Local Government Council Election Act

Passed on 16 May 1996,

(RT I 1996, 37, 739; consolidated to 1999, 60, 618),

entered into force 8 June 1996.

Chapter 1

General Provisions

§ 1. Bases of election system

(1) Members of local government councils shall be elected in free elections on the basis of a general, uniform and direct right to vote, by secret ballot.

(2) Voting in local government council elections shall be held in the territory of the corresponding local government unless otherwise provided by law.

(3) A local government council shall be elected for a term of three years, except in the case provided for in subsection 12 (4) of this Act. (10.06.98 entered into force 06.07.98 – RT I 1998, 57, 864)

§ 1 1 . Supplementary elections

(1) If the number of members of a local government council falls to or below the minimum necessary for operation provided for in subsection 45 (5) of the Local Government Organisation Act (RT I 1993, 37, 558; 1994, 12, 200; 19, 340; 72, 1263; 84, 1475; 1995, 16, 228; 17, 237; 23, 334; 26-28, 355; 59, 1006; 97, 1664; 1996, 36, 738; 37, 739; 40, 773; 48, 942; 89, 1591; 1997, 13, 210; 29, 449 and 450; 69, 1113; 1998, 28, 356; 59, 941; 61, 984; 1999, 10, 155; 27, 392; 29, 401), supplementary elections shall be held for the election of unfilled positions in the membership of the council.

(2) The chairman or deputy chairman of the council or, in their absence, the rural municipality mayor or city mayor shall notify the county governor of the circumstances specified in subsection (1) of this section within three days.

(3) A county governor shall declare supplementary elections by his or her order with the approval of the National Election Committee within ten days after receipt of the notice specified in subsection (2) of this section. The elections shall be held not earlier than on the thirtieth day and not later than on the ninetieth day after the elections are declared. An order of a county governor shall be published as public information within three days after the date of signing the order.

(4) The authority of members of local government councils elected at supplementary elections shall terminate at the same time as the authority of members of the councils elected at regular elections.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

§ 1 2 . Elections due to merger of local governments

(1) Upon the merger of local governments, the elections of the council of the local government formed by the merger shall be organised.

(2) A county governor shall declare the elections of the council of a local government formed by merger by his or her order with the approval of the National Election Committee within ten days after entry into force of a regulation of the Government of the Republic on alteration of administrative-territorial organisation. An order of a county governor shall be published as public information within three days after the date of signing the order.

(3) The authority of the new membership of the council and its members shall commence and the authority of the merged councils of local governments shall terminate on the date of announcement of election results.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

(4) The authority of the new membership of the council and its members shall terminate together with the authority of all other local government councils and their members on the date of announcement of the results of the next regular elections.

(10.06.98 entered into force 06.07.98 – RT I 1998, 57, 864)

§ 2. Holding of elections

(1) Local government council regular elections shall be held on the third Sunday in October in an election year.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

(2) Local government council supplementary elections and council elections which are held due to the merger of local governments shall be held on a Sunday.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

§ 3. General right to vote

(1) An Estonian citizen has the right to vote,

if he or she has attained eighteen years of age by the election day;

if he or she resides permanently in the territory of the local government;

3) if he or she has not been divested of his or her active legal capacity by a court. .

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

An alien has the right to vote,

1) if he or she has attained eighteen years of age by the election day;

if he or she resides permanently in the territory of the local government;

3) if he or she resides in Estonia on the basis of a permanent residence permit;

4) if he or she has resided legally in the territory of the corresponding local government for at least five years by 1 January of the election year;

5) if he or she has not been divested of his or her active legal capacity by a court.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) An Estonian citizen may run as a candidate,

1) if he or she has attained eighteen years of age by election day;

2) if he or she is entered in the national register established for the registration of electors in the rural municipality or city on 1 August of the election year at the latest;

3) if he or she is proficient in Estonian to the level provided for in § 31 of this Act.

4) if he or she has not been divested of his or her active legal capacity by a court.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(31) In supplementary elections or elections which are held due to merger of local governments, an Estonian citizen may run as a candidate,

1) if he or she has attained eighteen years of age by election day;

2) if he or she is entered in the national register established for the registration of electors in the rural municipality or city on the date elections are declared at the latest;

3) if he or she is proficient in Estonian to the level provided for in § 31 of this Act;

4) if he or she has not been divested of his or her active legal capacity by a court.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(4) A person who is serving a sentence for an intentional criminal offence shall not run as a candidate for member of a local government council.

(5) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(6) A person who has been convicted by a court and is serving a sentence in a penal institution shall not participate in voting.

§ 3 1 . Language requirements

The oral and written knowledge of Estonian of a member of a local government council shall enable him or her to participate in the work of the council, which means:

1) to understand the content of legislation and other texts;

2) to present reports on agenda items and express his or her opinion in the form of a speech or comment;

3) to pose questions and make proposals;

4) to communicate with electors, respond to appeals and petitions, and answer inquiries.

(15.12.1998 entered into force 01.05.99 – RT I 1999, 1, 1)

§ 4. Uniform right to vote

Every Estonian citizen with the right to vote and every alien legally in Estonia with the right to vote (hereinafter elector) shall have one vote in local government council elections.

§ 5. Direct right to vote

Election results shall be ascertained on the basis of the expression of will of the electors who participate in the elections.

§ 6. Secret ballot

Voting in local government council elections shall be secret.

§ 7. Election related expenditure

(1) Expenses incurred in the acts performed in the course of election organisation by a rural municipality and city government, rural municipality and city election committee and division committee shall be covered from the budget of the rural municipality or city. If in the budget of a rural municipality or city there are not enough funds to prepare and hold supplementary elections, the expenditure related to the elections shall be covered from the state budget at the request of and to the extent indicated by the county governor. An allocation received from the state budget in order to hold supplementary elections shall be withheld from the budget of the following year of the corresponding rural municipality or city. The Government of the Republic has the right to reduce the repayable amount or exempt the rural municipality or city from the repayment obligation.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(11) Expenses incurred in the acts performed in the course of election organisation by the National Election Committee and county election committee shall be covered from the state budget.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) The election campaigns of the political parties, election coalitions and independent candidates shall not be financed from the state, rural municipality or city budgets.

