Presidency shall be formed only
from the following monetary means:
191.2.1 special funds (these special funds for
candidates for Presidency nominated by political parties or block of political
parties shall be formed from the funds contributed by political parties or political
parties which have created block of political parties) of candidates for
Presidency, with a condition it cannot be more than 25 thousand times the
minimum salary which is in force for the date the decision on determination of
the election day is officially published;
191.2.2 a fund allocated by the Central Election
Commission, except for circumstances considered by Article 197.6 of this Code;
191.2.3 191.2.3 voluntary donations of
citizens and legal entities. For citizens the limit of voluntary donations for
cannot be more than 1500 times the minimum salary which is in force for the
date the decision on determination of the election day is officially published,
for legal entities – more than 10 thousand times.
192.1 The following information should be necessarily published in the
mass media provided for by Article 77.2 of this Code:
192.1.1 about the financial report on expenditure of
funds if the election fund of a registered candidate for Presidency is more
then 2 thousand times the minimum salary, which is in force for the date the
decision on determination of the Election Day, is officially published, for the
candidate for Presidency – 500 times;
192.1.2 about the legal entities who contributed
donations, the amount of which is more than one thousand times the minimum
salary which is in force for the date the decision on determination of the
election day is officially published for the registered candidate for Presidency,
for the candidate for Presidency – 250 times (in this case, the possibility of
transfer of funds through several instalments of donations should be taken into
192.1.3 about the number of citizens who contributed
donations to the election fund which is more than 50 times the minimum salary
in force for the date the decision on determination of the election day is
officially published;
192.1.4 about the funds returned to the contributors
and about the grounds for return;
192.1.5 about the total amount of money received by the
election fund and the total amount of its expenditure.
The order of return of the money received by candidates for
the presidency, registered candidates for Presidency during the presidential
elections shall be regulated by Articles 90.5-90.7 of this Code.
A registered candidate for
Presidency who participated in elections and received at least 5% of total
number of voters or who is considered to be elected, as well as a registered
candidate for Presidency who withdrew candidacy due to compelling reasons
specified in article 73.3 of this Code shall be obliged to return the
unexpended part of the election fund transferred by the Central Election Commission
to this election commission within 30 days after the election day. When this
period finishes a relevant bank should without any dispute transfer the money
mentioned in the letter of the Central Election Commission, to the account of
the latter.
195.1 A candidate for Presidency not considered by Article 194 of this
Code should pay the full amount of the cost of free airtime and space to the TV
and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this
Code. Within 3 days after the results of the Presidential Elections is
officially published, the Central Election Commission shall send the following
to the TV and Radio companies and offices of the periodicals mentioned in
Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code:
names of candidates;
their addresses;
verified copies of notifications on payment for free
airtime and space used in periodicals.
195.2 Within 10 days after the results of the Presidential Elections are
officially published, the TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in
Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code shall send the relevant information on the
cost of used airtime and cost and volume of space in periodicals, their legal
address and bank details to the candidates for Presidency considered by Article
194.1 of this Code.
195.3 Cost of free airtime and space in the periodical considered by
Articles 80.5, 83.6 and 189.2 of this Code shall be determined in conformity
with rules established by Articles 80.6 and 83.7 of this Code by multiplying
the total volume of airtime and space in periodicals allocated for the
candidates for Presidency, by cost of airtime determined by TV and Radio
companies and the cost of space in the periodical.
195.4 If candidates for Presidency use free airtime for joint election
campaign activities mentioned in Article 189.2 of this Code, the amount of
money returned by each candidate shall be determined by TV and Radio companies
proportionally for total number of participants of each joint election campaign
195.5 If candidates for Presidency refuse to use the free airtime in the
manner and within the period established by Articles 81.5 of this Code, the
cost of free airtime presented shall not be paid.
195.6 TV and Radio companies and periodicals considered by Articles 77.2
and 77.3 of this Code shall inform the Central Election Commission about
candidates for Presidency not considered by Article 194 of this Code who have
not completely paid the cost of free airtime and space in periodicals, within
12 months effective from election day.
The relevant bank, on
the basis of written instructions of the Central Election Commission, should
transfer money remaining in special accounts of election funds of candidates
for Presidency, registered candidates for Presidency, to its account 60 days
after the Election Day.
197.1 If there is no money in the election fund or it is short of money,
the return of budget money by a registered candidate, as well as the cost of
free airtime and space in periodicals allocated, shall be implemented from the
personal funds of citizens nominated as candidate for Presidency.
197.2 If a registered candidate for Presidency not considered by Article
194 of this Code, undertakes obligations to return relevant funds in addition
to submitting the final financial report according to this Code, he/she can
return the funds to be returned to the state budget to the account of the
relevant Central Election Commission within a 12 month period effective from
voting day.
197.3 If the obligations established by Article 197.2 of this Code are
not performed and if the period mentioned by the obligations for returning
money expires, funds shall be returned by court. If a registered candidate for
Presidency not considered by Article 194 of this Code and who does not perform
requirements mentioned in Article 197.2 of this Code nor undertakes obligations
mentioned in the same Article before the final financial report is submitted,
funds shall be returned by court before the period for submission of the final
financial report expires.
197.4 If a candidate for Presidency or registered candidate for the
Presidency loses his/her candidacy status, the obligations imposed on the
candidates and registered candidates by Article 197 of this Code shall be
imposed on the citizen who is considered to be a candidate or registered
197.5 A list of citizens not considered by Article 194 of this Code and
who have debt obligation to the Central Election Commission shall be published.
197.6 If a citizen not considered in Article 194 of this Code and
nominated as a candidate for Presidency, has debts regarding the budget to the
Central Election Commission during the previous elections when the date of the
decision on determination of the election day was officially published, this
candidate shall not have the right to receive funds from the state budget
during the Presidential Elections.
198.1 The voting room during the Presidential Elections shall be
organized in accordance with requirements of Article 98 of this Code.
198.2 The Precinct Election Commission shall place a notice board in the
voting room or right in front of the room for displaying sample ballot papers
and information about registered candidates for the Presidency: surname, name,
patronymic, date of birth, education, main employment (or service) place,
position (if a candidate does not have it – type of activity), address of
residence, and who has nominated the candidacy.
198.3 Information on candidates for Presidency shall appear on the
notice board in the manner and consecutive order as defined by the ballot
199.1 Ballot papers for the Presidential Elections shall be prepared in
conformity with the rules mentioned in Article 99 of this Code.
199.2 The ballot paper for the Presidential Elections shall contain the
following about the candidates for the Presidency in alphabetical order:
surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence, main employment
(or service) place (if a candidate does not have it – type of activity), and
who has nominated the registered candidate for the Presidency.
The ballot paper should contain the short name of a
political party that a registered candidate for Presidency is a member of, in
conformity with Article 54 of this Code.
The ballot paper can contain party affiliation of a
candidate for Presidency if he/she so desires, in conformity with Article 53 of
this Code.
199.5 A blank square shall be located to the right
hand side of the surname of a candidate for Presidency.
200.1 Voting during the Presidential Elections shall be conducted in
conformity with Articles 104 and 105 of this Code.
200.2 A voter shall mark a blank square to the right hand side of the
surname of a candidate for the Presidency
200.3 The ballot paper shall be considered invalid, if either more than
one or no square is marked.
count of votes in an election precinct during the Presidential elections shall be
conducted in conformity with Article 106 of this Code, and a protocol be
protocol shall contain, in addition to provisions of Article 100.2 of this
Code, the following information about results of voting:
201.2.1 surnames, names, patronymics of
candidates for the Presidency, if this information is identical, other
information about the candidates;
201.2.2 number of votes cast for each
candidate for the Presidency;
202.1 The count of votes in an election constituency during the
Presidential elections shall be conducted in conformity with Article 107 of
this Code.
202.2 The protocol of the Constituency Election Commission shall include
in addition to those indicated in Articles 100.2 and 201 of this Code, the
number of precincts where the voting results have been invalidated.
203.1 Not later than 14 days starting from the Election Day the Central
Election Commission shall finalize the Presidential Elections and submit the
results to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan for approval.
Resolution of the Constitutional Court on this matter shall be final.
203.2 A general schedule displaying the data from Constituency Election
Commissions shall be attached to the protocol of the Central Election
203.3 Based on protocols on voting results received from Constituency
Election Commissions, the Central Election Commission shall, in addition to
provisions of Article 108 of this Code, define the number of election
constituencies where legal violations have taken place during conduct of
elections or determination of voting results or that did not allow to identify
the voters’ will; the number of election precincts where voting results were
invalidated and the number of votes cast for each candidate for Presidency.
203.4 In accordance with Article 101.2 of the Constitution, a candidate
for Presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be considered elected if
more than half of the voters, who participated in the voting, voted for
203.5 A protocol on results of the Presidential elections shall be
published within 24 hours upon its signing.
204.1 The Central Election Commission shall
consider invalid the results of the Presidential elections in the following
204.1.1 if the voting results are considered invalid in more than 2/5 of
election precincts;
204.1.2 on the basis of a court decision.
205.1 If more
than two persons are included in the ballot paper as candidates for presidency
and no one was elected, the Central Election Commission shall determine repeat
voting for the two of the candidates that gain the majority of the votes during
the elections.
205.2 In accordance with Article 101.3 of the Constitution of, the
repeat voting shall be held on the second Sunday after the voting in general
205.3 Information about the conduct of repeat voting shall be published in
mass media not later than 2 days after the Central Election Commission makes
the relevant decision.
205.4 Pursuant to Article 101.4. of the Constitution, the candidate who
gained the majority of votes of voters that participated in the repeat voting shall
be considered elected as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
If outcomes of the Presidential elections are
considered invalid by the Constitutional Court and the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan is not elected, a repeat Presidential election shall be
determined by a decision of the Central Election Commission.