(3) A political party shall, within one month after elections are held, submit a report to the National Election Committee concerning expenses incurred and sources of funds used for the conduct of the election campaign by the political party and persons who ran as candidates in the list thereof. Election coalitions of citizens, and independent candidates shall submit their reports to the election committee of the corresponding rural municipality or city. The election committees shall publicise the reports.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 8. Prohibition on campaigning on election day

Active election campaigning on an election day is prohibited.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

Chapter 2

Electoral Districts and Polling Divisions

§ 9. Formation of electoral districts

(1) A local government council, except in Tallinn, shall form one or several electoral districts in the territory of the local government. Several electoral districts may be formed if the number of council mandates is at least thirty-one, such that the number of mandates in the electoral districts to be formed shall not be less than ten or differ by more than two.

(2) In a local government in which city or rural municipality districts have been formed, the council may form electoral districts by city or rural municipality district. In such case, the restrictions provided for in subsection (1) of this section shall not be valid.

(3) In Tallinn, the council shall form electoral districts by city district. The council shall divide one-half of the mandates equally among the districts of the city of Tallinn; the council shall divide the remaining mandates on a simple quota and largest-remainder rule, based on the number of electors residing permanently in the city district on 1 June of the election year.

(4) A local government council shall form electoral districts not later than ninety days before election day, and shall determine their number and boundaries, standard numeration in the territory of the corresponding local government and the number of mandates in each electoral district. The number of mandates shall be determined on a simple quota and largest-remainder rule, based on the number of electors residing permanently in the electoral district on 1 June of the election year as follows:

1) the total number of electors shall be divided by the number of council members;

2) the number of electors in each electoral district shall be divided by the number obtained as a result of the calculation made pursuant to clause 1) of this subsection;

3) each electoral district shall receive mandates pursuant to the integer of the number obtained as a result of the calculation made pursuant to clause 2) of this subsection;

4) mandates which are not distributed pursuant to clause 3) of this subsection shall be distributed on largest-remainder rule, based on the fractions of numbers obtained as a result of the calculation made pursuant to clause 2) of this subsection.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(41) In the case of elections which are held due to the merger of local governments, the councils of the local governments to be merged shall determine, based on the number of residents in the rural municipality or city to be formed by the merger, the number of members of the council to be elected and the number and boundaries of electoral districts, the standard numeration in the territory of the local government to be formed and the number of mandates in each electoral district. The number of mandates shall be determined in the way provided for in subsection (4) of this section, based on the number of electors residing permanently in the electoral district on 1 June of the election year.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) The resolution of a council or the resolutions of councils concerning the formation of electoral districts together with the number of mandates in each district and a description of district boundaries shall be published as public information within three working days after the date of adoption of the resolution.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

§ 10. Formation of polling divisions

(1) In order to hold voting, the rural municipality or city government shall divide each electoral district into polling divisions.

(2) The rural municipality or city government shall form the polling divisions not later than forty days before election day and shall determine their number, boundaries and standard numeration in the territory of the corresponding local government, and the locations of the division committees.

Chapter 3

Election Committees

§ 11. System of election committees

(1) The following election committees shall prepare for and hold elections:

1) the National Election Committee;

11) the county election committees;

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

2) the rural municipality and city election committees;

3) the division committees.

(2) In the cities of Tallinn and Tartu, the functions of the county election committees shall be performed by the city election committees.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) The term of rural municipality and city election committees and division committees shall be three years, except in the case provided for in subsection 14 (21 ) of this Act. The term of a committee shall continue until approval of a new membership of the committee.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

(4) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) Only Estonian citizens with the right to vote may be members of rural municipality and city election committees; in addition to Estonian citizens, other electors also may be members of division committees. A person may be a member of only one election committee.

(6) The authority of a member of an election committee shall terminate prematurely due to:

1) the entry into force of a conviction by a court against him or her;

2) his or her resignation;

3) his or her death.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(7) A person may be released from his or her duties as a member of an election committee by the body which appointed him or her either on the initiative of the official or body or on the proposal of the election committee.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(8) The authority of a member of an election committee shall be suspended if he or she:

1) forms an election coalition of citizens;

2) is designated as an authorised representative of a political party or election coalition;

3) presents an independent candidate for registration;

4) is presented for registration as a candidate for member of the council.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(9) The National Election Committee may suspend the activities of a member of a division committee, rural municipality or city election committee, or county election committee who violates law. A county election committee may suspend the activities of a member of a rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee who violates law.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(10) The authority of a member of an election committee is deemed to be restored:

1) in the cases provided for in clauses (8) 1)-3) of this section – as of the date when the authority of the elected members of the council commences;

2) in the case provided for in clause (8) 4) of this section – if the candidate is not registered, declines to run as a candidate or as of the date when the authority of the elected members of the council commences if the candidate is not elected.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(11) A member of an election committee shall not campaign for or against candidates, political parties or election coalitions.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(12) A member of an election committee shall be independent in the performance of his or her duties and shall operate solely pursuant to law. The members of a subordinate election committee shall operate pursuant to the instructions of a superior election committee.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 12. Competence of National Election Committee

(1) The function of the National Election Committee is to ensure the uniform conduct of local government council elections, instruct other election committees, exercise supervision over the activities thereof and perform other functions arising from this Act.

(2) By way of supervisory control, the National Election Committee has the right to:

1) issue precepts for the elimination of deficiencies of a decision or act of a county election committee, rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee;

2) suspend the performance of an act or the validity of a decision of a county election committee, rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee;

3) declare a decision of a county election committee, rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee invalid.

(3) The National Election Committee shall issue regulations in the cases provided for in subsection (4) of this section. The Chairman and Secretary shall sign the regulations of the National Election Committee. The regulations enter into force on the date following the date of signature.

(4) By its regulation, the National Election Committee shall establish the following:

1) the procedure for the registration of candidates;

2) the standard format of applications for the registration of election coalitions and memoranda of association;

3) the standard format of the applications for registration of the list of candidates and registration of independent candidates, the standard format of the list of candidates, the standard format consent of a candidate for his or her running as a candidate, the standard format of the personal data form of candidates, the standard format of the list of candidates in an electoral district;

4) the standard format of polling lists;

5) the standard format of ballots;

6) the procedure for the holding of voting and verification of voting results;

7) the procedure for the verification of election results;

8) the standard format of the records of voting results and election results;

9) the status of an observer;

10) the procedure for the use of money allocated from the state budget for the organisation of elections;

11) the procedure for the preparation, submission and publication of the report concerning expenses incurred for elections.

(5) The National Election Committee shall adopt decisions in order to resolve individual matters within the competence of the National Election Committee. The Chairman and Secretary shall sign the decisions. A decision shall enter into force upon signature.

(6) The National Election Committee shall file a protest with the administrative court in order to invalidate the decision of a rural municipality or city election committee by which a person was registered as a member of the local government council if it has become evident that the council member does not comply with the requirements provided by law.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 13. Competence of county election committee

(1) The function of a county election committee is to instruct rural municipality and city election committees and division committees, exercise supervision over the activities thereof and perform other functions arising from this Act.

(2) By way of supervisory control, a county election committee has the right to:

1) issue precepts for the elimination of deficiencies of a decision or act of a rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee;

2) suspend the performance of an act or the validity of a decision of a rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee;

3) declare a decision of a rural municipality or city election committee, or division committee invalid.

(3) A county election committee shall adopt decisions in order to resolve individual matters within the competence of the county election committee. The Chairman and Secretary shall sign the decisions of the county election committee. A decision shall enter into force upon signature.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 14. Formation of rural municipality or city election committee

(1) A rural municipality or city election committee shall be formed not later than ninety days before election day.

(2) The local government council shall form the rural municipality or city election committee with up to seven members and designate a chairman from among the committee members and up to three alternate members who, during the term of the committee and in the order specified by the council, shall replace committee members whose activities are suspended or terminated.

(21) In the case of elections which are held due to the merger of local governments, the councils of the local governments to be merged shall by decisions reached by consensus appoint the election committee of the rural municipality or city to be formed.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

(3) A person who possesses the necessary knowledge and experience for organisation of elections shall be designated as chairman of the rural municipality or city election committee. Upon withdrawal of the chairman, the council shall designate a new chairman.

(4) The deputy chairman and secretary of a rural municipality or city election committee shall be elected by the committee from among its members.

(5) In order to perform the tasks assigned to it, the rural municipality or city election committee may use the necessary amount of additional labour including vote counters.

(6) Organisational and clerical support to a rural municipality or city election committee shall be provided by the corresponding local government council or, at its request, by the rural municipality or city government.

(7) The rural municipality or city election committee shall specify and publish the location and working hours of the election committee.

§ 15. Competence of rural municipality or city election committee

(1) The function of a rural municipality or city election committee is to verify the voting and election results in the rural municipality or city, instruct division committees and perform other functions arising from this Act.

(2) A rural municipality or city election committee, with the approval of the National Election Committee, shall establish the terms for the activities of supplementary elections and publish such as public information within three days after the date of adoption of the resolution.

(3) The election committee shall adopt decisions in order to resolve individual matters within the competence of the rural municipality or city election committee. The Chairman and Secretary shall sign the decisions of a rural municipality or city election committee. A decision shall enter into force upon signature.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 16. Formation of division committee

(1) A division committee shall be formed not later than twenty days before election day.

(2) The local government council shall form a division committee with up to nine members and designate up to four alternate members who, during the term of the committee and in the order specified by the council, shall replace committee members whose activities are suspended or terminated.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) A candidate registered in the local government council elections, a presenter of an independent candidate for registration or an authorised representative of a political party or election coalition shall not be designated as a division committee member.

(4) The chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of a division committee shall be elected by the committee from among its members.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(6) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(7) Organisational and clerical support to a division committee shall be provided by the rural municipality or city government.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 17. Competence of division committee

(1) The function of a division committee is to hold voting, verify voting results in polling divisions and perform other functions arising from this Act.

(2) A division committee shall adopt decisions in order to resolve individual matters within the competence of the division committee. The Chairman and Secretary shall sign the decisions of the division committee. A decision shall enter into force upon signature.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 18. Administration of election committees

(1) Decisions of an election committee shall be adopted at a meeting which shall be convened by the chairman of the committee or, in his or her absence, by the deputy chairman. Minutes shall be taken of committee meetings.

(2) An election committee has a quorum if at least one-half of the membership of the committee is present at the meeting, including the chairman or deputy chairman of the committee. Decisions of the committee shall be adopted by a majority of votes in favour. The dissenting opinion of a member of the committee shall be recorded in the minutes.

(3) The safekeeping and use of the seal of an election committee shall be ensured by the chairman of the committee.

(4) The regulations, decisions and precepts of the National Election Committee shall be binding on county election committees, rural municipality and city election committees, and division committees.

(27.10.98 entered into force 13.11.98 – RT I 1998, 98/99, 1577;

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) A decision adopted by the rural municipality or city election committee within its scope of competence shall be binding on a division committee.

(6) The proposal of the election committee shall be the basis for suspension of an employment contract or service relationship of a member of the committee or person assisting the committee during the time of organisation of the elections.

(7) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(8) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(9) Election committee meetings shall be public and the decisions shall be made public.

§ 19. Assistance to election committee

(1) State and local government bodies, administrative agencies and agencies are, within their competence, required to assist election committees in the organisation of elections.

(2) An election committee has the right to address administrative agencies with a written application on issues concerning election organisation.

(3) An administrative agency shall answer the application of an election committee in writing within three working days after receipt of the application.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

Chapter 4

Registration of Electors

§ 20. Registration of electors

(1) Electors shall be registered in a national register (hereinafter register) established by the Government of the Republic.

(2) The register shall be maintained as a rural municipality register, city register and central register.

(3) Rural municipality governments and city governments are the authorised processors of rural municipality and city registers . In Tallinn, the Tallinn City Government shall organise the maintenance of the register. The Government of the Republic shall appoint the authorised processor of the central register.

(4) Each elector shall be entered in one rural municipality or city register.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 21. Preparation of polling list

(1) On the basis of the data in the registers, the authorised processor of the register shall prepare a separate polling list for each polling division for Estonian citizens with the right to vote and aliens with the right to vote.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) An elector shall be entered in only one polling list.

(3) Electors shall be entered in the polling list in the order of their permanent residence or surname.

(4) The polling list shall be signed by the rural municipality or city secretary.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) The polling lists shall be delivered to the division committee not later than one day before the start of advance polls.

§ 22. Elector card

(1) The authorised processor of the register shall send an elector card to every elector not later than twenty-five days before election day.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) The given name and surname of the elector, year, month and day of birth and address of permanent residence of the elector, the number of the polling division in which the elector is entered in the polling list, and the time and place of voting for advance polls and voting on election day shall be entered on the elector card.

(3) An elector who has not received an elector card twenty days before election day or whose elector card contains incorrect data may make inquiries to the authorised processor of the register to receive clarifications or to correct errors.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 23. Checking correctness of data and correction of errors

(1) An elector may check the correctness of data entered in the register concerning himself or herself. An elector may also check the correctness of data concerning himself or herself, or on other electors entered in a polling list.

(2) If an elector discovers an error in the data entered in the register or a polling list, he or she may submit an application to the authorised processor of the register or division committee for the error to be corrected.