In case of
early Presidential elections, the Central Election Commission shall define
periods of implementation of election actions which are necessary for the
period specified in Article 105.1 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, and publish it in a table form along with the decree on conduct of
the early Presidential elections. With this purpose, the periods identified in
this Code can be decreased at most 2 times.
Rules for
publication of outcomes and voting results of the presidential elections shall
be regulated by Article 109 of this Code.
209.1 In
accordance with Article 103 of the Constitution, the person elected as the
President shall take an oath within 3 days starting from the day of official
announcement of information on outcomes of the Presidential Elections by the
Constitutional Court.
209.2 From the
day of taking the oath, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall receive
monthly salary at the rate of 3000 times the established minimum salary.
209.3 The
functioning President of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall implement his power
until the commencement of the powers of the newly elected President of the Republic
of Azerbaijan.
210.1 Members to municipalities, which implement local self-governance
in the Republic of Azerbaijan, shall be elected by relative majority on
multi-mandate constituencies.
210.2 The municipal members shall be elected on the basis of election
areas as follows:
210.2.1 in the areas with population less than 500
people– 5 municipal members
210.2.2 in the areas having population from 500 to 999
people –7 municipal members
210.2.3 in the areas having population from 1000 to
4,999 people – 9 municipal members
210.2.4 in the areas having population from 5000 to
9,999 people – 11 municipal members
210.2.5 in the areas having population from 10000 to
19,999 people – 13 municipal members
210.2.6 in the areas having population from 20000 to
49,999 people – 15 municipal members
210.2.7 in the areas having population from 50000 to
99,999 people – 17 municipal members
210.2.8 in the areas having population from 100000 to
299,999 people – 19 municipal members
211.1 The term of office of municipalities shall be5 years.
211.2 The term of office of municipalities shall commence from the
voting day, and end on the day of first meeting of newly elected
211.3 The powers of members of municipality shall be in force only during the term of office of
On Election Day
citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who are 21 years (including the Election
Day as well) or more than 21 years old and who live permanently in the relevant
election constituency can be elected as a member to municipalities.
213.1 Municipal election shall be appointed by the Central Election
Commission, in accordance with Articles 211.1 and 211.2 of this Code.
213.2 The decision on determination of municipal elections should be
officially published in mass media at the latest within 2 days after the
decision had been made.
214.1 Political parties, blocks of political parties and citizens of the
Republic of Azerbaijan who live permanently in the same election constituency
and have the right to vote, can nominate candidates for a member of
municipality in the election constituency in accordance with the Articles 53
and 54 of this Code.
214.2 Candidates for a member of a municipality in repeat elections to
municipalities shall be nominated after the decision on determination of these
elections is officially published.
214.3 Candidates for a member of a municipality in by elections to
municipalities shall be nominated after the period mentioned in Article 213.2
of this Code.
The nominee can consent to nomination to one
municipality only.
The candidate nominated for municipal membership can
be nominated and registered on one municipality only.
214.6 Notification on nominating, application of consent of relevant
candidates and other documents shall be sent to the Central Election Commission
if formation of a Constituency Election Commission is not completed until
nomination of candidates for member of municipality. The Central Election
Commission shall submit the abovementioned documents to the Constituency
Election Commission after it is formed and its chairperson has been elected.
215.1 Each nominated citizen should collect voters signatures as
follows, to be registered as a candidate for member of a municipality in the
relevant election constituency:
215.1.1 area having population of more than
99,999 people – 150 signatures;
215.1.2 area having population more than 49,999 people–
100 signatures;
215.1.3 area having population more than 19,999 people
– 75 signatures;
215.1.4 area having population more than 9,999 people –
50 signatures;
215.1.5 area having population more than 4,999 people –
30 signatures;
215.1.6 area having population less than 4,999 people –
15 signatures.
215.2 Voters shall have the right to sign in support of several
215.3 Voters signatures shall be
collected in accordance with the rule mentioned in Articles 56 and 57 of this
216.1 Candidates for membership of municipality shall be registered according
to the rules mentioned in Article 60 of this Code.
216.2 It shall be not allowed for one person to get registered for a
member of more than one municipality.
216.3 If the rules mentioned in Article 214.5 of this Code have been
violated, the candidate’s previous registration shall be considered to be
valid, and the decision on registration that had been made relatively late is
cancelled with the decision of relevant Constituency Election Commission.
216.4 The activities of registered candidates for member of municipality
shall be regulated by Articles 69-71 of this Code.
216.5 A list of registered candidates for municipalities shall be
published by the relevant election commission at least 55 days prior to the
voting day, in the periodicals specified in Articles 77.3 and 77.4 of this
If no candidates or candidates number of which is less than
the number municipal members specified in Article 210 have been registered for
a municipality, during the period mentioned in Article 58.1 of this Code,
elections in the relevant municipality shall be postponed by the Central
Election Commission for a two month period, with a purpose to nominate
additional candidates and to conduct following election activities.