(3) Errors in the register or a polling list shall be promptly corrected on the basis of documents which establish that errors appear in the data entered in the register or a list.

(4) If an error is corrected in the register, the authorised processor of the register shall notify the division committee of the corrections made. If an error is corrected in the polling list, the division committee shall notify the authorised processor of the register of the corrections made.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 23 1 . Making amendments in register or to polling list

(1) An elector may apply for an amendment to be made in the register or to a list. As of the tenth day before election day until election day (included), amendments in the register or to the list are made only if an elector has been erroneously omitted from the register or list, or erroneously entered therein.

(2) A division committee shall communicate an application for an amendment to the polling list submitted to the division committee to the authorised processor of the register, who shall promptly review it.

(3) If the authorised processor of the register makes an amendment in the register, he or she shall notify the division committee thereof. The division committee shall make the corresponding amendment to the polling list only after the amendment in the register is made.

(4) If an elector erroneously has not been entered in the polling list but he or she is in the electoral register, the division committee shall enter him or her in the polling list.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

Chapter 5

Presentation for Registration and Registration of Candidates

§ 24. List of political parties

(1) The Minister of Justice shall send a list of political parties to the National Election Committee not later than seventy days before election day. Political parties which are entered in the non-profit associations and foundations register not later than eighty days before election day shall be entered in the list of political parties.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) The National Election Committee shall forward the list of political parties to the rural municipality and city election committees.

(3) Political parties shall participate in the elections under their own name, except in the case provided for in § 25.

(4) A political party shall, before presentation of candidates for registration, submit a written notice to the rural municipality or city election committee which sets out the names, personal identification codes, addresses and telecommunications numbers of the authorised representatives of the political party. A person entitled to represent a political party according to the Non-profit Associations Act (RT I 1996, 42, 811; 1998, 96, 1515; 1999, 10, 155; 23, 355) or the articles of association of the political party shall sign the notice.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 25. Election coalition

(1) Political parties or Estonian citizens with the right to vote may form an election coalition. A political party or Estonian citizen with the right to vote may belong to only one election coalition or candidate list in the corresponding local government council elections.

(2) An election coalition shall be presented for registration to the rural municipality or city election committee not earlier than sixty and not later than forty-five days before election day.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) The rural municipality or city election committee shall register an election coalition presented for registration according to the requirements within three days after receipt of the documents set out in subsection (4) or (5) of this section.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(4) In order to register an election coalition of political parties, the authorised representative of the election coalition shall submit to the rural municipality or city election committee an application and the memorandum of association. The articles of association shall contain:

1) the name of the local government;

2) the name of the election coalition;

3) the names of political parties which form the election coalition;

4) the names, personal identification codes, addresses and telecommunications numbers of the authorised representatives of the election coalition;

5) other provisions which regulate the activities of the election coalition;

6) the signatures of persons entitled to represent the political parties according to the Non-profit Associations Act or the articles of association of the political parties.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) In order to register an election coalition of citizens, the authorised representative of the election coalition shall submit an application to the rural municipality or city election committee. The application shall contain:

1) the name of the local government;

2) the name of the election coalition;

3) the names, personal identification codes, addresses and telecommunications numbers of the authorised representatives of the election coalition;

4) other provisions which regulate the activities of the election coalition;

5) the names and signatures of the Estonian citizens with the right to vote who form the election coalition.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(6) The name of an election coalition shall not be offensive or misleading. The use of the name of a political party which does not belong to the election coalition or of the official name of another election coalition or of a name similar thereto as the name of an election coalition is prohibited.

(7) A rural municipality or city election committee shall not register an election coalition if the documents set out in subsection (4) or (5) of this section have not been submitted within the deadline for presentation for registration or if they contain omissions or errors.

§ 26. Presentation of candidates for registration

(1) Presentation of candidates for registration shall begin not earlier than sixty days before election day.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) A list of candidates may be presented for registration by a political party or an election coalition registered on the basis provided for in § 25 of this Act. An independent candidate may be presented for registration by an Estonian citizen with the right to vote, including a person who himself or herself wishes to run as a candidate in the local government council elections.

(21) In the case of supplementary elections, at least fifteen days altogether shall be for the formation and registration of election coalitions, and presentation for registration and registration of candidates.

(25.02.98 entered into force 30.03.98 – RT I 1998, 28, 356)

(3) Candidates shall be presented for registration by electoral district as candidate lists or independent candidates. A political party or election coalition may present only one candidate list for registration in an electoral district.

(4) A candidate may be presented for registration in only one electoral district. A person may run as an independent candidate or appear in the candidate list of only one political party or election coalition.

(5) A candidate shall use only his or her given name and surname when running as a candidate.

(6) In order to register a candidate or candidates, a person who presents an independent candidate, or an authorised representative of a political party or election coalition shall submit an application, conforming with the standard format established by the National Election Committee, a candidate list and the documents required in subsection (7) of this section to the rural municipality or city election committee. Upon presentation of an independent candidate, the name of the candidate shall be indicated in the application, and a candidate list shall not be presented.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(7) The following shall be appended to the application concerning all candidates:

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

1) the standard format consent of the candidate certified by his or her signature for presentation for registration and running as a candidate, for his or her registration in the presenter’s list or as an independent candidate in the corresponding electoral district. The consent shall include confirmation that the candidate is entered in the Estonian National Electoral Register of Citizens in that rural municipality or city and is proficient in Estonian at least to the level provided for in § 31 of this Act;

(15.12.1998 entered into force 01.05.1999 – RT I 1999, 1, 1)

2) the dated autographic oath of the candidate certified by his or her signature or a statement from the administrative agency which received a prior oath indicating to whom, in what context and when he or she previously took the oath;

3) personal data concerning the candidate pursuant to the standard format established by the National Election Committee.

(71) The following personal data shall be entered on the form of a candidate: the given name and surname, personal identification code, membership in a political party, postal address and telecommunications numbers.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(72) The following personal data may be entered on the form of a candidate: the place of birth, education and area of specialisation together with the name of the educational institution and date of graduation, research degree, place of employment and position.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(8) The presentation by a candidate, knowingly, of false data in the documents specified in subsection (7) of this section shall be a basis for the invalidation of the mandate granted to him or her in the elections.

(9) The order of the candidates in the list shall be specified by the presenter for registration.