If none of the registered candidates or only one candidate
registered for one place for municipal membership remains for a municipality
till the voting day, elections to the municipality shall be postponed by the
Central Election Commission for 2 months, with a purpose to nominate candidates
and to conduct further election activities.
In accordance with Article 70.2 of this Code, a
candidate for municipal membership shall have the right to use all kinds of
public transport within the relevant constituencies (except taxis and ordered
transport services) free of charge effective from the date of registration
until the date of the official publication of election returns.
Such payments shall be made from the funds allocated
for the Constituency Election Commission, and on the basis of the presented
documents on traveling.
The registered candidate
for membership of municipality can be subject to liability only with consent of
the relevant district prosecutor, in the manner established in Article 70.4 of
this Code.
220.1 A candidate for membership of a municipality shall have the right
to appoint up to 3 agents. These persons shall be registered by Constituency Election
220.2 The status of agents shall be determined by Article 72 of this
221.1 Refusal of candidates for membership of a municipality from
candidacy status shall be regulated by Article 73 of this Code.
221.2 A person who committed actions considered by Articles 73.1-73.3 of
this Code shall have the right to re-nominate him/herself for any other
municipality within the rules and period established by this Code.
222.1 A political party, based on its charter, and a block of political parties,
based on the decision made by authorized representatives of political parties
that are members of the block, shall have the right to withdraw a candidate for
a member of municipality nominated for election constituency or registered
candidate for a member of municipality at any time by submitting written
application to the relevant Constituency Election Commission at least 10 days
prior to the Election Day.
222.2 By submitting a written application to the Constituency Election
Commission at least 10 days prior to the Election Day, a political party or
block of political parties which have nominated a candidate for a member of
municipality can refuse to participate in the elections, based on a decision of
the body that nominated candidates. In this case, the political party or block
of political parties can withdraw its candidates for membership of a
222.3 A political party, which is included in the block of political
parties, can refuse to participate in the elections as a member of this block
based on the decision of the authorized body of the political party at any time
by submitting a written application to the Constituency Election Commission at
least 3 days prior to the Election Day.
222.4 A political party, which refused to participate in elections as a
member of the block can function as an independent party or join another block
of political parties in conformity with the rules established by this Code.
222.5 If all political parties (except one) included in the block of political
parties refuse to participate in the elections after candidates for membership
of a municipality nominated by abovementioned block of political parties have
been registered by the Constituency Election Commission, the remaining
political party can participate in elections as a block of political parties
keeping name and symbols of the block of political parties. This cannot serve
as ground for refusal in the registration of candidates for member of
municipality or cancellation of registration.
222.6 The refusal of a block of political parties to participate in the
elections shall not deprive political parties included in the block of rights
to participate in elections. In such cases it is required to re-nominate a
candidate for membership of a municipality and to implement other necessary
election activities in conformity with this Code.
The political parties or
blocks of political parties which during municipal elections nominate
candidates in more than half of all municipalities in the Republic of
Azerbaijan, can appoint one member with consultative voting right to the
Central Election Commission. The political parties or blocks of political parties
which during municipal elections nominate candidates in more than half of all
municipalities in one constituency, can appoint one member with consultative
voting right to the relevant Constituency Election Commission.
224.1 Participation
of candidates for membership of a municipality in the pre-election campaign
shall be regulated by Chapter 13 of this Code.
224.2 1/3
of total free airtime allocated by TV and radio companies should
correspondingly be provided to the political parties and block of political
parties, which have registered candidates in more than 1/3 or in more than half
of municipalities, to conduct discussions, round tables and other campaigning
actions, taking into consideration provisions of Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this
224.3 Airtime
for joint election campaign activities on TV and radio mentioned in Articles
77.2 and 77.3 of this Code shall be allocated and calculated for political
parties and block of political parties, and performed separately. The political
parties and block of political parties should use such free airtime on equal
basis. In this case, the volume of free airtime for each candidate, political
parties and block of political parties is defined separately.
224.4 The norm
of paid use of the airtime allocated by TV and radio companies specified in the
Article 71.1 of this Code shall be determined by dividing the total volume of
free space by total number of candidates for membership of a municipality
specified in Article 77.4 of this Code.
224.5 Candidates
for membership of a municipality can use the space that is allocated in the
periodicals mentioned in Article 71.1. of this Code and shall be determined by
dividing the total number of candidates for membership of a municipality in compliance with Article 77.4. of this
Code, on the basis of payment.
224.6 Refusal
of the registered candidates, political parties and block of political parties,
which have registered candidates in more than one third or half of
municipalities from participation in actions mentioned in Article 224.2 of this
Code shall not cause increase of free airtime allocated in accordance with
Article 80.6.
225.1 Election funds of candidates for member of a
municipality can be formed through the following monetary means:
225.1.1 The amount of special funds of candidates for
membership of a municipality
not more than 2000 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day – for candidates for membership of a municipality mentioned in
Article 215.1.1
not more than 1500 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.2.;
not more than 1000 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.3.;
not more than 500 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.4.;
not more than 250 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.5.;
not more than 150 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.6.;
225.1.2 election
funds of political parties or blocks of political parties with nominated
candidates for membership of a municipality amounting to:
not more than 1500 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.1.;
not more than 1000 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.2.;
not more than 750 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.3.;
not more than 500 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.4.;
not more than 250 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.5.;
not more than 100 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.6.;
225.1.3 funds
allocated by a Constituency Election Commission on equal basis to candidates
for membership of a municipality at latest within 3 days after the registration
of candidates is over, except for the cases defined by Article 233.8 of this
225.1.4 voluntary
donations from citizens not
more than 100 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day of
official publication of the decision on determination of the Election Day.
225.1.5 voluntary
donations of legal entities that are:
not more than 2000 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.1.;
not more than 1500 times the minimum salary, which is in
force on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of
the election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.2.;
not more than 750 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.3.;
not more than 500 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.4.;
not more than 250 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.5.;
not more than 150 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of official publication of the decision on determination of the
election day - for candidates for
membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.6.;
225.2. Maximum limit of
the funds of candidates for membership of a municipality cannot exceed:
10000 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day
of official publication of the decision on determination of the election day -
for candidates for membership of a municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.1;
7500 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day of
official publication of the decision on determination of the election day
- for candidates for membership of a
municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.2.;
5000 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day
of official publication of the decision on determination of the election day
- for candidates for membership of a
municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.3.;
2500 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day
of official publication of the decision on determination of the election day
- for candidates for membership of a
municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.4.;
1500 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day
of official publication of the decision on determination of the election day
- for candidates for membership of a
municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.5.;
1000 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day
of official publication of the decision on determination of the election day
- for candidates for membership of a
municipality mentioned in Article 215.1.6.
225.3 Municipalities
can allocate funds of equal amounts, to election funds of candidates nominated
within their territory.
parties and blocks of political parties, which have nominated or registered
candidates on more than one third of municipalities, can create a unified
election fund.
funds of political parties and blocks of political parties can be organized from
the following monetary means:
the special funds of political parties and block of
political parties — the amount of the special funds cannot be more than 50
thousand times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day of official
publication of the decision on determination of the elections (these special
funds of the block of political parties can be formed from funds provided by
the political parties that constitute the block);
funds allocated for political parties and block of
political parties by the Central Election Commission, except the cases
considered by this Code;
voluntary donations of citizens and legal entities. Limit
of voluntary donations cannot be more than 150 times the minimum salary for
citizens and 5,000 times the minimum salary for legal entities, which is in
force on the day of publication of the decision on determination of the
The maximum limit of the election fund assets of a
political party or block of political parties shall be determined through
multiplying the amount stipulated in Article 225.3 of this Code by the number
of nominated or registered candidates. In any case, the maximum limit of the
election fund assets of a political party or block of political parties cannot
exceed 100,000 times the minimum salary, which is in force on the day of
publication of the decision on determination of the elections. At the same time, the amount expended for
each candidate should not exceed the amount provided for in Article 225.3 of
this Code. Observance of this condition should be indicated in financial
statements of political parties or blocks of political parties.
226.1 Candidates for membership
of municipality should open special accounts for creating their election fund
within 5 days after they submit to the Constituency Election Commission a
notification on commencing of collection of signatures.
226.2 The political
parties, which intend to open a single election fund for the candidates shall
open a special election account to form the unified election fund, within 5
days after they submit to the Central Election Commission the list of the
candidates nominated in more than 1/3 of municipalities.
226.3 A candidate,
political party, block of political parties shall open a special election
account on the basis of the verified copy of the notification of the
Constituency Election Commission on nomination of a candidate, and upon
attaching thereto the documents specified in Articles 53 and 54 of this Code.
The candidate, political party, block of political parties can assign its
authorized representative to open the special election fund. The candidate,
registered candidate, political party, block of political parties can entitle
another person to use the funds from its election account, through informing
the Constituency Election Commission (the Central Election Commission) in
226.4 If the
municipality, where the candidate or registered candidate is nominated,
changes, he/she should return the balance remaining in the special election
account by distributing it proportionally among the persons and legal entities
that contributed voluntary donations. After doing this, the candidate or the
registered candidate should submit a final financial report to the Constituency
Election Commission. Opening a new special election account shall be regulated
in conformity with the rules defined by this Code.