(10) Applications for the registration of candidates, candidate lists and documents required in subsection (7) of this section shall be submitted to the rural municipality or city election committee not later than forty days before election day.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(11) If, upon presentation for registration of a candidate list or independent candidate, some of the required documents are omitted, contain errors or are not in conformity with the standard format established by the National Election Committee, the member of the rural municipality or city election committee who accepts them shall propose to the presenter for registration to submit the required documents or eliminate the errors. All submitted documents shall be returned. The presenter for registration shall sign against receipt of the returned documents. Upon re-submission of the documents, they shall be considered submitted for the first time and shall be registered as of the date of their re-submission.

(12) If documents are submitted for registration of a candidate list or independent candidate on the fortieth day before election day before 6 p.m. and they contain omissions or errors which cannot be immediately corrected, or are not in conformity with the standard format established by the National Election Committee, the documents shall be accepted. In such case, the rural municipality or city election committee shall propose to the presenter for registration to eliminate the omissions or errors from the submitted documents or to submit the documents, conforming to the standard format established by the National Election Committee, not later than on the thirty-eighth day before election day, at 6 p.m. If the omissions or errors are not eliminated by this deadline, the candidate whose documents contain omissions or errors shall not be registered.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(13) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 27. Registration of candidates

(1) The rural municipality or city election committee shall, after termination of the term for presentation of candidates for registration but not later than on the thirty-fifth day before election day, register all persons presented for registration in the order of their presentation for registration.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) Upon registration, each candidate shall be assigned a registration number. Registration numbers shall begin at 101 and shall be assigned to the candidates in the order of their presentation for registration.

(21) The rural municipality or city election committee shall adopt a reasoned decision on failure to register.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) After the registration of candidates, the rural municipality or city election committee may change the composition of registered candidates if:

1) the number of registered candidates in an electoral district is equal to or less than the number of mandates in the district;

2) a candidate declines to run as a candidate on the basis of his or her personal application within three days after registration;

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

3) a candidate dies;

4) it is established that the candidate does or does not meet the requirements provided for in this Act.

§ 28. Supplementary presentation of candidates for registration

(1) If the number of registered candidates in an electoral district is equal to or less than the number of mandates in the district, the rural municipality or city election committee shall propose to the electors and political parties to supplementarily present candidates for registration. Candidates who are supplementarily presented shall be registered not later than fifteen days before election day and shall be entered in the list of candidates in the electoral district.

(2) The requirements of §§ 26 and 27 of this Act shall be observed in the supplementary presentation for registration and registration of candidates.

(3) If, fifteen days before election day, the number of candidates in an electoral district is equal to or less than the number of mandates in the district, the rural municipality or city election committee shall adopt a decision concerning postponement of the elections for up to one month in the electoral district. In such case, the rural municipality or city election committee shall prepare and publish a schedule for holding the elections.

§ 29. List of candidates in electoral district

(1) After the registration of candidates, the rural municipality or city election committee shall prepare a list of candidates in the local government council elections for each electoral district separately.

(2) The registered candidate lists shall be entered in the list of candidates in the electoral district according to the order of their registration. The name of the political party or election coalition which presents the candidates shall be indicated at the top of the list. In the case of the list of an election coalition formed by political parties, the full names of all the political parties that form the election coalition shall be indicated in the list of candidates in the electoral district in addition to the name of the election coalition.

(3) Independent candidates shall be entered in the list of candidates in the electoral district in the order of their presentation for registration after the candidate lists.

(31) The rural municipality or city election committee shall forward the list of candidates in electoral districts to the National Election Committee. The Election Committee shall prepare a consolidated list of candidates to local government councils.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(4) All corrections and amendments concerning registered candidates shall be promptly entered in the list of candidates in the corresponding electoral district, and the list of candidates in the electoral district shall be reprinted and sent to all division committees of the corresponding electoral district. The previous list shall be destroyed. The list shall not be amended after the start of advance polls.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(41 ) The rural municipality or city election committee shall notify the National Election Committee promptly of the corrections and amendments specified in subsection (4) of this section. The National Election Committee shall notify the rural municipality or city election committees of corrections and amendments. Thereafter, the rural municipality or city election committees shall make the corresponding corrections and amendments to the consolidated list of candidates to local government councils specified in subsection 31 of this section.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(5) The rural municipality or city election committee shall arrange for the printing and forwarding of the list of candidates in the electoral district to the division committees.

(6) Every division committee shall have the list of candidates in that electoral district not later than one day before the start of advance polls. The list of candidates in the electoral district shall be posted at the location of the division committee, in the polling place and the secret voting booth. Members of the division committee shall have the list with them when holding home voting.

Chapter 6

Voting Procedure

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 30. Polling place

(1) Voting in a polling division shall be held in a polling place designated by the rural municipality government or city government. The location of a polling place shall be indicated on the elector card sent to an elector.

(2) A polling place shall have places for ballot distribution, voting booths and a ballot box. During advance polls, a polling place shall have a separate voting booth and ballot box for the electors who vote outside the polling division of their residence. The list of candidates in the electoral district shall be posted in the polling place.

(3) Election campaigning is prohibited in polling places and rooms through which electors enter the polling places.

(4) Order in a polling place shall be maintained by the division committee. The lawful oral orders of the members of the division committee are mandatory for all persons in the polling place.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 31. Voting booth

(1) A voting booth shall enable secret ballot.

(2) A voting booth shall have the list of candidates in this electoral district.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)


§ 32. Ballot box

(1) Before voting opens, division committees shall inspect and seal ballot boxes.

(2) The opening of a ballot box shall be covered. It shall be opened only for deposit of a ballot in the box.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 33. Ballot

(1) The National Election Committee shall establish the standard format of the ballot.

(2) The National Election Committee shall organise the preparation and delivery of ballots to the division committees.

(3) After the receipt of ballots, a division committee shall affix the seal of the division committee to the received ballots.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 34. Time of voting

(1) Voting on election day shall open at 9 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

(2) Advance polls shall begin on the sixth day before election day and close on the fourth day before election day. On advance poll days, polling places shall be opened for voting from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(3) Home voting shall be held on election days in the cases provided for in this Act.

(4) Voting in penal institutions shall be held on advance poll days in the cases provided for in this Act.

(5) In the elections which are held due to the merger of local governments, if such elections are not held at the time specified in subsection 2 (1) of this Act, and in supplementary elections, the provisions of §§ 361 , 362 and 363 of this Act do not apply.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 35. Voting

(1) An elector shall vote in the polling division in which he or she is entered in the polling list, except in the cases provided for in §§ 361 and 363 of this Act.

(2) In order to receive a ballot, an elector shall present to the division committee a valid identity and citizenship document, or a valid identity document which is issued by a government agency of Estonia and bears the photograph, the given name and surname of the person. The elector shall sign the polling list against receipt of the ballot.

(3) The elector shall complete the ballot in a voting booth.

(4) The elector shall write the registration number of one candidate in the electoral district of his or her residence in the designated space on the ballot.

(5) The elector shall complete a ballot himself or herself. If an elector, due to physical disability, is unable to complete the ballot himself or herself, he or she may have his or her ballot completed by another person, but not by a candidate in the election district of his or her residence.

(6) If an elector spoils the ballot, he or she has the right to receive a new ballot from the division committee. In such case the elector shall return the spoilt ballot to the division committee.

(7) After completion of the ballot, the elector shall fold the ballot and present it to a member of the division committee. The latter shall affix a seal of the division committee to the outside of the folded ballot.

(8) An elector shall deposit the ballot in the ballot box himself or herself. If an elector, due to physical disability, is unable to deposit the ballot in the ballot box himself or herself, another person may do so at his or her request in the presence of the elector.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 36. Advance polls

(1) Advance polls shall be held pursuant to the procedure provided for in § 35 of this Act.

(2) An elector entered in the polling list who has attained eighteen years of age by the advance poll day has the right to vote at the advance polls.

(3) At least three members of a division committee shall hold the advance polls.

(4) A member of the division committee shall mark the date of voting in the polling list concerning the electors who have voted.

(5) After the close of voting, the division committee shall seal the opening of the ballot box and the door to the polling place. On advance poll days and the following days, after the close of voting the division committee shall place the ballot box into a room which only the members of the division committee can access.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 36 1 . Specifications for advance polls held outside polling division of residence

(1) On advance poll days (subsection 34 (2)), an elector can vote outside the polling division of his or her residence.

(2) A county election committee shall designate at least one polling division in every rural municipality and city where electors can vote outside the polling division of their residence. The corresponding decision of the committee shall be published as public information.

(3) An elector who wishes to vote outside the polling division of his or her residence shall present a document provided for in subsection 35 (2) of this Act to a member of the division committee.

(4) A member of the division committee shall issue a ballot, two envelopes and the general list of candidates in the electoral district of the residence of an elector to the elector. The elector shall sign the list of electors voting outside the polling division of their residence against the receipt of a ballot.

(5) An elector shall complete a ballot pursuant to the provisions of subsections 35 (3)-(6) of this Act.

(6) An elector shall place the ballot in one of the envelopes given by a member of the division committee. The elector shall place the envelope in another envelope given by a member of the division committee. The elector himself or herself or a member of the division committee shall write the name, personal identification code and address of the elector on the outer envelope. The elector shall deposit the envelope in the ballot box prescribed for the ballots of electors who vote outside the polling division of their residence.

(7) If an elector who wishes to vote outside the polling division of his or her residence is unable to vote due to his or her state of health or for another good reason in the polling place located in the polling division, he or she may submit a written application to the nearest division committee designated pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection (2) of this section concerning voting at his or her location. The elector shall sign the list of electors voting outside the polling division of their residence against the receipt of a ballot. Voting shall be held by at least two members of the division committee pursuant to the provisions of subsections 35 (2), (4), (5) and (6) of this Act and subsections (4) and (6) of this section.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 36 2 . Calculation of votes cast during advance polls outside polling division of residence in verification of voting results

(1) A division committee shall pack the envelopes with the ballots of electors who voted outside the polling division of their residence by county, and by the cities of Tallinn and Tartu and shall forward such envelopes to the county election committee of their location.

(2) A county election committee shall forward the envelopes with ballots specified in subsection (1) of this section to the corresponding county election committees through the National Election Committee not later than on the second day before election day.

(3) A county election committee shall forward the envelopes with ballots received from other county election committees pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection (2) of this section to the corresponding division committees not later than on the day preceding election day.

(4) After receipt of the envelopes with ballots pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection (3) of this section, the division committees shall check that an elector has not voted in the polling division of his or her residence.

(5) If an elector has voted in the polling division of his or her residence, or if an elector has voted in several divisions outside the division of his or her residence, the division committee shall not calculate the ballots completed outside the division of residence in the verification of voting results. If an elector has not voted in the polling division of his or her residence, a member of the division committee shall make a notation in the polling list concerning voting at the advance polls.

(6) After the acts provided for in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, the division committee shall open the outer envelopes and deposit the inner envelopes with ballots in the ballot box used at the advance polls.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 36 3 . Voting in penal institutions

(1) Voting in a penal institution shall be held on advance poll days on the basis of a written application of the administration of the penal institution. The administration is required to submit the application if at least one person in the penal institution who has the right to participate in voting in local government council elections pursuant to subsections 3 (1) or (2) of this Act has submitted a corresponding application to the administration.

(2) The administration of a penal institution shall submit an application to hold of voting to the nearest division committee designated pursuant to the procedure provided for in subsection 361 (2) of this Act.

(3) Voting shall be held by at least two members of the division committee pursuant to the provisions of subsections 35 (2), (4), (5) and (6) and subsection 361 (6) of this Act.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 36 4 . Home voting

(1) If an elector is unable to vote in the polling place due to his or her state of health or for another good reason, he or she may apply to vote at his or her home.

(2) In order to hold home voting, an elector shall submit a written application to the rural municipality or city government, the city district government in Tallinn, or to the division committee of his or her residence by 4 p.m. on election day. The rural municipality or city government, the city district government in Tallinn, or the division committee shall register the application. The rural municipality or city government, or the city district government in Tallinn shall forward the application to the corresponding division committee.

(3) Home voting shall be held by at least two members of the division committee pursuant to the provisions of subsections 35 (2), (4), (5), (6) and (8) of this Act.

(4) An elector who votes at home shall sign the list of electors voting at home against the receipt of a ballot.

(5) A ballot box containing the ballots of electors who voted at home shall be opened on election day after the close of voting. Thereafter, the seal of the division committee shall be affixed to the outside of ballots of electors who voted at home, and the ballots shall be placed among the ballots of electors who voted on election day.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

Chapter 7

Verification of Voting Results and Election Results

§ 37. Verification of voting results at polling division

(1) Ballot boxes shall be opened after the close of voting. More than one-half of the members of the division committee shall be present at the opening.

(2) Before opening the ballot boxes, the division committee shall count and cancel all ballots that were not issued to electors and spoiled ballots returned by them. Ballots shall be cancelled by cutting off a corner of the ballot.

(3) Upon opening the ballot box, the state of the seal on the ballot box shall be checked.

(4) Before opening the ballot box, the division committee shall, on the basis of the polling lists, verify and enter in the standard format record the number of electors entered in the lists and, on the basis of the signatures in the polling lists given in receipt of a ballot, the number of electors who received ballots.