the number of candidates registered in municipalities, of a political party or
block of political parties which created an unified election fund, covers half
or less than half of the municipalities, the special election account of the
political party, block of political parties shall be closed, and concurrently a
special election account be opened for each candidate and assets of the unified
election fund proportionally divided among the election funds of the
228.1 The following information on the election fund of the candidate to
municipal membership should necessarily be published by the mass media means
mentioned in Article 77.4 of this Code:
228.1.1 on the financial report about usage
of election fund of a candidate for a membership of a municipality if its
amount is more than thousand times the minimum salary which is in force on the
date decision on determination of election day is officially published;
228.1.2 on the legal entities who
contributed donation, which is more than 500 times the minimum salary which is
in force on the date the decision on determination of the election day is
officially published, to the election fund of a candidate for membership of a
municipality (in this case, possibility of transfer of funds through several
installments of donations should be taken into account);
228.1.3 on the number of citizens who
contributed donations, which are more than 50 times the minimum salary, which
is in force on the date the decision on determination of the election day, is
officially published, to the election fund of a candidate for membership of a
228.1.4 on the funds returned to the
contributors and on the grounds for return;
228.1.5 the total amount of money received
by the election fund of a candidate for membership of a municipality and the
total amount expended;
The following information about the political party
or block of political parties should necessarily be published in mass media in
conformity with the rules mentioned in Article 77.2 or 77.3 of this Code:
on the financial statement of expenditure of funds,
if the election funds exceed 2,000 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of publication of the decision on determination of the elections;
on the legal entities who contributed donations to
the election funds which exceed 1,000 times the minimum salary, which is in force
on the day of publication of the decision on determination of the elections (in
this case, possibility of transfer of funds through several installments of
donations should be taken into account);
on the number of citizens who contributed donations
more than 50 times the minimum salary which is in force on the day of
publication of the decision on determination of the elections;
on the funds returned to the contributors and the
grounds for return;
on the total amount received by the election fund
and the total amount of its expenditures.
Order of return
of funds received by candidates to municipal membership, political parties,
blocks of political parties shall be regulated by Articles 90.5-90.7 of this
A candidate for membership
of a municipality who participated in voting and received at least 3% of votes
of total number of voters or who is considered to be elected, as well as a
registered candidate for membership of a municipality, political party or block
of political parties which have registered candidates in more than half of
municipalities who withdrew candidacy due to compelling circumstances shall be
obliged to return unexpended part of funds transferred to their election funds
by the Constituency Election Commission to this Constituency Election
Commission within 15 days after the election day. After the funds are
transferred, the funds of the municipalities shall be returned within 15 days,
in the mentioned manner. After this
period expires, the relevant bank should without any dispute transfer the
amount mentioned in Central Election Commission’s letter or that of the
relevant municipality to their account.
231.1 The candidate, political party or block of political parties not
mentioned in Article 230 of this Code, should completely pay the costs of free
airtime and space allocated by TV and radio companies and periodicals mentioned
in Articles 77.2, 77.3 and 77.4 of this Code. The given cost should be paid by
the candidate, political party or blocks of political parties from election
funds until the day a final financial report is submitted. The Central Election
Commission shall send the following to the TV and Radio companies and offices
of periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2, 77.3 and 77.4 of this Code within 3
days after the general results of elections are officially published:
the list of candidates, political parties or blocks
of political parties, as well as a list of political parties included in the
block of political parties mentioned above;
their addresses;
verified copies of extracts from joint decisions of
blocks of political parties on payment of used free airtime and space allocated
by periodicals.
231.2 TV and radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2,
77.3 and 77.4 of this Code shall inform the candidates, political parties,
blocks of political parties not considered in Article 230 of this Code about
the cost of used free airtime, volume and cost of used free space in
periodicals, about their legal address and bank information within 10 days
after final election results are officially published.
231.3 The cost of free airtime and free space in periodicals mentioned
in Articles 80.5, 83.6 and 224.2 of this Code, shall be determined by
multiplying the total volume of airtime and space in periodicals allocated for
the candidate, political party or block of political parties in accordance with
the rules defined in Articles 80.6
and 83.7 of this Code to cost of airtime
and space on periodical and for publication of information determined by TV and
radio companies and periodicals.
When political parties and block of political
parties use free airtime to conduct joint campaign activities considered by
Article 224.2 of this Code, the amount of funds returned by each political
party and block of political parties shall be determined by TV and Radio
companies by dividing it proportionally by the total number of participants of
each joint TV program.
If a candidate, political party or block of
political parties refuses to use free airtime in conformity with the rules and
period defined by the Article 81.5 of this Code, the cost of presented free
airtime shall not be paid.
TV and Radio companies and periodicals considered by
Articles 77.2, 77.3 and 77.4 of this Code shall inform the Central Election
Commission about the candidate or political parties considered by Article 230
of this Code, which did not completely pay cost of free airtime and space in a
periodical, within 12 months period effective from the voting day. The
Constituency Election Commissions shall inform the Central Election Commission
about citizens or political parties not considered by Article 230 of this Code
and those who have debt obligations to the election commission, within 12
months period effective from the Election Day.
The relevant bank
should transfer money remaining in the special account of election funds of
candidates for membership of a municipality 30 days after voting day in
accordance with the written instruction of the Constituency Election Commission
to the budget of a relevant municipality.