(5) The division committee shall, on the basis of the ballots in the ballot box, verify and enter in the standard format record the number of electors who participated in the voting, the number of invalid ballots and the number of votes in favour of candidates and candidates lists.

(6) A ballot:

1) which does not bear two seals of the division committee;

2) onto which no candidate registration number or more than one candidate registration number is marked;

3) which is marked with the number of a candidate who is not running in the electoral district;

4) which is marked with a corrected candidate registration number but which is ambiguous; or

5) which is marked with an illegible candidate registration number shall be considered invalid.

If a ballot is not completed according to the requirements, but it clearly indicates in favour of whom the elector voted, the ballot shall be considered valid. In case of doubt, the division committee shall determine the validity of the ballot by a vote.

(7) A standard format record shall be prepared concerning the verification of voting results. The record shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the committee. The date and time of preparation shall be indicated in the record.

(8) After verification of voting results, the valid ballots by candidate, invalid ballots, ballots which were not issued to electors and ballots returned by electors shall be packaged separately. The polling division from which the ballots originate and the type and number of ballots in the packet shall be marked on the packet. The chairman of the division committee shall sign the label.

(9) Ballots, polling lists, decisions of the committee, records, dissenting opinions of committee members and petitions and complaints submitted to the committee shall be promptly forwarded to the rural municipality or city election committee.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(10) Verification of voting results shall be public.

§ 38. Verification of voting results in electoral district

(1) On the basis of the records received from the division committees, the rural municipality or city election committee shall verify the number of electors entered in the polling lists, the number of electors who received a ballot, the number of electors who participated in the voting, the number of invalid ballots and the number of votes in favour of candidates and candidate lists for each electoral district. The result obtained shall be checked by recounting the ballots. A standard format record shall be prepared concerning the voting results.

(2) If a discrepancy arises between the voting results presented by the division committee and the voting results counted by the rural municipality or city election committee, the voting results shall be checked, and the circumstances giving rise to the discrepancy shall be clarified. The rural municipality or city election committee shall adopt a decision concerning the final voting results.

(3) If this Act is violated in any polling division or electoral district, the county election committee or the National Election Committee may declare the voting results in the polling division or electoral district invalid. In such case, the rural municipality or city election committee shall hold a repeat election within one month in the corresponding polling divisions, and the election results of the corresponding local government council elections shall be verified after the results of the repeat election become clear. Voting results shall not be declared invalid if a violation of this Act does not affect the election results.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 39. Verification of election results

(1) Election results shall be verified by electoral district.

(2) If a candidate in a candidate list dies or is deleted from the list of candidates in the electoral district in the interim between the start of advance polls and election day or on election day, the votes in favour of him or her shall be retained by that list. Votes in favour of an independent candidate who dies or is deleted from the list of candidates in the electoral district shall not be taken into account in the verification of election results.

(3) A simple quota shall be calculated for each electoral district, which shall be obtained by dividing the number of valid votes cast in the electoral district by the number of mandates.

(4) A candidate in favour of whom the number of votes cast exceeds or equals the simple quota shall be elected.

(5) Mandates which are not distributed in the electoral district on the basis of a simple quota shall be distributed as list mandates among the candidate lists whose candidates collectively receive at least five per cent of the valid votes in the corresponding local government.

(6) In order to distribute list mandates, the candidates shall be ranked in the lists according to the number of votes received. If candidates receive an equal number of votes from the electors, the candidate who was positioned toward the bottom of the list of candidates in the electoral district shall be positioned ahead. The votes of candidates running in the same list shall be totalled.

(7) A modified d’Hondt distribution method with the distribution series of 1, 20.9, 30.9, 40.9, etc. shall be used in the distribution of list mandates.

(8) The number of valid votes in favour of each candidate list shall be divided by the distribution series. The list mandates shall be distributed on the basis of the comparative figures obtained. In calculating the comparative figure of each list, as many first elements of the series shall be omitted as the number of mandates distributed to the list in the corresponding electoral district on the basis of the simple quota.

(9) The list for which the comparative figures obtained are greater shall receive the list mandates.

(10) If, in the distribution of a mandate, the comparative figures are equal, the mandate shall be allocated to the list which received more votes from the electors. If the number of votes received is equal, the mandate shall be allocated to the list which was positioned further toward the bottom of the list of candidates in the electoral district.

(11) The candidates ranked further ahead in the list according to the number of mandates allocated to the candidate list shall be elected.

(12) If only independent candidates are in the list of candidates in an electoral district, candidates who receive the greatest number of votes shall be elected. If at least two candidates receive an equal number of votes, the candidate who is further toward the top of the list shall be elected. A candidate who does not receive any votes shall not be elected. If, after the distribution of mandates on the basis of a simple quota and as list mandates, some of the mandates fail to be distributed, the candidates who receive the greatest number of votes from among the remaining candidates shall be elected.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(121) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(13) Rural municipality or city election committees shall prepare a standard format record concerning the election results.

(14) Verification of election results shall be public.

Chapter 8

Final Provisions

§ 40. Registration of members of local government council and commencement of their authority

(1) The rural municipality or city election committee shall register the elected members of the council by its decision and publish the specified decision as public information not later than on the tenth day after election day. In the cases specified in subsection 38 (3) of this Act, the rural municipality or city election committee shall register the members of the council not later than on the tenth day after holding the repeat vote. The election results are deemed to be declared and the authority of a member of the council shall commence on the date following the publication of the decision.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) The rural municipality or city election committee shall convene the elected council not later than on the seventh day after the date of the publication of the decision specified in subsection (1) of this section.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) The elected members of the council shall not be registered before the review of complaints by the county election committee or the National Election Committee.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 41. Petitions and complaints

(1) A petition against a decision of a rural municipality or city election committee shall be submitted to the rural municipality or city election committee within three days after the decision is made. The committee shall review the petition within three days after receipt of the petition and shall communicate the decision to the petitioner.

(2) A complaint against an act or decision of a division committee or rural municipality or city election committee shall be submitted to the corresponding county election committee within three days after the act or decision is performed or made. The county election committee shall review the complaint within three days after receipt of the complaint and communicate the decision to the submitter of the complaint and the corresponding committee. A complaint against an act or decision of an election committee of the cities of Tallinn and Tartu shall be submitted to the National Election Committee.

(3) A complaint against an act or decision of a county election committee shall be submitted to the National Election Committee within three days after the act or decision is performed or made. The National Election Committee shall review the complaint within three days after receipt of the complaint and communicate the decision to the submitter of the complaint and the corresponding county election committee.

(4) Failure to observe the procedure for submission of petitions and complaints provided for in this section shall not deprive an interested person of the right of direct recourse to the courts within three working days after an act or decision is performed or made by the election committee. An interested person also has the right of recourse to the courts after denial of his or her petition or complaint by the corresponding election committee within three working days after the corresponding decision is communicated.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 42. Liability for violation of this Act

(1) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(2) (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

(3) Administrative or criminal liability shall be imposed for violation of the provisions of this Act.

§ 43. Application of Act to aliens legally in Estonia

(1) In the 1999 local government council elections, an alien has the right to vote,

1) if he or she has attained eighteen years of age by the election day;

2) if he or she resides permanently in the territory of the local government;

3) if he or she resides in Estonia on the basis of a permanent or temporary residence permit;

4) if he or she has resided legally in the territory of the corresponding local government for at least five years by 1 January of the election year;

5) if he or she has not been divested of his or her active legal capacity by a court

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section do not apply to aliens to whom a temporary residence permit is issued as an exception, if the alien:

1) has committed a criminal offence for which he or she has been sentenced to an imprisonment for a term of more than one year and his or her punishment has not expired or cancelled;

2) he or she is or has been employed by intelligence or security services of foreign states;

3) he or she is in the active service of the armed forces of a foreign state;

4) he or she has served as a professional member of the armed forces of a foreign state or has been assigned to the reserve forces thereof or has retired there from.

(3) Aliens legally in Estonia with the right to vote specified in subsection (1) of this section shall be registered pursuant to the procedure established in Chapter 4 of this Act.

(16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 44. (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 45. (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 46. (Repealed - 16.06.99 entered into force 23.06.99 - RT I 1999, 54, 581)

§ 47. Amendment of Local Government Organisation Act

The following amendments are made to the Local Government Organisation Act: (RT I 1993, 37, 558; 1994, 12, 200; 19, 340; 72, 1263; 84, 1475; 1995, 16, 228; 17, 237; 23, 334; 26-28, 355; 59, 1006; 97, 1664; 1996, 36, 738; 37, 739; 40,773; 48, 942; 89, 1591; 1997, 13, 210; 29, 449 and 450; 69, 1113; 1998, 28, 356; 59, 941; 61, 984; 1999, 10, 155; 27, 392; 29, 401)

1) clause 18 (3) is amended and worded as follows:

"3) with the withdrawal from the Estonian National Electoral Register of Citizens in the given rural municipality or city; ";

2) clause 18 (4) is amended and worded as follows:

"4) with the entry into force of a conviction by a court for an intentional criminal offence; ";

3) clause18 41) is added in the following wording:

"41) by a court judgement whereby the decision of a rural municipality or city election committee concerning his or her registration as a council member was struck down; ";

4) section 20 is amended and worded as follows:

"§ 20. Alternate member of council

(1) In the cases prescribed in §§ 18 and 19 of this Act, an alternate member of the council shall replace a council member. An alternate member has all the rights and duties of a council member.

(2) The rural municipality or city election committee shall register the alternate members of the local government council and forward the list of alternate members to the chairman of the local government council.

(3) The alternate member shall be the first unelected candidate of the same political party or election coalition who ran as a candidate in the same electoral district as the council member to be replaced. If, for some reason, the first unelected candidate is unable to become a member of the council, the next unelected candidate in the electoral district in same political party or election coalition shall be the alternate member.

(4) If the member to be replaced ran as an independent candidate or if the same political party or election coalition has no more alternate members in the electoral district, an alternate member designated on the basis of an additional mandate distributed among the political parties and election coalitions and registered by the rural municipality or city election committee shall become a member of the council.

(5) If a rural municipality or city mayor or a member of a rural municipality or city government, who is elected to a new membership of the local government continues his or her activity as the rural municipality or city mayor or a member of the rural municipality or city government stepping down until the election of the new rural municipality or city mayor or the formation of the rural municipality or city government due to the convention of the new membership of the rural municipality or city council, then the rural municipality or city election committee shall decide on an alternate member becoming a member of the rural municipality or city council, based on the provisions of this section. The decision of the rural municipality or city election committee shall enter into force as of the date of the announcement of the election results.

(6) The authority of a member of the local government council shall be suspended or terminate, and the authority of the alternate member as council member shall commence as of the moment the decision of the corresponding council enters into force.

(7) Upon restoration of the authority of a council member, the authority of the alternate council member who was last designated to replace a council member from among the candidates of the same political party or election coalition shall terminate.

(8) Upon depletion of alternate members, the number of council members shall be less by the corresponding number. ";

5) § 21 is repealed;

6) clause 22 13) is amended and worded as follows:

"13) the determination of the number, borders and standard numeration of electoral districts, the determination of the number of mandates in each electoral district, the formation of rural municipality or city election committees and division committees, and the designation of the chairman of the committee and alternate members; ";

7) subsection 43 (2) is repealed;

8) in § 53, the words "local government council elections" are substituted by the words "in this".

§ 48. Amendment of Language Act

In § 5 of the Language Act (RT I 1995, 23, 334; 1996, 37, 739; 40, 773; 1997, 69, 1110; 1999, 1, 1; 16, 275):

1) subsection (1) is added to the section in the following wording:

"(1) In order to work in the Riigikogu or a local government council, oral and written knowledge of Estonian is required. A description of the level of language knowledge shall be provided pursuant to procedure established by the Government of the Republic. ";

2) existing text is considered subsection (2).

§ 49. Amendment of Political Parties Act

Subsection 10 (5) of the Political Parties Act (RT I 1994, 40, 654; 1996, 37, 739; 42, 811; 1998, 59, 941; 1999, 27, 393) is amended and worded as follows:

"(5) A political party shall, within one month after elections are held, submit to the National Election Committee a report concerning expenses incurred and sources of funds used for Riigikogu or local government council elections. ".

§ 50. Amendment of Administrative Court Procedure Code

The following amendments are made to the Administrative Court Procedure Code (RT I 1993, 50, 694; 1994, 16, 290; 28, 425; 1995, 29, 358 and 359):

1) the words "and protests" are added after the word "complaints" in clause 3 (1) 2);

2) clause 4 (1) 8) is added in the following wording:

"8) legislation or act of the election committee. ".

§ 51. Repeal of Acts

The following are repealed:

1) Republic of Estonia Act Concerning the 1992 Postponement of Local Government Representative Body Replacement Election Act (RT 1992, 6, 96);

2) Local Government Council Election Act (RT I 1993, 29, 505; 1995, 57, 981).