233.1 if there is no money or a shortage of money in the election fund,
the state budget and municipal money shall be returned by the registered
candidate, political party, block of political parties, and the cost of
allocated free airtime and space in periodicals be reimbursed by political
parties and blocks of political parties at their own expenses.
233.2 If a block of political parties is responsible for returning
budget money allocated for payment of free airtime presented and space
allocated in a periodical, the money to be returned shall be proportionally
distributed among the political parties included in that block before voting
day, with a condition, unless otherwise is established in the joint decision on
creation of the block of political parties and submitted to the Central
Election Commission.
233.3 If a registered candidate who is not considered by Article 230 of
this Code undertakes to submit a final financial report and to return the funds
in conformity with this Code, he/she can return funds of the state and
municipal budget to be returned, correspondingly to the account of the
Constituency Election Commission or municipal account, within 6 months
effective from voting day.
233.4 Before the submission of the final financial report, the political
parties, blocks of political parties, not considered by Article 230 of this
Code and who do not fulfil requirements of Article 230 of this Code but
undertake obligations before the Central Election Commissions, TV and Radio
companies and periodicals to pay relevant amount of monetary funds to them, can
be provided with a prolongation for the period of 6 months starting from the
voting day to pay for the amounts of state and municipal budgets as well as
cost for used free airtime and space in periodicals.
233.5 If the obligations considered by Articles 233.3 and 233.4 of this
Code are not fulfilled and if the period mentioned in the obligations on
returning the funds expires, that money shall be returned by the court. If a
registered candidate, political party or block of political parties not
considered by Article 230 of this Code and who has not fulfilled the requirements
of Articles 233.3 and 233.4 of this Code does not undertake the obligations
mentioned in Articles 233.3 and 233.4 of this Code unless the final financial
report is submitted, money shall be returned in the court prior to expiration
of the period for submission of final financial report.
233.6 If a candidate or registered candidate loses his/her status, the
obligations charged the candidate or registered candidates by this Article
shall be imposed on a person who was considered as a candidate or registered
candidate. Should the candidate, registered candidate be nominated by a
political party or block of political parties, the obligations charged by this
Article to the political parties and block of political parties will be imposed
on the political parties including those which entered the block of political
parties, after elections finish.
233.7 The Central Election Commission shall provide the Constituency
Election Commission with information about citizens who are considered by Article
230 of this Code and who have obligations to the election commissions or
municipalities, within 5 days after Constituency Election Commissions are
formed and after a decision on determination of elections, repeat or by-
elections is officially published.
233.8 The citizen considered by Article 230 of this Code, who has debts
to the election commission regarding the budget for the date of official
publication of decision of determination of the voting day, shall not have the
right to receive funds from the state or municipal budget during the elections,
repeat and by-elections, regardless of what constituency he/she has been
nominated for.
234.1 The voting room during municipal elections
shall be organized in accordance with requirements of Article 98 of this Code.
234.2 The Precinct Election Commission shall post the following on a notice
board in the voting room or in front of it:
sample of a ballot paper;
information on political parties, blocks of
political parties and candidates of which have been registered;
following information about all candidates
registered from the relevant constituency: surname, name, date of birth, education, main working
(service) place and occupation (if a candidate does not have it – type of
activity), address of residence, their nominators.
234.3 Information on candidates, political parties
and blocks of political parties shall appear in the manner and consecutive
order as defined in the ballot paper.
235.1 Ballot
papers for conduct of municipal elections shall be prepared in accordance with
the rule established by Article 99 of this Code.
235.2 Separate
ballot papers shall be prepared for each municipality election.
235.3 It shall
be indicated in the heading of the ballot paper what municipal election it is
intended to be used for.
A ballot paper for municipality elections should
contain the following information on the candidates for member of a
surname, name, patronymic, pseudonym;
date of birth;
main working or serving place (if he/she does not have them -
type of activity);
who has nominated the candidate
235.4 The
ballot paper should contain the short name of the party of a candidate for
membership of a municipality who has been registered in accordance with the
Article 54 of this Code.
235.5 Party
affiliation of a candidate for membership of a municipality, registered in
accordance with the Article 53 of this Code, can be indicated by his/her will.
235.6 An
empty square shall be placed at the right hand side of the candidate’s surname,
in the ballot paper.
236.1 Voting
during municipality elections shall be conducted in accordance with Articles
104 and 105 of this Code.
The voter shall mark the square opposite
to the surnames of candidates they want to vote for and the number of such
marks should be equal or less than the number of the relevant municipality’s
236.1.3 if the number of marked squares is more than
the number of municipal members, the vote shall be considered invalid.
236.1.4 if none of the squares is marked, the vote
shall be considered invalid.
237.1 The
counting of the votes in the election precinct shall be conducted in accordance
with Article 106 of this Code.
237.2 Each protocol shall contain, along with provisions of Article
100.2 of this Code, the following information about results of voting:
237.2.1 surnames, names, patronymics of candidates who
appear in the ballot box; if they are identical – additional information about
the candidates;
237.2.2 number of votes cast for each candidate.
The count of votes in a constituency election
commission shall be conducted in conformity with Article 107 of this Code.
238.3 The candidates
who participate in the elections and collect the majority of votes shall be
considered as elected to a relevant municipality, as appropriate to number of
municipal members.
238.4 The protocol of
the Constituency Election Commission shall contain the surname, name and
patronymic of the candidate elected as a member to municipality.
240.1 The Constituency
Election Commission shall consider the municipal elections failed, if the
number of votes cast for the registered candidates is equal.
The Constituency Election Commission or the Central
Election Commission shall consider the elections in a municipality to be
invalid, in the following circumstances:
240.2.1 if the number of election precincts where
voting results are considered invalid during the elections on a municipality
exceeds 2/5 of all precincts within the same municipality;
on the basis of a court’s
The Central
Election Commission shall announce the results of municipal elections in the Republic
of Azerbaijan at latest within 30 days after starting from Election Day. This
decision of the Central election Commission shall be final.
According to the sample
determined by Central Election Commission, a card for being elected as a
municipal member shall be provided by the Constituency Election Commission
within 5 days after the elections results have been announced.
Repeat elections
shall be conducted by the decision of Central Election Commission, if municipal
elections either fail or are considered to be invalid, according to Article 240
of this Code.
If the required
number of members of a municipality has not been elected, or their terms of
office have been terminated before their normal expiry date and as a result of
the above there is less than 2/3 of the members in a municipality, by-elections
shall be held with the decision of the Central Election Commission.
Following receipt
of the application from a Constituency Election Commission that a member of a
municipality has died during his/her term of office, or has had his/her term of
office terminated, the Central Election Commission shall determine new
Rules for publication of
outcomes and voting results of municipal elections shall be regulated by Article
109 of this Code.
Law of the Azerbaijan
on Approval and Entry into
of the Election Code of the
Azerbaijan Republic
The Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic decrees the following:
1. The Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic shall be approved.
2. It shall be determined, that Articles 24, 30.3, 36.1 and 36.2 are to enter into force on the day of the first meeting of the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, to be re-elected in 2005.
if 10 members of the Central Election Commission are present– by a majority of at least 7 of its members;
if 11 or 12 members are present– by a majority of at least 8 of its members;
if 13 members are present - by a majority of at least 9 of its members;
if 14 or 15 members are present - by a majority of at least 10 of its members.
4. The following composition shall be determined for organization of Constituency Election Commissions, until the period stipulated in Article 2 of the present Law:
if 6 members of the Constituency Election Commission are present– by a majority of at least 4 of its members;
if 7 or 8 members are present - by a majority of at least 5 of its members;
if 9 members are present - by a majority of at least 6 of its members.
5. The following composition shall be determined for organization of Precinct Election Commissions, until the period stipulated in Article 2 of the present Law:
if 4 or 5 members of the Precinct Election Commission are present– by a majority of at least 3 of its members;
if 6 members are present - by a majority of at least 4 of its members.
6. Shall Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions not be completely formed for the periods specified correspondingly in Articles 30.1 and 36.4 of the Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, meetings of such commissions are considered authorized if more than half of the appointed commission members are present, and decisions are adopted by simple majority of votes of the appointed members.
7. If the number of members participating in a meeting of an election commission is less than specified in Article 19.9 of the Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the meeting shall be postponed, and the next meeting be summoned for discussion of the significant issue (during the period of less than 6 days prior to the Election Day and within at least 3 hours before the elections). If at the next regular meeting the number of members is again less than two thirds, then the third meeting shall be summoned (during the period of less than 6 days prior to the Election Day and within at least 3 hours before the elections). Shall the number of members participating at the third meeting be again less than two thirds, then the number of members necessary for the meeting to be considered authorized is decreased from two thirds to half.
8. If during discussion at the election commission, the decisions, deadlines for adoption of which are specified in the Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, are not adopted 3 times by voting in accordance with Articles 3.6, 4.4 and 5.3 of this Law, and if discrepancies arisen herein are not resolved, then the majority of votes necessary for adoption of the decision shall be replaced with simple majority of votes.
9. If no municipalities are established in an inhabited area, then the responsibilities provided for in Article 29.7.4 of the Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic shall be carried out by the local executive authorities.
10. The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic” (July 5, 2000, #900-IQ), the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Election of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic” (June 9, 1998, #503-IQ), the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Rules of Elections to Municipalities” (July 2, 1999, #699-IQ), the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic” (May 15, 1998, #496-IQ), and the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Referendum” (December 30, 1997, #425-IQ) shall be considered invalid.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Baku, May 27, 2003
Decree of the President of
the Azerbaijan Republic
on Implementation of the
Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic
In respect of entry into force of the Election Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, I herewith decree the following, in order to ensure implementation of the Code:
President of the Azerbaijan Republic